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So I thought I'd take some time this next week and revamp the membership banners for each of our Patreon tiers! I was thinking maybe keeping it in theme and having it be different girls from the same universe or different girls from different universes!

These would just be simple pinups but would spice up the page a bit, I think. Feel free to also comment your thoughts! Organizing this poll in terms of the universe you'd like to see, all of the above, or other.

Another thing I'd like to do is create a sort of Digital Magazine. This won't be Patreon exclusive BUT I'm telling you all first. So I have a collection of Playboy Magazines that my granddad started in the 60s and I'd like to go through and recreate these with your favorite characters each month. Like I said the "magazine" would be free to the public, BUT I'd like to make the individual HD renders downloads exclusive for you all!

Anyways, let me know your thoughts on both of these things, and be sure and use this poll to help decide what we'll do for our banners! :D