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Hey family! This Patreon is officially 6 years old now, so I want to say THANK YOU ALL so, SO much for the support.

Making a living from touring is really difficult, and it's hard to rely on. So having a steady income has been incredibly helpful for me. And on top of that, it's always heart-warming to see the community on Discord flourishing and supporting each other.

Masterclass Livestreams

On the next streams—in accordance with the results from the Discord vote—we will do some sound design sessions! Excited to dig into these, as there will be many opportunities to show how I’ve been going about turning simple sounds into something that fills in the spectrum nicely, and making variations of it.

The streams will be on the 4th and 18th of October, each at 4pm ET.

New & Upcoming Content

I’ve been working on the new class videos, so some new ones will be going up this month! I was traveling all summer, and now I just got new management, which has been taking up a lot of my time, but now I’m looking forward to working on the videos again.

1 Hour w/ INFEKT Stream

The mix stream will be on the 19th of October at 12pm ET. New music, new music, new music, and a Q&A session after as usual!


Thank you once again, I appreciate you all.

Much love,
Christian / INFEKT




Joining your Masterclass has been the best decision and I keep recommending it to all of my producer friends 🥹 thank YOU for this high quality content and for making this wholesome community possible!


I learnt and keep learning so much with this masterclass, happy to see the evolution through the years and that you put the effort each time to provide us the best content, I'm glad to be part of it ☺️ Thank you !


really appreciate you man, you've been here for so long, and we actually got to meet in person! means a lot, I'm happy to hear this!