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Hey Family, here’s the monthly update! I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback about the course from you guys lately; really proud of how far it’s come.

Masterclass Livestreams

On the streams this month I will dive into Phase Plant since it’s such a powerful synth that I want to talk about and explore more. The granular generator in it has been giving me some crazy results!

The streams will be on the 6th, and 27th of July, each at 4pm ET.

New & Upcoming Content

A lot of the videos in the Mixdown chapter are available now! Since my schedule has been all over the place, I often upload videos in bulk, but I still want to keep up with the “one video for each week” goal I had set.

1 Hour w/ INFEKT Stream

The mix stream this month will be on the 27th of July at 12pm ET since I’ll be in Europe until then. Excited to hang out and catch up with you guys on the Q&A after!


Thank you for being part of this course!

Much love,
Christian / INFEKT




I’m glad to be back

Todd Tokashiki

just joined bruv! Super excited to dive in. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. :)