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Hey everyone, just wanted to check in and see if there was anything that you didn't like about the masterclass so far, anything that didn't work, that bothered you, anything that was unclear or could have been explained better, or if there's any other concern or question you have. I'm always looking to improve the experience.

In addition to that I would also appreciate to hear what you did like, so that I can potentially focus on those things in the future and give you more of what you like.

The course has been going for about 5 months now and I have to say I'm very thankful for all of the support and trust from all of you. I was unsure about whether the Masterclass would work and whether it was a good idea, but the positive feedback I've received and the progress I've heard from some of you is enough to convince me that it's one of the best things I could put my time into. Teaching is a passion I've discovered thanks to Patreon and it wouldn't have been possible like this without your support. Thanks to all of you!!

Much love,
Christian / INFEKT



i would love more frequent livestream production sessions or even if it wasnt live just an hour long video of you in real time producing... ive never gotten to catch one live because im always at work, but i look forward to those the most because i feel im able to learn the most when watching you actually apply the practices you teach in real time. and watch you problem solve/experiment along the way while explaining what you’re doing. theyre probably the most time consuming/hardest to do but those have by far been the most educational for me personally. love the course g! 💕


Really appreciate the feedback! I think doing it more than every other week would be a little much right now just because I also have so many other things to do--like working on the new classes for each week, my sample pack and of course also new music in general for Patreon and releases. I will, however, keep this in mind and potentially do more in the future, especially when all the classes are out later this year I'm thinking of doing streams frequently to keep it going. For now though, I hope it's not too much of an issue with not being able to tune in live, the streams will always be available to watch after on the website. What would be a better time for you? I've been trying to figure out what would be the best time for everyone, but it's really difficult since a lot of us are in different timezones and on different schedules. Glad you like the course so far and thank you again for the comment 🙏