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And we're done! Thank you very much to everyone who has supported me during this comic's development. This was definitely a lot more work than I thought it was going to be, so I'm going to take a break from comics for a bit, at least long ones. I'll still post pics and anything else I get up to. But I probably won't make a big one for  a while. Again, thanks for your support!




Heck of a saga. Also super ambitious to open a patreon with a 38 pager but amazing work!!


And now Jenny has become a breeding slave.

Maximum Ooferdrive

Fuck this comic was amazing. Mind control is such a delicious kink.


Well done but now you take a break yea? You deserve it!

Mutated Plush

Amazing work. Proud of you! 💜

Ardrill Evermore

How are they going to take her home though?

An Actual Super Villain

set her sizes to minimum and put her in a backpack. Then when they get home **max everything out** and when they get bored of that **bully Sheldon into adding more features!!**


Thank you so much for working on the comic! I've really been enjoying the whole lot of it! I do have one critique that I would like to air out though. I think a lot of your panels are too close up to the action. Sometimes it can be slightly difficult to tell what is happening. Drawing from a perspective further away obviously means drawing more lines. But being able to see more of the action is definitely sexier and with your style and skill its definitely a shame not to see more of it! For example, I would also personally have loved to see an panel of Tiff cumming inside XJ9. Tiff's lower body nearly consumed by XJ9's giant ass while she arcs herself backwards and stands on her toes in the throes of passion. I'm sure you can imagine that and agree its a pretty sexy imagery. I have waited until you were finished with the comic to say anything because its pretty minor and I don't know difficult it would be to have a further out perspective. Either way, as I said I still love your comic and I can't wait to see what you do next. Since you MLAATR stuff I hope that you will one day give Vega some love too! She's always neglected and I don't understand why.


That's fair. I just felt that if I pulled further away it would be a bit harder to read. Perspective can be difficult when you work on pages for so long. Thanks for your support!


I think your style is easy enough to read that you wouldn't need to worry too much. But its also just a minor thing which is why I kept it to myself. I was scared to demotivate. You didn't need even that tiny bit of negativity you might have derived from the critique because you were still doing absolutely great! The comic is absolutely still a great work of art and I appreciate what you have made very much!