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Hi there, bros. This is your omnipotent leader speaking. I want to thank you for all the support, since that is where my omnipotence is coming from XD. Anyway, it's Monday. Time to do what needs to be done.
(ACTUALLY: I am writing this on Sunday, because on Monday I will be super busy with IRL stuff and won't be able to work at all. Can't say I am looking forward that, but it is what it is.)

Not the work. Have nothing to report about anything not work related. Didn't watch any movies, didn't start playing any new games. It's all good though because I was able to get a lot of work done and at the end of the day that makes me happy like nothing else.

The work. Finished with the fruit stand segment. Ironing out the bugs took some time and all art assets are still in the placeholder stage, but everything is working flawlessly now and achieving that was the most difficult part for me. Also ignore Crocus, he is also just a placeholder (even though he will be in the game).

The plans. This week I will finally start working on a bit more exciting things, such as festivals and other events. I plan to start with Harvest Festival. You will be able to participate alone or invite a date for emotional support. Taking second and third place will net you monetary prizes while first place will be awarded with a trophy that you will be able to display at home. I don't plan to go too deep with this. It will be a short event but very flexible depending  on who you invite. It will also require a few additional art assets, but I plan to use sketches as placeholders for now. If I will be done with this before next Monday I will proceed to Muscle Man festival, which will also be a short but flexible event for your to participate.

To sum it all up. From now on I will be working on all sorts of events involving you and the girls while testing the game in general and making slight adjustments. That is the plan. Have nothing else to say really. Thank you for your support.


List of links just in case:




This week's gif is from: Picket Fences

William Jackson

The 80's were so weird, man. Only the 80's could make a movie about a kid building a magic girlfriend in his bedroom that brings him gameboy and cake in her underwear.