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How is it going bros? All good I hope? Ready for Monday Post 291? Well, ready or not, here it comes!!! (This actually remined me of that Harry Potter joke when Ron asks Hermione if she wants to play into **pe, she says "no" and he replies with: "Perfect!".) XD

The games. Big news: I beat KOTOR1. I did it 2 weeks ago actually, I just forgot to mention it in the previous Monday Post. All in all the ending was OK, although I was expecting a bit more... I thought some of my decisions during the game would affect the ending, but apparently not. I guess with KOTOR1 it's not the destination, it's the trip that matters. Also I was surprised that I could just flip to the Dark Side 10 minutes before the ending despite all my Light Side decisions during the game. I did try going to the Dark Side simply out of curiosity and it went super dark super quick. I fact it went so dark that I decided to just reload the save file. In the end KOTOR1 left a very good impression on me. This was my first time playing that game. Better late than never, right? :)

The games 2. The original plan was to move on to KOTOR2 right away, but after beating the game I felt like cleansing my pallet a bit, so I decided to I finally give Fire Emblem Awakening a try. I am playing it on my hacked 3DS that I bought from some Russian dude quite a few years ago. Instead of trying to figure out what got censored and where I can download fan translation patch I decided to just go with the original Japanese version. My Japanese was never on a fluent level and it's getting worse with every year so half of the time I have to use the translating app on phone. Only half of the time though, so the game is completely playable, and this will be (probably) the main game I play for weeks to come.

The IRL. Fucking IRL, man... This week was going really fine, and then on Friday I got a call from a family member and was very busy ever since. Going to the hospital, dealing with all sorts of unavoidable bushtit. Don't want to give you exact details, since I always feel a bit weird when artists I follow overshare and say: "My father died from cancer yesterday. Here is a photo of him on hospital bed. Here is me hugging him one last time. Bye pops." I just made this up, but I am already feeling down, so when I see stuff like this in reality, it's just too fucking depressing. I am probably just being childish though, this is all part of life after all, but at the same time I feel like dumping too many of details on you is not something I want to do. All I am going to say that last few days I was busy with some things that are not related to my work. It's mostly resolved now, and I have big hopes for this week. ^^

The Work. In short I am still working on the gardening bit. Unfortunately as I begun puting things together I realized that some of the story bits don't work the way I hoped they would. So I had to re-write big chunks of text. That is normal for me though. I always try to make sure I don't force the player to read more than necessary. The moment the player get's bored -- it's pretty much game over.

That's it, really. Have some new stuff to show off, but I won't, since I want you to discover it on your own while playing. This week I will be also working on some new backgrounds, so maybe I will show you some of that next Monday. Anyway, that is all. Thank you for your patience. You are quite  literally the best.

List of links just in case:




And to add to all the comments before me: then you fit right among us, you are the best as well. Really enjoying every single Monday update. Good job!


Thank you for continuing to update us every Monday, even in this situation. All my best wishes for a better tomorrow. And on a lighter note, thanks for this splendid gif of the no less splendid April O'Neil.


Glad you enjoyed KOTOR! And true, the ending does feel a bit meh in comparison to the rest of the game. It is nice to play games in original, I try to do that with some japanese games but usually I lack conviction to keep it up. Other than that, hope you will get everything sorted soon, also, if you think like sharing it is fine, do everything you need to do, as long as you feel what is right. Remember IRL always comes first (sadly) but I am sure everything will work out. About the game, I am very glad you are keeping some secrets for us to discover, I am sure the game will be amazing, especially with all the work you are putting into it. All the best and see you next week!

Michael M.

Sorry to hear about you going through tough times Aka, happy to hear it's mostly resolved and I hope that it is going better. Really excited for the game and I can't wait to see Agrabah again!