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Hello Monday Bros! It's Monday again and that means only one thing: MONDAY POST!!! (Not the best intro, but I've been writing these for 262 weeks straight. Can't win them all.)

The work. This week was a bit less productive then I had hoped. One day I couldn't work properly because I had a headache related to my neck problems, another day I was too busy replacing air conditioning system in my apartment (obviously I wasn't doing it myself, but majority of the day was still wasted on this.)

Oh, and since I started whining already, let me mention another thing that made my life a bit more complicated this week: I somehow managed to loose a fully colored background for the first floor of the player's house. I had it colored few weeks ago, but I just can't find it anywhere now. So, basically I lost several hours of my work, and after that I wasted several more hours checking and double checking all my folders and online storages for the colored version, to no avail, obviously... 

Eventually I just had accept the fact that I may never find it and had to color it from scratch again. (You'll see colored version in the EXTRA!! post.)

And that is all I have to share at the moment. No big updates, just another day at the forge. Make sure to check out the EXTRA!! post. Thank you for your support. See you all next week.




Trevor Bond

Oof, I've lost work on my computer before, I know the pain!


Shame about that, even with backups weird things happen and yeah know the feeling of wasting heaps of time and not finding back what you know you did.


Yeah... Thankfully it doesn't happen that often to me. I try to back up everything as often as possible. ^^


I bet I will find that damn file eventually, but I already don't need it. That's just life.