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Hello, guys.

This is an official announcement for the public release of "SC 34". 

You can find the game in the attcemnts for this post, or use this MEGA link:

WIN: https://mega.nz/#!PEJ02CiT!IU21BOcj92ZZVVxdKhwLy0OpZ2j2SwwclXjEhQFgiRg


AND: https://mega.nz/#!zJgAGKaa!TmCrn5nelThCH2t1Z_hGucX8HGNiQ692WQSPcd7zfFY

LINUX (for André Fettouhi :)  https://mega.nz/#!3Nx1zBRS!qtjOxpQIynArhLVo4r0SUPqLmGd3lEkP0_-Fjc3TLnU 

I spent hours and hours sending out the download links manually to all my patrons... From the looks of it only a small portion of patrons received the link when I sent it out the first time... The requests are still coming in, but at this point if you didn't get a reply from me you need to just go and get the link from my site.

The version of the game on my site is 1.02. The only difference from the original version is that it has about dozen less typos and it also has a more convenient stress level indicator for every girl. If you already did beat the game, there is no need to download it again.

Now a few things about the game itself:


- You don't need to grind for 10/10 mastery for every mission. (Unless you feel like it). 

- Yes, there will be more content both for Ashelin and Jasmine as I keep updating the game.

ALSO: I specifically designed (or at least I tried to design) the game in such a way so that it could be constantly updated with new content without the necessity to replay the same game over and over again with every new update. Meaning that instead of adding new features I will be adding new content (new characters, and events). 

It also means that the game has no end credits or any ending whatsoever. Every character has a set number of quests and events and as soon as you complete all the events - you're done with the current version. 

AND: it also means that the choices you make don't have any segnificant impact on the main story so you can relax and choose whatever you like.

Also about the ANDROID version. You should probably know that Xaljio is not 100% sure if your save-file will carry over into a newer version like it does with PC. Still I am as always very thankful to him for packing the ANDROID version. It looks gorgeous on the screen of my tablet ^^

And thank you all for your positive feedback, words of support and constrictive criticism. I do read all your posts and messages and emails, and I try to reply to every each one of them if I can help it. It may take some time though...

Thank you for your support, guys. Enjoy the holidays!


"Star Channel 34" on my android tablet...

Uploaded by Akabur on 2016-12-27.



Hi AKABUR, i'm a very bif fan of your work, and SC 34 is really awesome but sadly it ends when things are starting to be very interesting... Please tell me you still working on others updates / episodes for this game..


Hi Akabur, I am very interested in ost of this game.


I love your games Akubar and as soon as i'm able i'll support you haha I hope you'll roll out a new updat out for Star Channel 34 soon haha (on version 2.02 now)


Привет, Рубака, знаешь, по русскому интернету ходят слухи что ты русский, это правда? Просто даже американцы делают в своих играх русскую локализацию, ты бы мог обзавестись гораздо большей аудиторией, если бы в твоих играх была вшита русификация. Так ее и другие умельцы делают, но ждать пока русифицируют новую версию с патрона долго, а так сразу открыл и в опциях поставил русский. Надеюсь ты поймешь и поможешь своим поклонникам.


Кстати, я не один такой "Холмс", знаешь как именно я понял что ты русский? Во многих твоих играх есть галерея скетчей и набросков, там есть одна фотография где ты держишь кисть рядом с баночкой гуаши, а на ней написано "Гуашь") Смешно, правда? А один умелец в русифицированной версии одной из игр сделал тень, от слова Akabur в начале игры, перевернутой, то есть получилось Рубака.


The links around patreon and your site doesn't work it just sends me to MEGA login or says the file might have been removed. :s


Rejoice, another game is release, thanks a lot for the amazing gem, its worth the time, the best Akabur game yet, and they are all good. Thanks buddy

Terebonkoff Game Studio

I can not wait to check out. Due to their games, I came to patreon! Thank you!


So, how much is there to do currently?


Mind making a linux version again for the 1.02 release?


God I hate you, man! No, I love you, since you support me and all. But I wish you would switch to PC or MAC... OTL... Just gimme a sec to pack the game for you... I'll ad the link to the list of links above as soon as it's done... -_-


Well... You know... fuck, I honestly don't know what to say to you. It's a game and it has some quest and events and stuff... -_-


Thank you, my dear friend. And I AM aware that I am yet to reply to your letter... Just a bit busy at the moment. I'll get to it as soon as I can ^^


You are a Hentai Hero :) And I will continue to support you for gems like this :)




Thank you, boss!


I must be missing something, I have 400credits, 8 starpoints and all i can do is get jasmine and Ashelin to dance and send them to some shows, i have no more events of quests available for any character.


Figured it out, bought some clothes (perhaps make that a tad more obvious?)




Now its time for you to enjoy also the holydays! Thanks for a year full of Akabur brand games, thank you for beeing comited to your work and to your fans ! May you have health and time to finish your future projects ! Rock on man !


Cool beans :D Ill give my review and stuff once things settle down. and when you have more free time lol.. So far though I did send you two typos I found via E-mail. which you replied too already so no worries there ^^ GET SOME REST NOW the grind will start sooner than you think xD OTL


yay, n1


Есть упоминание об Эшлин и Жасмин, но будут ли в дальнейшем добавлены новые героини?


Hi Akabur, is there an ending for SC 34? I completed all Events and Quests (I thought I did)


Shit... I forgot to mention this in the post... The thing is, as soon as you are done with all the quest and events for every character - that is it for now. There IS NO ending.


that title screen is pretty funny nice job m8 :D


Thank you, William. It may sound weird, but I actually DO need to hear things like that every once in a while. Thanks. ^^


Dear Akabur, how about instead of using hours of work sending emails to all patreons, make a patreon only page that you tag "current patreon version" or "Current beta version" but the download link there and then just make a post that points us to that. That would be the easiest and best for both parts :) And you can reuse that patreon only post every time you have a new beta ready! Those hours you could have used on rest or more content :))


i have to say i love the elf girl i hate how jasmine is just a bitch it will be funny if ashtin i think thats her name would be like iris and beat the shit out of jasmine with a whip


IT'S DONE! Time to get to work on the next part.


Don't worry, Jasmin destroys herself without any help.


Be proud, you reached the summit! :D You fought the good fight and now you can finally enjoy the Holidays for a bit, I wish you a Happy New Year and I pray that 2017 will be even better for you Akabur! I love everything you do for us!


Great stuff so far mate, loving it! The whole idea is set up very well to expand to more girls / more scenes too, so definitely looking forward to those!


I'm stuck after awaking Jasmine. What should I do?


Yes, that was the whole point. Thank you. The fun will really be starting from this point on! :)


Talk to everybody and click all the buttons, the same thing you'd do in every other game, basically.


Good job! 👍💜💗👌


Great work)))


That is again a amazing game! Your art is great, love to see more stuff.


you are so awesome thanks as always :)


Enjoyed it so far. Looking forward to the next major update!


Akabur, You're the BEST!


Just curious but there is a way to access the rest of Ashelin's content right? I can't seem to get to it.


Сделал бы что ли отдельно нарисованные каюты у помощниц, капитанский мостик, космо магазин несколько локаций и персонажей для второстепенного сюжета а то как то халтурно выглядит когда все на одном экране, и что бы были сцены покупки или пленения новых членов экипажа а не просто появлялись на корабле.Всего то пару недель попотеть и забить на планы и график ))


would be nice to get a message or something so you know when you have reched* the end of the game? or am i just stuck?

percy Jackson

Akabur, I found a problem that I cant seem to get around. I'm new to this whole thing and I tried out the new game on my Mac, I went to wardrobes and changed to the old cloak but I have no way of getting out of that screen. My mouse actions dont work and using the arrow pad only allows me to get to the speech box and not the exit button. also I see a black line across the screen every character expression change. I don't know if you know about these problems yet or if they are being taken care of but I do like the idea of the game. Also your are the only one that actually puts a story into your games which I love. keep up the good work.


Small visual bug with Lola's 'Standard Issue' outfit that being the name tag, appearing backwards on wrong side of torso.


I like this game. I made it to the end. I have a few observations. One it would be nice if the girls' comments would change as more shows be performed. The change might show the girl is less reluctant or in case of Jasmine she it certain her dancing topless for her friends is absolutely correct.


Also, having another TV interview during the middle or the end of the sequence of the shows would be nice.


On Ashelin Praxis I have 3/1 Events and 4/3 Quests and i can only do the first Show Briefing The Troops And im unable to do Quest 4 and Event 1 and 2 I somehow did event 3. So am i done with the game for now if i finished all other Quests and Events? If so i would love to see more of Ashelin in a later Update/Patch.


Love the game, thanks for sending me the link, man. I think I may have hit all the content or maybe I locked myself out of something. Can't seem to make my sexy mercenary Ashelin strip or get it on with anyone. Talked to everyone I can, everything is maxed, no outstanding quests. Ah well, fun so far. Can't wait for more sexy stuff. Thanks again.


THIS IS MUTUAL FUCKING GOLD ! So excited to see this game progress . So many Freezers full of sluts . With this format you really have hit the nail on the head . The amount of characters that can be added is almost endless . Great job again . Only thing I would ask for is a box saying , " you have completed this current area , wait for the next update "


Game seems solid, I like the concept. But if you're planning on expanding it over time we need a hint when we ran out of content; I've been spinning my wheels generating stars and cash for the last half hour and nothing has happened, so it'd be good to know if I simply ran out of game or if I need to find something to do. (I have Jasmine stripping, Ashelin dancing, and a few outfits for each but that's it. That's not unreasonable for a first release but I have no way of knowing if I'm done or not at this point.)


Actually, I think you *do*have that. The events and quests counters are all X/X for all the characters (i.e. the same number on both sides of the slash) so I assume that means I'm done with the game.


I had a blast watching this man. I always get the feeling you love what you create.


I don't even really know if you want extensive feedback and if it'd go here or in the PM :'


Maybe attachments are delayed because it takes time to upload to Patreon's servers


You can always contact me via email: akaburfake2@yahoo.com


Thank you. And yes, many people seem to have gotten a bit confused by the lack of the "you have completed this current area" sign... -_-


Hm... It changes after you reach mastery 10. But I suppose it could change twice... Like after you reach master 5 first and then after you reach 10. I'll give it some thought...


Not a bug... That's how Ren'Py works. I could work around it, but I don't think it worth the trouble.


You are literally the only person to report this, so there got to be some problem on your end, man... :(


Yeah, you are not the first person to suggest this. Make sure you cleared all the quests and events.


Meh-he-he! More! Say more nice things to me! ^____________^


For the last time, dude: I do not approve of you do with my work and we are NOT FRIENDS, so stop acting like we are.


I finished it (apart from maxing some shows) and it was very enjoyable! Can't wait to see what you'll come up with next! Just to clarify, Ashelin strip isn't in this version, right? Maxed all the quests and shows for her and quests for other characters; haven't seen any new indications. No items in the shop either apart from canisters.


Glad you enjoyed it. And you don't need to max the mastery of the shows, so just relax now.^^ And no, Ashelin is not available for stripping in this version (even though her animation for striping is ready and it's super hot :). Convincing to strip for the cameras will take some time, and I need to release the game sooner rather then later.

Saturday morning!

So there isn't any way for Genie to interact with any of the girls? No captain's cabin he can call them into for some one on one time?


Ok! like James, i have also finished the game today ! Download it yesterday and finished it today ! Its very cool Akabur and the game is captivating: scenes, quests, dresses, all good quality made. You're a pioneer man in this kind of games, many copy you, and you can be proud that you became a source of inspiration for others ! Keep up the good work and I'm awainting your future developments :D ! Take care !


Just finished playing it... THE GAME, I mean! :P Man, oh, man! You outdid yourself yet again! Amazing work and congratulations for all your hard work. Not only is it tantalizingly excellent but it has an almost insane potential for future feature updates. Also, I love how you handle every character, "personality wise", that is. ;)


Thanks man. And yes, I have some interesting plans for the updates, and the way the game is setup it should be relatively easy for me to do. Thank you for your support, man.


I have no idea why your games are so damned addictive. But whatever it is about your design philosophy and/or sense of humor, don't go changin' my friend. Also, I quite enjoyed all the ads during shows. Those little details make a big difference on the way to immersion. Speaking of ads, I'm hoping Hermione really will be coming soon. Phrasing, I know. Been watching way too much Archer lately. And now, inexplicably, I need to go play some Helldivers and watch Starship Troopers at some point. Wonder what prompted those cravings. At any rate, excellent work as always. Looking forward to lots of new programming on my new fav channel.

Glenn Lewis

Just a few side questions. Love this game by the way. Very fun. How many girls you planning on adding? Will there be a way for genie to get laid. Will the girls eventually be more open with their body's instead of covering themselves up, like jasime events and after she does a strip. Last one. I'm hopping you add. Able to view the girls dancing, stripping and what ever the special is. I have some kind of stripper fetish.

DJ Quinn

Great game! I really enjoyed it and can't wait for more! I only noticed a few typos early on (sorry can't remember where) and Lola's "Welcome to DSO" is listed as "Event 02" before you can do it, but listed as "Event 01" afterwards. Also, I had switched Lola's outfit to her reporter one plus it's haircut (without the earpiece), but after a couple scenes, she was switched back to normal unprompted. Other than that, I didn't notice anything off.


Akabur can not confirm or deny how many girls will be added in total, just know that more girls are coming in future updates. Maybe that's what the 'special' studio is for? Who knows. No doubt the girls will open up more, if you couldn't tell, the corruption has already begun. If you're talking about CGs, that'll be a no. Akabur has said he's going with the chibi style this game. If not, then you're already watching them. Genie says as much.


Just fixed the event number, thank you for letting me know. As for Lola changing back into her default outfit, it's a bug... I'll try to figure out what caused it. The main idea of course for the girl to retain the outfit you chose for her. And I'm glad you enjoyed the game :)


Thanks man. And I think you are the first person to mention the ads. I was getting curious even people even notice them. Glad you got a kick out of them :) Stay tuned for more awesome shows from our channel ^^


any chance u can tell us when lola will get more outfits she my fav !!!!!!!!!!


the game was awesome man ... your artwork is one of the\ best online !!!


Ok , i LOVE everything about this game,the crazy concept, the humour, the art ,the gameplay, but most of all the POSSIBILITIES ,its like the ultimate crossover porn game, i think you've really outdone yourself this time and cant wait to see what comes next ! Also , AWESOME TITLE SCREEN DLC when ? :D


Is there plans for more clothing options?


best leach club is a stupid cunt she doesnt know what copyright is your art and your characters are in her game and only verison 0.01 is free the rest she wants money for she added your avatar in her game you just changed the storyline if this wasnt hentai she would be sued and should be now she used the excuse that you stole characters from disney which you only took jafar Aladdin jasmine and genie the rest like lola and iris are original its like she never heard of a hentai parody before smh


Great stuff, funny as fuck! It radiates those familiar vibes, that your games has, massively. Much love to the backgrounds.


yeah i laugh alot in the game lola reminds a bit of fuck bike girl from the updated version of magic shop


Great stuff, funny as fuck! It radiates those familiar vibes, that your games has, massively. Much love to the backgrounds.


yeah she reminds me of fuck bike girl from the updated version of magic shop

David Lewis

I've completed all quests and events, great stuff so far! I'm really looking forward to the inclusion of more girls (Hermione, Lara Croft, etc.). Besides those two, who else were you planning on including? I think it would be cool if you could add some girls that aren't central to the plot (i.e. few or no quests, events, or alternate costumes) in order to give the player more variety.


i dont know if you answered this question before, but are we going to be able to vote for the next character? that would be lit


he said april o neal was going to be joining in later as well but im looking forward to lara croft as well


I have a question? Is there a plan to have the ship visit other places? I could see the girls earn enough money for engines and then at the other planets earn money for the weapons.


Can't wait to see more Jasmine content.


been following for awhile and decided to give the demo a try, liking it so far and main suggestion from me would be more Lola stuff e.g.. more haircuts/outfits and if there was sexy content for her too :D good work so far keep it up :)


Amazing stuff, played it all through last night, took some hours cuz I just had to read everything, taking in the whole story :) Gotta say you don't know how to dissapoint your fans, Master Akabur! :) One question though, which no one else seams to have brushed on, so wonder if it's just me.. but the back ground story.. the reason for being on the Battle cruiser and for hosting the TV shows.. It's a mystery to me because when the Admiral explains it all, it's a blank screen and when Genie speaks about it to the girls, also a blank screen.. Is that intended in this version? I'm just the kind of guy who likes to know the plot and purpose.. but that's my only complaint, everything else is Fantastic! (Well later on, some humping action for Genie with the girls would be needed, can't have the poor guy go totally blue from lack of release) ;)


Probably with next update. Do you have any outfits in mind?


Yeah... I can's wait to add more "celebrities" to the roster and have them interact with each-other! Should be fun.


I know... And I just wish that person would stop act like we a friends or something. Weirds me out :(


Maybe somewhere down the road. At this point I still need full control in order to establish the main story properly... -_-'


That was the plan originally. That is why you see that planet on the background. The idea is that you are currently orbiting it. So yeah, I thought about actually traveling to different planets, but that would take a bigger toll on me. For now the we will have no engine, sorry. For now ;)


Jasmine? Really? I thought you guys are tired of her already. Well, there will be some new content with her in the next update, yes. :)


Thanks, man. Glad you liked it. As for the story, I have the idea in mind, but I desided not to reveal it just yet. I will be giving you titbits of info every now and then as the story progresses further. All you need to know for now is that you are doing this for the sake of human kind... Or for the sake of the terran federation at least :)


Great game! It's great to see how dedicated you are to producing high quality stuff man. Also I noticed one of the ads is from Bully - I love that game! I feel like you could base a whole parody game around Bully. idk, just a thought.


I wasn't aware that this was only one chapter or something. I enjoyed the shit out of princess trainer and such. It was kind of disappointing when I figured out that this actually isn't complete.


how do u unlock the special room


Great work on this one - Thank you :) I'm really looking forward to future updates.


out of curiousity, which character are you planning on adding next? i'm partial to hermione, but i assume you already have a plan with that.


By completing a special quest! (Also you'll need a time machine since it's not in the game yet :)


Yeah, I already made that decision. And I am tempted to tell you, but I think I will keeping it a secret for now. And who said it's going to be just one character? :)


Hi Akabur, I gotta say, I was a bit let down by this new game. Don't get me wrong, I know you spent hours and hours. The result is visually awesome as all your games and the story is really well written, again as usual. However in the end, it feels like kind of a grindfest with few H content. I know you're going to add more but right now, even with more content, I feel like the way you display the H content is not optimal. The images are really small and give more a feeling of chibi like hentai than actual hentai scenes. I dunno for others, but chibi hentai does not turn me on. And about the grindfest part, I know most games are like that, I just wished there could be more open world hentai giving more freedom to players. In Star Channel, it's basically clicking to earn money and stars, unlock new event, then rince and repeat. Judging from most comments here, players are satisfied with that but being a H game dev myself, I have to ask you : Do you think your games could be better on the gameplay side ? I hope my critic will not be seen too harsh or unwelcomed, overall, the game is nice (Graphics : 9/10, Story : 9/10, Gameplay : 3/10, Total : 7/10 :p) so depending on which part the player focus, the game can be a gem. But for me, it's a bit too blend. I really hope one of your future games will give me a real feeling of playing a game and not reading a visual novel. Among all the other Patreon creators I found, you are among the ones with the most potential to reach this dream of mine :p


just giving you a heads up I'm unable to play due to some error. here's the log /Downloads/Star_Channel_34-1.02-mac/Star\ Channel\ 34.app/Contents/MacOS/Star\ Channel\ 34 ; exit; Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault Abort trap: 6 logout Saving session... ...copying shared history... ...saving history...truncating history files... ...completed. Deleting expired sessions...17 completed.


How many of the quests can you actually complete? I've hit a wall and cant do any more quests and I have full master of most of the episodes.


When you have character card open you can track all events and quest there. If you are done with all of them - you just finished this demo version


This release showed me that your patreon is not just a collection of old stuff and I joined Patreon. I was pleasantly suprised about the depth of the game and looking forward to the next update


jessica rabbit sounds good i would love to see her are you going to take breaks of and on this new game and probably finish up magic shop or is this going to be your main focus


akabur are you going to add lara croft in SC34?

Bling Blaow

*lowkey praying hermoine comes in the next update*

Adren Bailey

are you going to add April o'neal


Great work, my compliments to you!


I'm gonna be honest, I wanna fuck that AI.


Nice work, liking the artwork. Finished princess trainer so kinda over Jasmine but pumped about Ashelin and Lola. Keep it up man.

Austin Hanson

quick question i got all of ashelin's quests/events done but i can't get her to strip. any tips?


One thing I am curious about in your art for this game. The Admiral's outfit looks like you might have taken some influence from Warhammer 40k, somewhere between an Imperial commander, or maybe an Inquisitorial agent.


I looked through a lot of sci-fi military uniform references. The think you mention could have been among them . Although I have to admit that I am not very familiar with Warhammer universe.


Thanks. Yeah, I figured that many people are already feed up with Jasmine. That's why she was the first one to join: not many people would get excited about her joining in the upcoming update for example...


No, no magic shop. I plan to dedicate all my time to "SC 34" for now. (Well, apart from short breaks for "BHB").


This looks awesome!


How will the game update ? Do i need to download it again and replace older files with new ones or will it update itself ? Btw. great game, I just played trough it and it was great! Im exited for more content. Keep it up!


Thanx for Linux support!


Ok, I have loved your games so much that I have been learning to draw this last 6 months. But this fucking game, I can't simply stand by anymore. I will actually support you now. You are a fucking treasure Akabur. It must suck to be you, since you can't be surprised by your own games. We actually get to train Jasmine again, bless your heart Akabur. I forgive you for not making the scene between Jasmine and Crocus that Dhalia describes into Princess trainer Gold.


Great game! (Works great on Mac, and a "you've done everything" message at the end would indeed be good!)


Loved the game, Akabur! I'm a big fan of your humor and I laughed out loud at several occasions. At first I only cared about Jasmine and had no interest in Ashelin, but before long I couldn't think of anything other than her and her big tits. I'm in love with the "strong military woman submits to sexual acts for the good of her people" theme! Can't wait for more Ashelin content in the future!

Maik Decker

Just stumbled on this gem today and played through it in one go... and will go through it again, to try a different approach... but I already can't wait for more girls, more Ashelin, more Lola 3.0 (and 2.0 please...) Do the different options when talking to the girls (the more nasty answers mostly) have any effect in game? If not, shouldn't they? Like upping the stress level a bit?

Josh Spicer

I love how despite how montonous the clicking of the mouse is, the game is still fun. Same reason I liked Princess Trainer.


Congratulations on the game. Great concept.


did best mult club deleted your comment


love your work. i get the following error when trying to save?


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 261, in __call__ renpy.save(fn, extra_info=save_name) Exception: Not saved - no valid save locations.


Seriously, the best erotic game I have played in my life. I can't wait for the next update. You have a special talent Akabur. Your imagination is beyond limit. Some ideas for your next girls in Star Channel 34: Hermione (of course), Jessica Rabbit, Bulma or Android 18 from DragonBall, Belle from beauty and the Beast, Lola Bunny from Looney Toons, Daphne (Scooby Doo), Lois Griffin and Jessie from Pokemon. Keep up the good work!


Thanks! And that is a rather solid list of girls. I think about 90% of the names you dropped will be joining the game sooner or later. ^^


Could be your operating system setting preventing the game from creating new files on your machine...


OMG >.< i love this...!! LOVE IT!! love it soo much i will donate... as soon as i have money... no job sucks T^T


I would also recommend you to add Shantae. It seems to be natural for the game as she is a bodydancer <a href="http://orig06.deviantart.net/400a/f/2013/266/2/7/270ec4b0555e79070b50b88a6bdda8af-d6nlstc.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://orig06.deviantart.net/400a/f/2013/266/2/7/270ec4b0555e79070b50b88a6bdda8af-d6nlstc.gif</a> As you know, Dahr made a perfect spin-off demo with her ...


is there another update out?

Michael woods

You should do a character poll sometime... I would vote the shiznit outta dat.

Michael woods

No not yet. you will see it as soon as he uploads it or if he tells us it's coming.

Michael woods

Would appreciate that and if you still have room for characters in SC34 may I suggest princess peach. Because yea I played the original Nintendo before PlayStation came out.


Hi, I like all of your games, all the games have a different script, buns and other ideas, so keep up the good work))


Hey Akabur, I'm in love with all of your games, and i am so excited to play this one when it is completed. Thank you so much! I was just hoping to put in my personal hope for your inclusion of Gwen Tennyson from Ben 10. Also, Lisa Simpson, Violet Incredible, and Kim Possible are amazing if there is still space if your looking for characters?

Dylan Venini

Love your work. Keep it up. Looking forwards to the next update.


This is going to sound stupid but how do you save on Android


I am sure you were able to figure it out by now, but in case you failed to do so: hit the "back" button on your device :)


That is an interesting idea about connecting conversation choices to the stress level. I shall give it some thought :)


Thank you, Zenzax. New update is coming soon. Will have new events with Ashelin of course :)


Yes, I completely agree: "you've done everything" message is needed. And I will added in the upcoming release.


Yes, you will have to delete the old game and download newer version. It does not require installation though, and save files will carry over automatically.


You made my day with this comment. Thank you, my friend.


А новая версия когда выйдет


Amazing ...


Will this ever be updated?


Thank you thank you thank you. If a pregnancy option like the potion from PT is implemented in the end I can slip into a coma happily. I'll try to donate if my budget allows it.


kind of stuck....how to do the jasmine fan mail mission??


If I have all the events and quests done, there's nothing else to do in episode two, right? Anyway, I am a fan of your works since the start, bro, keep up the excelent work!


AKABUR BOS I FINISH the game.I play on Android.What i have to do to play withHermione or Lara?


I play all your games


Not sure what you are trying to ask, but if this is about android version of Episode 02 than it should be ready any day now.


help me. this hermione quest. (dahr's catalog has been updated) im kind of stuck in this quest how to resolve this im using android phone.


I can not download it by mega


When will Android get the SC 34 1.02 version ?


Hello, please, would you give me the key to the SC 34 game?


Hello. There is no key. Just go to akaur.com and download whatever your little heart desires.


The difference between two version is very insignificant, so you can play the current version of episode 02 for android without worrying about missing out on anything :)


Good! That is a good disciple! You shall be rewarded with more awesome games in the future :)


When will you have episode 3?


When will there be 3 episode? And the continuation of history, Princess Trainer?


Where's episode 3?