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OK, I will keep this one REAL short, because yesterday I caught a cold and today is only the second of the illness and I still feel very low on energy.

All in all I am very happy with this week's yield. I finished all the illustrations for Jasmine's training bit. (Finally!) This was a rather sizable chunk of work, so I am very happy to be done with it. Now I juts need to beat the cold and I will be able to move on to working on other parts of the game.

That is all. No EXTRA post this time. Thank you for your support and I will see you all next week!





Can you make some furry! We need furry!


just reading this now, I'm behind. Hope you get over the cold soon. Could be covid if you've not tested for that. I thought I was getting a cold this week, took a test found there was covid there. Sadly had to miss my work lunch / drinks and even worse had to fix up a colleague mistake for a project while they had gone off to that lunch as it was urgent, all I wanted to do was go lie down. So defininitely hope you are not forcing yourself to work, when rest is needed. Take your time get better, be smarter than I.


Already had covid last year (actually tested to make surez), but I think it might have been it again because it felt like a very odd few. I don't feel like bothering with tests again though. I'm all good now.