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Alright, here are my thoughts on the upcoming TMNT movie. Feel free to let me know what do you think about the movie in the comments! http://youtu.be/Z_mYIBaOqPs


My thought in the upcoming TMNT movie...




Your English is great by the way. No worries there. You are dead right on all of it. I really had a great "ah hah!" moment when you said "How would they even fit in a manhole?" Also, its weird to think that the cartoon of the TMNT is in many ways LESS of a cartoon than the new movie. Did you see Shredder? He is like Edward Scissor Hands or some such. I am not a Mike Bay Hater per se... but I really wish he would stop snapping up all my beloved childhood memories and then jamming them with his weird ideas of what is "cool."


"The cartoon of the TMNT is in many ways LESS of a cartoon than the new movie" - well said!!! P.S. Also glad you have no troubles understanding me.


It's a good way to begin the day with Akabur talks XD. Yes, the size situation is something I relate with, they are supposed to be "Tennage" but when you are more than 2 mts tall, and not have any emotional struggle, I am not sure you can still be a tennager. Great point with the manhole, I just realized when to say it. (the new cartoon went to the other extreme, they make them look really teens). My problem with Bay is that it feels that he not know or care about the source material "lets add explosions, bad ass look and Megan Fox" he did that to Transformers, and repeated now with TMNT, my main reason to not see it is not giving Bay another dollar. The April case is also valid, I also feel that she was more the "older sister" model for the guys, and the unique "Normal human" in a world filled with mutants and ninjas, Megan Fox is too gorgeous, and the fact that she was also in transformers make her something like the "Bay Postergirl". Great Video, thanks for sharing with us.


It's just a Michael Bay cash grab, it will be very stupid and it will make milions, it's sad but expected. Megan Fox has a very nice body and a cute face but that's everything good I can say about her.


Yeah... Agreed. I have nothing against Mega Fox, she just doesn't fit well into this particular role...


Yeah, about the transformers... I was not a big fan of the cartoon... I remember watching it but somehow (god knows why? 0_0) I never cared much for it... So when the movie was released I did not have much complaints... The only major thing I didn't like about them was how creators (or Bay) handled the transformation itself... There was not engineering thought of any kind evolved... Just a bunch of quick movements (smoke and mirrors) and BAM we have a robot, then BAM he's a car again... That was a very lazy way to handle it. I don't believe I never heard an "older sister" term as to describe April, but it just fits perfectly. That's exactly what she was...


Сыграют на ностальгии. И правильно сделают) Вот куда я, например, денусь? как миленький пойду) даже со своей сломанной ногой поковыляю.


Настольгия? Да откуда же настолгия в кино про ящеров? Не, я до последнего планирую избегать сего творения. Хотя и не исключаю что исключительно как экшен флик может быть очень даже ничего. Но вот настольгией (лично мне) тут не пахнет. ============================ Feeling nostalgic? Not at all. The movie is about 4 dinosaurs, I see no connection with the original cartoon. Personally I plan to avoid this thing for as long as I can... Although it could be very much possible that as an action flick it could be enjoyable... But nothing nostalgic about this one.... not for me...