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Alright, loyal bros, let's do this thing! Welcome to the Monday Post #249 ^_^

To be honest. This week was very productive. Resolved all the coding issues I had last week and managed to create another batch of the drawings for the tJasmine's part of the game.

Jasmine's part? As I said before, your job QT is to advice her highness and help her resolve various problems. There will be 28 problems with 3 different outcomes each. Each outcome will improve one of Jasmine's stats: LUST, TRUST and GUTS. 28 times 3 equals 84 pictures. Not all of them will be completely different of course, for example choosing different outfits for Jasmine to wear during a public event will pretty much be the same picture but with Jasmine wearing different clothes, BUT it is still a lot of work. I am more then half way through at the moment. And also DAHR helping out a bit by providing a few pics for me.

I still have a lot of work ahead of me. But as soon as I am done with the whole Jasmine bit we will be another step closer towards the release.

SC34. Also whenever I have free time I am doing planning for SC34. Can't wait to start working on the game. I remember hating how every episode took me around 3 month to produce, because I thought it was way too long of a development cycle. But now I think it was a pretty reasonable schedule all things considered. That being said I still hope to improve my workflow a bit with SC34's second season, to release episode as often as possible (without having to cut too many corners).

EXTRA! This week's patrons-only post contains an inking video and a few more previews of the art I was working on during this week. Nothing too major though, I don't want to spoil too much of the story ^^|

In any case thank you for your support bros, and thank you for playing my games. See you next Monday. ^^

List of links just in case:




As for the SC34 game, I think you are right, you have progressed at a good pace, and I am glad that you want to improve your workflow, I'm sure you can do it!

Trevor Bond

Glad to hear you've been making major progress! I hope things keep rolling smooth!