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I have been silent for quite a while now, huh?

You guys definitely are the most forgiving fans/supporters in the universe.
In other words you are THE BEST! (Which is only fitting since I am pretty great myself! Right? Right?.......................  OTL)

Fist of all I need to do something I was planing to do for a very long time now. And that is promoting Logan.
Logan is a creator of that "The Dark Lord's Trip Thread" game.
Normally I don't use my Patreon to promote things (unlike my twitter), but I decided to make an exception, and I do like the guy's work so far, so I'm doing this!

This is just an infomercial though. I'm not telling you to go support him as a personal favor to me or anything. I simply letting you know that "The Dark Lord's Trip" exists.

Although I imagine about 98% of you already know about that project's existence...

Be it as it may, I promised the man to promote his shit, so I'm doing just that!
"The Dark Lord's Trip"! Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/logan

As to my own work... Well, as much as I would want to share at least something, I can't really do that without spoiling at least something. My games are not some AAA titles (obviously), and showing any part of the content would spoil it. Unless of course I just post a random screenshot that doesn't tell you anything...^^

Also I am a bit tired of saying "We are getting there, guys!". Or "The work is being done!". Or my favorite classic: "Coming Soon guys!".
So avoiding to say things like that lead to another hiatus between updates I suppose...

Also I want to rant about something. I want to rant about how some people choose to promote their games. I've seen trailers on STEAM and even some creators here on Patreon do that. When they say things like: "Our awesome game contains more then 3 000 000 words!".
I see that done a lot. "6 000 000 words"! "9 000 000 words"!
And I never understand how this could make me want to play the fucking game. Same happens with AAA titles, only they talk about the length of the game. "Our game has 100+ hours of gameplay!" and "Our new DLC offers +50 hours worth of missions!". Honestly, did anyone ever got excited about shit like that?

I would much rather play a 3 hour long game that has a well-made and exciting game-play instead of 100 hours of some tedious shit. Same goes for games heavy on text. I don't give a damn how many words it contains. You need to use those words wisely and make sure that people actually want to read your texts...

That being said I don't know how long it is going to take you guys to beat my upcoming game and I don't know exactly how many words of text it contains. But even if somehow I managed to calculate that I would not boast about it, since it's a meaningless information. I may as well say "Next game is coming soon" and it will have the same effect.

Well, I think I will wrap this up for now.
Thank you for your support guys, sit tight, I hope to start posting game related updates as soon as development enters it's final stages (when I will be mostly done with writing).

Again, thank you for being awesome.

P.S. "The Dark Lord's Trip" exists.

I also desided to include a screenshot of the stats screen every girl in the game will have. This is still work in progress so it may look a bit different in the final thing. This info is just a counter to help you keep track of number of completed events and quests along with important information such as the exact number of orgasm each girl experienced since she been recruited by your studio :)

Have a good day, guys.




Some people like to use gameplay time to justify a purchase, basically the gist of it is $1 = 1 Hour. It's silly, but it is kind of true since most $60 games takes an average player 60 Hours to beat. Unless the game has multiplayer, in which case that leads to a whole different discussion.


It's allways great to have news from you :D I think I saw you promote Logan on twitter, and already is a parton, his game is fun, and it's allways nice to have some more Lola, event if she's just a copy of the original ^^ well, hours of play mean not much to me too, because depending on the mood, I will try to find every secret, or will just ignore it and will change the time I play with, word don't mean a lot too, and to be honest, I get more joy to play your little well written game than some big and generic AAA games ^^ I'm looking forward to see more of your new game, keep up the good work, and like allways, take care of your health too :)


Is that so. Well, I guess that shows how little I know of the inner works of the industry... As a consumer though I usually don't really care about those numbers...


Disregard that^^ Anyway. Oooooh man its good to hear from you, I was legit thinking the other day like " haven't heard from my man Akabur in a while, hope hes not dead or worse..... Not working" (lol jk I know thats impossible for you) anyway keep up the good work, you're still awesome. Ps I already knew about the lord trip game thing p.p.s. Yes I know thats not the actual title.


Thanks for giving us the opportunity to know this game, i think is normal that if you like it you share it. We are forgiving because you do such a nice work. On the games thing i think balance is important, a 3 hrs game for 70 bucks is sad, now I pay that for Overwatch, and I am at about 700 hrs, and still playing. So keep the great job, we know it will be better than your previous games, because with each one you become even better


It's good to hear from you, got a smile on my face this early morning, thank you! :) I've placed a "follow" on Logan now, to better keep track of his stuff ;) The whole "words" & "hours of playtime" is annoying me too, it doesn't tell me anything about the quality and remind me mostly about "false" advertising, which create too high expectations towards a product. Sadly it's a growing tendency. I can only remember one form of it where it works positive for me, and that is where a creator informs how many pictures the coming game has, in contrast to how many the previous had. That gave me a better indication of what to look forward to. As a gamer, I'm more interested in knowing if a game has sound effects, voice acting/moaning sounds, than the number of text words. I guess the numbers is more important if it's a text only game, but that would not tell me much about the quality either, because there is a lot of badly written stuff out there today. When I first checked out your games, I didn't quite know what to expect, but I quickly learned that you had made an effort into all of it. The words was well put together and created their own inner images, they had tons of humor and I can't count the times they made me laugh with a hard on (sorry for that image) ;) The music and sound effects also worked very well and the graphic, oh don't get me started on praising that! You are awesome dude! :) The only thing I could miss, was voice acting in some form, but quickly realized we would be talking a whole other kind of budget. I'm looking forward to play your next game, knowing your attention for details :)


It's always a pleasure to hear from you my friend. Thanks for showing me this game! Seems legit. Never feel bad for not posting or boasting. We know your stuffs great. It's why we are here. Much love bud.


Hey man, I think what makes a great game is if it gives you the feeling. Like PT and WT does. Anyways any chance of saving Princess jasmine from her fate and not give her away and save her for yourself? Just asking. LOVE you NO homo!


Yes, I did promote him on twitter a while back. He didn't even ask for it, I just liked game. Also I can give you a little personal spoiler, there will be a little scene with Jasmine reading fan-mail in the game. One of the letters will be signed as "Dorago". ^^


Yeah, I know... I myself dislike long periods of silence like this... P.S. You can edit your posts you know :)


It's good to see you, BroWaifu. I'm wishing you the very best, and thank you for this message :) Keep it up, you can do it o/


Is there anything playable, such as earlier versions or betas? I looked around on the page and couldn't find anything.

Eren Kaya

I didn't know it exists. Good to know that now..


Just a pet peeve, changing "pussy sex" to "vaginal sex" would be nice.

Ainārs (Hoodz)

Oh Coolio, didn't actually know of him, also good your are doing... well, Good. Keep on keeping on, (a lot of repeating words today I guess ^^), and all that. *highfive*


I like akabur putting out complete games beats waiting for once a month for barely an update


Yay!! Thanks, buddy!


Nope. You know what they say: you have only one chance to make the first impression.


A good game is a good game no matter how long it is, or how many words it has. Shit is shit, after all. But it's nice to hear that you're still at it! And thanx, Logan's game looks kinda interesting... Actually, anything with Lola is interesting to me 8D


Gameplay length is only important if the story is good. This is why I can sink days into the mass effect or fallout games, and still wish for more ^_^


700 hours? Wow! You are definitely getting your money worth with that one! And as always, thank you for your support. Your "Happy Halloween" letter is in my inbox. Will get to it as soon as I can :)


Heh. I appreciate your faith in me. It's not misplaced I assure you. Coming soon ^^


Yeah... In some sort of "PT:GOLD" DLC... Maybe, one day, when I start my own studio :)


This is looking an awful lot like slave maker... If so, that would be insanely awesome! Good game, however, it is kinda meh after a while, and to be honest your games are a cut above quite a few others.(not quite the rest, but it's waaaay up there) Anyways no matter what it turns out to be I'm sure it'll be incredible!


The only problem with The Dark Lord's Trip is that it's LAAAAME... I mean: hours of gameplay and all you get is a some borrowed characterization and one (one!) boring handjob? WTF is that? With the games of Master Akabur you are pretty soon in full business (Iris missions, Hermione favours), while in this kind of game you battle someone for the 90% of the time, explore for another 9.5% and receive the juice of the game only in the remaining 0.5% of it?? That's the shame. That's the toxic virus that spreads among the so-called "new generation of game creators" following Akabur's path. For me it's only a matter of hours and hours irredeemably lost (in other words: what's the purpose of having Lola or Rapunzel if you don't know how to use them?). Sorry for the rant. It's Trump's fault. ;)


I'm, apparently, one of the 2% that didn't know about the "Dark Lord's Trip" so thank you for making me aware of it Akabur. Also, I'm glad to see you are making progress, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned for all of your ladies in the future.

Voodoo Monkey

TDLT is awesome! I'm so glad you spread the word about it. I'm going to enjoy watching the progress on your latest project and this one as well!


Take your time logian as the saying gos slow and steady wins the race rushing the project would shortly make for a crappy project ie focus on on43e part of the project at a time whether its storyline ie iron out the stories to what would make sense to you and or ad sidestory for each character etc once finished doing that than focus on implementing things that you want to have implemented as the saying gos if its worth doing that it MUST be done right


focus one one part


focus on one part
