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Well hello there, truest of the true bros. How is it going? Welcome to our special little club. Enjoy the WIPs :)

So yeah, like I already mentioned in the public post, I am close to done with Iris's bits of the game. At this point only Iris's mom remains unmarriable, but I'll leave it like that for now, I am getting a bit burned out with all the wedding related storylines.  The plan is to spend this week on finishing the Iris's stuff and move on to things like calendar, workout sessions, player's home and other, main world related things. 

I would like to believe that I am more then a half-way done with this project because it's been already too long for my liking, but it is what it is, and although some corners can be cut to a certain extent other things need to be done right and that will take time. 

But no matter what I will keep you update every week, as always, so you will know exactly what I am spending my working hours on.

And that is all I have to say. I hope you enjoy the pics. Thank you for your support and I will see you all next week. I wish you all a good Monday :)





Me likey *w*


Seeing Iris always make my week


Would you like to share some Iris more drawings?please~There are so few pictures elsewhere.


Iris is my favourite character 😍


Awesome as always

Trevor Bond

Glad it's coming along, and I'm sorry to hear about the burnout. Maybe take a day to kick back and just dump some hours into a game? A healthy work/rest balance is important!


Great update and love the sketches. Quality work takes time and rushing projects never ends well for anyone. Looking forward to future posts.


I really like those ink pictures, you should have a museum there, a lot of pieces of art in folders, some rough sketches here and there...<br>The rough drafts have some special magic, like a lot of movement and life, right? Maybe is just me.<br>Well, I'll never be tired to say you is very sad we lost your pencils behind the ink, but I know the process is the process.<br>Have a nice and productive week, man! And keep safe!