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Hello, guys.Time for another post...I still can't wire money directly from my PayOneer account to my bank account, but at least my PayOneer card still works, so I can still withdraw my money via ATMs. ($80 at a time). So, I'll manage for now, and we will see how it goes...What else? Mafia III was released few days ago. I watched a couple of early reviews only to confirm my suspicion that I couldn't care less about that game. But it's not like I have much free time to play it anyways...That being said I am very curious about new Call Of Duty (the Infinite Warfare one). This is the first a Call Of Duty game got my interest. I only care about the single-player campaign of course...Also curious about Watch Dogs 2. I like the ability to do emoticons in the open world and see pedestrian's reactions, kind of like in Fable. But again, I doubt I'll have time/desire/energy to play it...Although I did find the time to beat the second episode of "Batman: The Telltale Series" recently. Chose Catwoman over Harvey Dent of course... And the whole episode was under two hours so it was pretty much perfect for me game-play length wise.And that's all the news I suppose...I keep on working on the game of course. As usual working on coding, story writing and the graphical part all by myself takes a lot of energy and time. Also starting new project from scratch takes additional effort. Later releases should be a bit easier in that regard...Also I don't think I will be spoiling anything if I say that there will be only 4 characters in the first installment: Genie, ship's AI, Jasmine and Ashelin, so sometimes I really have to think hard about creating interesting events/interactions with very few characters I have at my disposal. It should get way more fun (for me) as I keep adding new recruits in the future updates. Also Jasmine was a center of my attention for way too long now, so sometimes it can be hard to come up with new angles or jokes involving her. That being said, if I do my job well you will never notice any of the things I mentioned above and will just have fun playing the game.And that is all. Thank you for your support guys.




Nice to know you are hanging there, thanks for the update


Well, I hope things with your bank will go better It's allways nice to have news from you, don't hesitate to take some time for you :) I'm hyped to play your game, I know you will do all you can to make it a good game :)


Forget watch dogs, mafia, call of duty and all that stuff, if you really want to play a game, get DOOM!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO90omga8D4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO90omga8D4</a>


That screen looks awesome, keep up the good work man! Also, hope that bank make the things easy to you soon!


Even though patreon is pretty convinient, ever thought about coming up with an end-user-oriented (Business Gibberish™) solution yourself? Either via your own webpage or services like Sendowl. Sure it would get you in all sorts of trouble with things like Princess Trainer, but works using original characters would be fine.


Yeah, if Patreon will be no longer an option I may have to resort to something like that... Even though I really don't wish to do so...


I Love windows classic view.

Ian H

Well have you look at star citizen ? fly around the galaxy in a space ship shoot people in fps

Ian H

All the game play i seen looks really really good im thinking of getting the $150 ship take people with me. As for your issue with payments there is a option i think might work for you and the others who are struggling to get funds.. just wanna do a check or two to make sure it open to everyone first and world wide. I used to get paid from the US a while a go for things but im UK based so had to overseas transfer etc


Thanks for the update, man, always great to hear from you. I loved Mafia II, so I'm hoping I'll like III as well , but I'll have to wait and see. Hopefully you can find a proper payment option, but it's good that you can at least access the money right now.


I'm delighted to see you keeping your head up despite the horrible turn of events... I totally respect that, and I admire you... I'm happy to see some news from Star Channel 34, too, but knowing you're still alive and kicking is better :) Keep it up, stay strong and rock on \m/ P.S. : I'd go with Dishonored (I and II) if I may suggest an awesome series :) Take care, BroWaifu o/


So I looked into that PayOneer issue, seeing as how their HQ is right here in NYS, and discovered they made that decision in part to the U.S. government and Russia not getting along right now. So you just need to wait a few months for Trump to become president, and everything will be right as rain. If you don't feel like waiting though, or don't like PayOneer anymore, might I recommend Google Wallet.


Hm... Interesting... The Tramp thing, not the google wallet though. Patreon does not support google wallet. So you think Trump will be a bit less hostile towards russia?


Don't get me wrong here, but I want a game like that but on Playstation.


My what big ears you have.


Wow this looks just amazing. Cant wait to play this.


Dishonored, huh? I'll keep it in mind. And thank you for the encouraging words, BroWaifu.


Yeah, my buddy Smersh is a huge Mafia II fan, but he also says that Mafia III is most like to disappoint him... And yes, I still have ways of keeping on. And it's a good thing! :)


I'm getting a Mass effect vibe from this game ..


Akabur, what would you say to a helper chimpanzee?


I Wonder what the emoticons would be if it was you making that game ;)


WOOOOO you have no idea how excited i am to have a game with ashelin in it. she was my all time game crush like 10 years ago and im a huge jak fan. man i cant wait for this. Forever Akabur's Army!!


Sweeeet! And I bet the acronym L.O.L.A. means something funny and/or dirty?


Will Ashelin be a sweet bad-ass elf in this game too? Personally, I like Lola way more than Jasmine, but maybe that has something to do with Ian's interpretation of L.O.L.A. (hehe), or simply because she's feisty and cute 8D


Kewep Up the Good Work Bro DOnt FOrget to Take a Brather sometimes to Get some more insparasion Maby even play some retro games Ah the Days of old lol


Ps have a Vodka For me haha






owww... I liked the siluet-L.O.L.A. the best... oh well


I like what I'm seeing. I want me some Hermione here though. She was the best. Also, any chance you could add Korra into the mix?