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Hello, bros. I slightly falling behind on the development schedule, so I will this Monday Post short. I hope nobody minds. ^^

Whelp... Massage Freaks got pulled off eShop before it got released. So let's see, their other game Duel Princess got pulled like two weeks after the release (even though it was in the best-sellers section on Japanese eShop). Now this game got pulled, and all the pre-orders already got canceled. Oh, and the best part is, this game was rated Teen. Anyway, like I said, modern gaming is dead to me.

The work. Well, the plan (the hope) was to be done with Lily's storyline by Monday, but it takes a bit longer then I thought it would. At this point I think I should be done with it by the end of Tuesday. And after that it will finally be Esmeralda's turn :)

The EXTRA. This week's patrons-only post will contained  Developer Diary Video #02. Make sure to check it out. It shows off the first two events of Lily's story arc.

And that is it. I'll see you all next Monday  ^_^

P.S. Patreon's latest updated completely messed up the text edit feature. No I can not go back and edit the text. Sorry about all the typos. There is just no way to fix them at the moment. -_-




It's a shame, what are the rates supposed to be then? If a game isn't "proper" tag it by an older audience, why anyone should police what an adult does? It's a massage game!


Sounds like more and more they want to control what we see and do. That aside, You had one of those days with the game, but it will all work and be fixed later. You can do it, we have faith in you.


>Esmeralda's turn Wait, you mean Esmeralda from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"??!! O_O


😞 sorry about your preorders Akaman, That’s happened for me too, a third installment to a series I loved was promised by the producer of said series but was never officially announced…it sucked real hard so I know how you feel when you getting served an empty promise, aside from that it’s fine if one of the Segments of Queen Trainer takes a little longer than you originally planned… I mean Rome wasn’t built in a day right? So no worries, 😉 take your time, Relax and Breathe ok 👌?


Nonono you’re thinking of a different Esmeralda this one’s for our new family friendly game (shh 🤫)


Todays gif is from WWE Lacey Evans.

Trevor Bond

Man, so much for freedom of expression. The world's gotten so prudish!


Maybe they thought it was fucking uncool to have content like that game where the characters look like kids? You do you, man. Always glad to see how much you've been able to get done with the support of fans, though. Hope you're able to keep it up!


Storyline for Lily and Esmeralda... Well that sounds promising. Hope your work goes smoothly and productively


The important thing is you are alive to fight another day, no? Cheer up man, I hope you could enjoy the old titles in your PSP. Stay safe!


Yeah. Sadly it's getting worse and worse... -_- Thank you for the words of support by the way.


I did not pre-order. I was going to wait for a review first (I was burned to many times before). Also thank you for being patient. ^^