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Welcome to the Monday Post #233 EXTRA! An exclusive club for the true men of culture! :) Thank you for your support, bros :)

Here are some previews of some of the art assets I have been working on during last week. Not gonna lie, I am pretty content with the result. Adding familiar faces from the show such as Abis Mal and Haroud to the story was the right choice I think.

I wasn't sure about it at first to be honest, but now that all the events are both written and illustrated, I see that everything works quite well, and fits into the world perfectly.

I can't wait to share the fruits of my labor with you and get at least some sort of feedback. But that will have to wait... Well, in any case, like I already mentioned, this week will be spent on coding in Lily's events into the game, and after that: it's Esmeralda's turn. ^^

Oh, and I hope you look forward to interacting with Black Dahar. I sure did have a lot of fun writing his scenes ^_^

The spoiler. Also I am including a spoiler for the Lily's whole  arc. You can download it from the attachment section. Personally I wouldn't do it thoug. I don't like spoilers. But at the same time I know that some people do enjoy WIP stuff a lot, so I decided to share it. (Disregard the flower bouquet in the ass thing. It wasn't part of the plan, I added it during the coloring stage because the thought made me giggle. I will probably take it out from the finished game, or leave it in as an optional choices.)

And that is all I have to say. Thank you for your support. I'll see you all next week!

P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment ^^




Looks so awesome, I love how much love you also put in tha boys design, as in this games many lesser artists just draw the guys like disposable, awesome update


Why is he called Black Dahar? Edit: Just noticed the attachment!! WOW!!!!

Trevor Bond

Looks like it's gonna be a party and a half at that wedding lol!


Well, I like the sprites, they look amazing. I have the feeling that it is going to be a great game.


Loving the art work!