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Hello, Bros. How is life? No, wait! Don't answer that. Let's just move on.

Anyway, this was a very productive week. Even though I did catch a cold, it wasn't a particularly strong one and I managed to get a lot done despite not feeling the best.

The Movie. Yes, I did get done a lot. For example I watched another movie from my "old-school sci-fi movies" backlog. While watching it I vaguely recalled having seen it already as a kid, but it only added a sweet layer of nostalgia to the picture. All in all Spacehunter is a simple but fun adventure flick with special effects that still hold up well. I had a good time with this one^^

The music. Also I watched a cool documentary about gangsta-rap and it made me make certain adjustments to my playlist for the week. Now it contains a lot of 50 Cent and other guys tough looking guys. I'm sure it's just a phase. I mean it' is got to be, otherwise my next game will be about Genie living the life of crime XD. I'll just leave this link here: https://youtu.be/K0fLP_N6UxM

The work. Alright, let's discuss the interesting stuff now. I spent the week working on the HUD. Originally I didn't plan to spend too much time on it, but later I've changed my mind. After all the HUD will be present on screen quite often and if done well it could definitely add to the atmosphere and the experience in general.

Also I spent quite a few hours making different versions of the main city screen. I will talk about this more in the Monday Surprise post :)

All in all this was another productive week. Also some elements of the game are finally starting to come together and I always enjoy this stage of the development a lot :)

And finally thank you for all the support you have been showing me lately. Seeing growing interest in this game from you guys makes me a bit more confident about adding a few extra features I originally thought would be a bit too ambitious. That being said I still maintain strong restraint over my creative urges to make sure this game does  not become too bloated with not essential stuff.

That is all I have to say for now. For more info on the development progress head to the Monday Surprise post. And I will see you all next week ^^

List of links just in case:




You know, I think there's nothing wrong with that if you were impressed by the movie about gangsta rap, I think the idea of the game about Genie living the life is not bad idea)

Julia Sinope

You’re doing all of this on a 12WX! Mad props!