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I am such a freaking idiot. I mean, why else would I end last week's post with: "Unless a meteorite crashes on me during next week, I should have the vid for you by next Monday." Why tempt fate like that?

The post went live somewhere around noon, and by the same day's evening I already felt sick. From that point on my health diary looked something like this:

MONDAY: Did I catch a cold or something?
TUESDAY: That's one mean cold. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY: I feel even worse today. What the hell?
THURSDAY: Four day in a row of this shit? Really?!
FRIDAY: Am I fucking dying!?
SATURDAY: It keeps going still? Oh, come on!
SUNDAY: Hm... I think I'm not dying anymore. Who-hoo! 

Long story short, I caught a cold but it was a really weird one. My nose was fine, but my throat got ABSOLUTELY messed up. Also the constant, painkiller resistant headaches. I never had a cold this this bad in my entire life. On the 3rd day I could not drink water without tearing up involuntarily, because every swallow was so painful. Could barely eat anything and let us not forget the fever of course. On the 4th day there was still no change so I decided to try one of those COVID self-tests and it showed positive. It actually made me feel a bit better emotionally because that explained why this cold felt so strange.

I any case, I still feel like crap. But the fever is gone and I can eat food without crying so yay for that. ^^

On the downside I didn't do anything productive during this week so no video, no nothing. Again, this is all my fault: if I didn't announce the video before it was actually ready I would not have to postpone it again and again and tempt fate with weird meteorite metaphors.

From this point on I am returning to my well-tested method of promising things by saying coming soon*. The gameplay video is coming soon* guys! ^_^

Getting sick like that give me another opportunity to take a look back at my life and the way I do things. I didn't seriously think that I was going to die, but this still reminded me that I should work much faster because there is always a chance that something would go horribly wrong and my project will never see the light of day.

I also thought that if by Monday I won't feel better I would probably just do a Monday Post consisting of just one line of text: "Feeling really sick. See you all next Monday". Thankfully it didn't come to that and I can now give you dozens and dozens of lines of text. ^_^

Anyway, I think I will finish this post now, before I say something weird again. I got sick, but feel better now. New content is coming soon* Love you all dearly. Now I'll go sleep some more...........





Sounds like you got a bad case of the delta covid variant. At least you should have heightened immunity for quite a while now.


Rest up. Good to know you're feeling better :)


Just glad you're doing better. Good things come to those who wait, and I'm sure we're a patient bunch.


Just rest and get better. At least, now you should be good from covid for several months. Hopefully there is someone that can make a great chicken soup for you.


Dont worry about it, only just became a patron, after enjoying your stuff since princess trainer so im used to waiting lol


Be careful, you're an international treasure, you first, everything else after that, keep being careful and glad you didn't die, dying is very inconvenient.


That sounds like classic Omecron...I had it recently as well and it is not fun...


Don't worry about silly things and get well soon =]


Well, we're all living on this hellhole of a place so nobody (hopefully) is blaming you for getting sick. Get well so we could again enjoy those masterpiece of a games from you.


No wonder mate. I hope you feel better soon.


Covid-19 Omicron. My gf get it twice already and my niece is at hospital because of this (nothing crazy, thank god), funny enougth i live with them and i didn't get it O_o. That is some kind of weird disease now, but heh, nothing really bad so it's fine.


Really not your fault mate.


If you end up having a problem with your sense of smell after this there is something called smell training that you might want to research.

Amf Anon

Dude, the way you wrote that first paragraph, I was actually worried the second paragraph was going to start "so the next day a meteorite crashed on me..." Anyways, glad you're recovering. Feel better!


Not great to hear you caught it and it did you over. Yeah no worries about not getting anything done can't expect you to work sick. I'm glad i've not caught it yet, had a booster last week and that didn't go well with me took me out of action the whole next day, so hate to think what covid would have done if I got it. Glad to hear you are recovering now.

John Hall

Poor you! I'm glad that you're starting to feel better now. Please don't overwork yourself in an attempt to catch up. Looking on the bright side, Covid is very nasty but not as bad as having a meteorite actually crash on you.




Oh, I'm sorry that your words in the last post about the meteorite led to this. Still, yes, I'm sure you need to think right, thought is material. Get well!


We Love u! stay well and take care of yourself!


Get well soon. Todays gif... I have no idea, probably some girly anime about pretty boys or something.

Trevor Bond

Work at a pace you're comfortable with and take care of yourself! You feeling well is worth way more than any amount of progress on the project.


Damn... 😐 Get well soon, comrade 🍵🍯🍋


Never tempt the fates my good man. They be fickle bitches at the best of times. Good to hear you are on the mend though 👍I hope you get away unscathed


That sounds like the Omikron Covid variant. Tou probably also suffered gnarly full-body fatigue and cold sweats (no need to tell us ;). Not your fault, it's gonna get everyone eventually. Glad you're on the mend!


<p style="color: #008600;">Sad to hear about it! Yes, unfortunately Covid often comes on suddenly, but I'm sure you can handle it easily! Get well soon!</p>


I hope you feel better soon ☺️


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the Omikron since I had no cough and didn't lose my sense of smell. In any case, I am back to normal, so yay :)


Thankfully my sense of smell did not get affected at all :)


Heh.... Thank you for the support. I feel much better now :)


Yeah, I am pretty much back to normal now, so it's all good :)


Thanks, John. And that is a fair point about the meteorite. I should be grateful. :)


Since I had no cough I think it's Omicron actually. But who the heck know really. I am all better now, so whatever.


Thanks. You have no idea how much I appreciate your patience ^^


Yes the chicken soup has been taken care of. I am pretty much back to normal now :)


I agree, dying would have slow down QT development considerably.