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Here is a little something to keep your juices flowing in the waiting for the "Gold Edition" release. Although I can't really call this amazing piece a "little something" because it's a big... no, HUGE SOMETHING! I fucking love it, I know you will as well. DAHR sent this one to me this morning. I'm sharing it with you guys first. The "Gold Edition" is gonna be legend-- ...wait for it.... ...wait for it... ...wait another half a year for it.... coming soon... P.S. Also seeing your support I am considering maybe hiring DAHR full time in the future. Don't worry that won't mean I will stop drawing... But I will be able to work much faster with his help. But this is in the distant future... Back to the "Hermione Trainer" now.




How about post a new pic from PT? Something that you can add in your game in the future e satify us while you work on HT.


A new "PT" pic? But where I would get one? I didn't touch the game since the release...


Awesome! i just love how Dahr draws Iris, the same way i love how you draw Jasmine :) was kind of disappointed when i finished the game, i thought Iris was only Dahr's domain ;) look forward to seeing more of Dahr's version of Iris. Don't get me wrong i like how you draw Iris too so please don't get offended ok?

Michael York

Are you going to release the updated Princess Trainer in english?


can't wait for it.......


Мне понравилось, игра очень интересная! Вообще нравится вся серия, но эта игра понравилась особенно! Классный сюжет жду не дождусь gold edition! особенно мне понравилась лола она тякая няшка >_<, по больше бы сцен с ней в новой версии.Спасибо AKABUR за эту игру :3


How far are u with the gold version ?


what's the release date my friend?


Спасибо за отзыв. Лола вернётся с двойной дозой "ня". Жди ;)


hey akabur i found some mods for "Bitch Trainer v1.04" but i have some problems when i apply the mods i get this error <a href="http://i.imgur.com/q3r7RpB.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/q3r7RpB.png</a> i will appreciate it :) Mods Link: <a href="https://mega.co.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.co.nz/</a>#F!HEt2zJgY!ElShcFDGEmvVoYpYmKsDqw Thanks in advance


Those are not my mods, so I can't really be of any help. Sorry.


Great poster!


Looks pretty di$ney-ish, definetly fits the theme. And that last part. Are we watching the begin of a studio here? Oh my, oh my.


Who knows... With support you guys show me I'm starting to believe into all kinds of crazy shit...


This is going to be epic!!! I think that I'm more excited for this and Hermione trainer then a Apple fan-boy waiting for the new Apple cellphone. ...cannot wait... ...cannot wait... ...trying to figure a way to speed up time...lol


Heres hoping Disney hires you and starts off Disney Adult Princesses! Or not. Akabur I've been thinking, legalwise are you safe with making these parodies? No chance of a lawsuit or anything right?


Loving the poster and all the good vibes it's creating. It's quite inspiring! I think I've played PT at least half a dozen times all the way through since it's release and seeing this poster...I think it's about time I make a 7th run through this morning!


Well it supposed to be safe since this is a parody, but you never know with those lawyers... Suing some meager indie adult game developer would give Disney a very bad publicity that's for sure... What I know is that here in russia US laws don't mean much so I can't imagine any lawsuits...


Really glad you decide to make a better version of princess trainer :P Really well made but I miss some of the unfinished parts :)


Coming soon to a theatre near you!

Alex P.

Awesome ! And don't be fooled, Jasmine is the one in charge. ;-)


Great pic ! I should print it full size and promote the game in my neighborhood :D


Wow. Fantastic work, love the design of the whole thing. How long did this take you to make?


You gonna miss the unfinished parts? Heh... Well maybe I will throw in a few new ones just for you. Kidding... I hope next version will be the final one...


Of course she is! Would you freak out to discover that it was all her plot since day one?


HD version is in the attachment. Go crazy! (Don't forget to snap a pic).


Oh, no, this one is not by me. This is by another artists - Dahr. It took him two working days.


Very Sexy. Great advertisement this here.


Honestly, i personally prefer your drawing style rather than Dahr's. So, if you are thinking about hired muscles, better find some decent coder, i suppose. P.S. Do you even realize, that Princess trainer won't simply end with Gold edition? :) You've opened Pandora's box, so just name it "v2.0" :)


Despite being flattered immensely I can not fathom how you could prefer my drawings of the work of my Idol Dahr. But in any case you should not worry... This is nothing but talks about some distant future... And I assure you, "Princess Trainer" will end with "Gold Edition". It will, you hare me?! It must... "Princess Trainer II the revenge of Genie" is another story though^^


Dhar's art is very cool, I wouldn't mind you two working more together.