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This vid was originally 14 minutes long^^

Basically just a little "poof of live" video. A soon as I have something more substantial to share - I will.

Thank you for your support, guys.


That vlog of mine.

Originally this vid was 14 minutes long.



Nice to know you are Alive, working fine and with still a few drawers empty at home. Agreed that is an awesome wallpaper, thanks for sharing


It's nice to have news from you :)

Paul Te

Good to hear you're alive and well. New Episode looking exciting too. Hope you won't have to use that tazer anytime soon.


AKABUR's alive! Hooray! And he's doing well! Hooray! And he owns a stungun. Hooray? AKABUR is working on a new game! Hooray! AKABUR's neighbor's are assholes. BOO!


Heeey glad to see you again! \(^_^)/ Good to know you're alive and doing well despite rain and lousy neighbors. It's all good, but I have to ask. Tony Stark or Steve Rogers?


LMFAOOOO "come on give me another one" *water drop* ..."piece of shit."


From the preview I had thought your new game was going to be based on Avengers Academy! Or will that be your next project? ^-^


Was that the chick from the Tron Remake I saw? Also, nice taser gun; can never be too careful. You should think of some loud stuff you can do to get back at your neighbors; see how they like it.


That preview of Magic Shop Episode 7 made me laugh. "Die already!"


Steve Rogers of course. That guy is like Superman of the MARVEL universe for me :)


I'm glad my suffering amuses you... Heh, well a repair guy will be coming tomorrow to fix the damn thing, and you guys are paying for his services so it's all good! ^_^


Yes, Quorra from TRON Legacy. Sometimes I wonder if my neighbors are just a bunch of monkeys with hammers...


One thing I've noticed, in all of your "walking around" videos, you've never shown the Don river. Any reason or it just never crossed your mind.


Well, there is not much to show, it's just a river. But I'll try to show it in some of my future vids if I have a chance. :)


Is that a water heater/boiler in your shower? Be careful with that, especially if its leaking.