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Hello, guys.

How are you doing today? I hope everything is well?

I am asking this purely of selfish reasons of course ^_^ I need you all be well because it will make it easier for you to support all my insane-- erm, I mean all my AMAZING AND GENIUS endeavors. :)

So let's see what I've been up to lately...

Been playing a lot of "Overlord: Raising Hell" on my PS3. Been looking for a chance to play that game for quite some time, and finally managed to procure the disk only last week.

My favorite handball team "Rostov-Don" lost to fucks everything the could this year... Very sad... :(

Also I spend my free time gawking at PS4 "Ratchet & Clank" on PSN but I don't really have the time to play it at the moment... Still, I never got the chance to play any of the original "R&C" games, because I was always more into "Jak & Daxter" but I think now I'm ready to experience the "R&C" for the first time.

Yeah... I will be, most definitely will be getting the game as soon as I release "Episode 7" of "Magic Shop"... Probably...

What else I've been up to lately? Hm... Oh, yeah, finally got my hands on another great game: "Something Unlimited" by Ssunsetriders7  (www.patreon.com/sunsetriders7). It looks VERY promising I must say. Just everything about the game is well done so far. I'll be talking more about it in the future I'm sure because... well, because I really like that game at the moment. #^_^#

What else, what else? Hm... Right, the VanArts thing. Well, my international passport is expiring soon so I had to take care of that first. The prosidure of reissuing a new one takes one month. I submited all the papers and just waiting now...

And that about covers it I think. As for the "Episode 7", I finished all the graphical aspects and now working on the story. As soon as I'm done with that I'll start putting the thing together...

Also I don't forget that I still do host streams on https://picarto.tv/akabur, so feel free to show up and say hi. Latest stream always gets saved so you can still watch it even if you missed the stream itself.

And that's about it. Thank you for your support guys... Thank you...

P.S. I bought an awesome manhole cover pillow at IKEA. You know, for those times when I feel like role-playing TMNT stuff ^^




Hello Akabur. It's always good to see an update from you. Nice pillow!


Good to see that you are still alive. Don't tell me too much about S.U. because I didn't have time to play it yet. As usual looking forward to your next game/video. PS: Do take the time to play Ratchet and Clank it is very good.


Also, that's the most you we've ever seen on camera, You've grown up so much!


Nice to see your doing well Akabur and sorry to abiut your favorite team losing and have to say I know your feeling on the whole Ratchet and Clank game. It looks amazing, and speaking of that as well Jak & Daxter those two along with Sly cooper where some of my favorite series throughout the various playstations. Sadly I never got to play them when they came out due to me not having a playstation but rather playing bit by bit at friends houses. Also awesome choice on the manhole cover pillow. :)

Icy Panda

With that title I thought you meant a body pillow of your slave waifu lol glad you're enjoying things and look forward to your cruel-I MEAN, fierce compassion to the lady's of your art ;^D


I love updates like this, I'm glad you're doing well and I'm looking forward to checking out Sunsetriders new update, probably tomorrow. Keep these updates up, good to hear from you!


I loved to see you on stream when I was able to ^^ I'm looking forward for episode 7 and I'm sure I won't be disapointed, unlike another episode 7 ... TMNT role play ? oh yeah, I can imagine you cosplaying a turtle while banging an april cosplayer :D


Good old long posts from Akabur (^_^) Cool pillow, funny pants)) Thanks for the link on Sunsetriders7. Didn't know about these guys and their games before, looks very promising. Btw, I missed two last streams because of bad work of picarto's notification system. It's sucks :( Still keeping my fingers crossed for your visa.


Awesome everything, except the handball team losing, is nice to see things are going well on your end, thanks for the links and hope you get all the paper stuff done without issues. ^^


I really liked the first Overlord game, especially getting the achievement "Rocking the Tower." Hehe.

Ainārs (Hoodz)

Hehe, I like these update posts, plus you are a quirky, *Cough* I mean an interesting kind of guy, so it's always fun reading them. That pillow is awesome btw :D


О значит скоро выйдет игра типа overlord? антигерой,башня,захват королевства и принцесс =)


Thats one well trained fapping arm.


Yaaaay Im glad you like "Something Unlimited" told you it was good! probably got some "inspiration" too. :D I hope the Link I gave you had no problems :) Good Luck with Episode 7, maybe somewhere in the future episodes you'll add a super hero.. Your wonder woman is pretty infamous ;).. lol cant wait to hear from you again.


and forgot to mention when you said overlord I immediately thought of overwhored im too into adult games xD


Are you working on Witch Trainer Gold Edition?


There is not much to tell. It's rather short in the moment, but it's well made, that's all ^^ Yeah, the thought of playing that stupid game sometimes keeps me going during "the rainy days". God, those trailers look amazing! :)


Not true. Didn't you watch my Q&A vids? There is no pillow on those :)


Yeah, I know what you mean. Sly Cooper is also on my list of games that I wish to play one day...


Those are my pajamas, man... -_- And yes, nothing is perfect. I mean, look at patreon! But hey, we still make all this shit work somehow! :)


Thanks, Ace. I hope so to. As for the Rostov-Don girl, they will rise like a bunch of sexy phoenixes soon enough, I'm sure ^^


Is there one like that? Good! Who did you chose by the way? I feelt bad about dumping Rose but how could you possibly choose her over the slut?


Huh? No... What gave you that idea? Haven't touched that game literally in years...


Another day in the life of akabur. Sounds great man I'm a huge fan of the overlord series. And the new ratchet and clank game is also really good. I wish they would bring back Jack and daxter that was such a huge childhood series. My fav will always be jak 2

Gunsmoke Games

Thanks for the shoutout! You may have to give up handball for hockey if you come to Canada for Vanarts lol


Trying to give good games more expose is my privilege. It is also good for the industry, so in the long run good for me as well :) As for the hockey, yes, that's what I keep hearing... But it will be a really difficult adjustment unless there is a hockey team full of cute girls :)


Yeah, a "Jak & Daxter" re-boot would be appreciated indeed :) Yes, JAK 2 is my favorite as well.