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Hello guys. 

I did mention this already: I will be trying episodic release model for the next several months. But since it's a new thing that I will be doing with an already existing game there is no way to number the episodes properly. So next episode will be Episode #7, and then we'll just go from there.

Well, anyways, here is a little spoiler for you. 

And "soon" is a relative term of course, but it will be less then a year. Promise! :)




Not updating?


Great news, Glad you are up your game, also as far as soon is ok with you, we are ok with that.


Will Episode 7 look like Episode 4 ? :p Anyway I'm looking forward to play it, you are sure a worker Akabur, you allways please us :)


I look forward to seeing what changes and combinations you make in the game.

Voodoo Monkey

Wow that was a short break! This is going to be awesome. Are you planning on just finishing put the various potion combinations or expanding this game like PT?


Teaser image looks great. The patterning on the outfit reminds me of classic Jack Kirby, is that a hint on what's to come?


Dem titties and dat ass looks perfect. Good work Looking foward to it. :)


Looks intriguing, go-go Akabur-san! ;)


Take your time aka we love you!

Icy Panda

You'll make it great like the rest, I'm sure if that!

Paul Te

Will there be any prequels?

Vega Chaos

nice haven't seen much tron stuff this should be sweet (hl3c)

Jacob Kain

There is no where near enough Tron anything in the world. Porn included. Excited to see what happens.


Awesome! :) This looks very titilizing. Tantalizing. I meant tantalizing. Will each episode be a 'short story' on its own, like the 'Lara Croft dungeon' thingie?


Lara Croft in the dungeon was great. Especially the anal beads part. It would be good if that's how you were working this with the chapter updates.


Yeah... Get ready to add "a tron girl" to your list of Waifus.


Sure, plenty of... wait, what are you talking about? 0_o


Thank you, Icy Panda. I'll put my spin on the whole thing, as always^^


where can you get episodes 1-6?


ermagerd trawn gurl