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So... This will probably be a long one, so I hope you're ready :) Alright, let's do this thing. Monday Post #157!

The health. The current situation is as follows: I definitely do feel better ^_^. In fact I feel good enough not only to be able to write this post but also to get back to working again. That being said I am definitely not 100% back to normal. To be honest I am not sure if I will ever be at this point. But it's not nice to be greedy, recovering back to 90% at eventually would make me perfectly content with my life.

What did I do to heal? A lot of stuff: exercise, rest, diet, massages, vitamins, anti-inflammatory pills, ect. And now that I do start to feel better I really hope that it's the sum of the things and not just the pills... Because I'll have to stop taking those soon and  going back to how thing were would *really* suck.

Also I bought an orthopedic chair. It's green and weird. But at this point I am willing to try almost anything. I also ordered a desk with adjustable height, but it's taking forever to get here. (Seriously it's been a month T_T).

The IRL stuff. All sorts of things were making my life miserable lately, not just the health problems. At this point in time I did manage to solve some of them and just sort of came to terms with the rest. Life just goes on I guess... And don't get me wrong I am not out of the woods yet, but being able to work again really helps me to take mind off of things and feel more fulfilled and happy in general :)

The work. I spent big portion of this week working on the story for Ep12. Saying that it feels good to be back doesn't do it justice. It's doesn't just "feel good", it's more like my life has a meaning again. It probably sounds a bit depressing when I say it like that, sorry. What I mean is that what I do for a living really makes me happy. Thank you for making it possible, guys.

Episode 12. Currently I am back to working on the story. This episode will be a bit on an epic side :) Th little piggy storyline with Jasmine and Ashelin will be getting a proper continuation, also the Ahselin and Lara romance will be advancing quite a bit, not without the help of the MC of course. Usually I don't like to spoil stuff but I think I should give you at least something at this point. So yeah, Ep12 will include a lot of wholesome events ^_^

The thoughts. Over these months, while I continued to feel crappy I couldn't work and playing video games made my head hurt. In other words I had plenty of time to think and reflect on a lot of things. During that time I made some decisions concerning both my personal life and my work. I don't want to go into the details yet, but slowly some changes will come. Don't worry it will be changes for the better and I actually think you will welcome most of them with open arms. But for now that is all I will be saying.

Witch Trainer. In case you didn't know, recently I uploaded WT to itch.io. Shortly after I got a few messages from people saying that they have problems lunching the apk file on their phones. I decided to test it myself, and it launched without a problem. And then... And then I spent an hour playing the game. Revisiting it after so many years felt wild. A whole rush of emotions and memories. It made me remember how much effort I put into swimmingly important things back then: the fire place fire animation, the outside weather effects, the animated chibis. Heh, back then I had plenty of time and health to burn through. Well in any case, revisiting WT made me also think some things, but I don't think it's time to talk about that yet :)

And I will be wraping things up here. Thank you for being with me during this weird and difficult times. Honestly as long as I have you I shouldn't worry about a thing. ^_^ Love you all.


P.S. The Gif is from Running From The Wind. Watching that anime reminded me how much I used to enjoy jogging ^^




LET'S FUUUUUUUUUUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Also the rough state of the post tells me editing the next episode's gonna take a lot of concentration, but it's definitely worth it to see you back in action.


I’m happy to hear an update from you, keep up on maintaining your health Akabur


Don't just start overworking yourself again just because you're feeling a bit better! Take the time you need going back to work gradually, don't screw up your recovery by jumping back in all at once.


Glad to hear you are feeling better man =D I played WT recently on android tablet and didn't have any problems. I sure did enjoy all the effort you put into this in grafix and jokes that I had almost forgot. Hermi's expressions are f* priceless ^^


Epic update, but as others said, not push yourself too hard. Space Channel 34 born as a easy and fast to update project, so if you want to take a break go for it, the game is done in a way you can do that, better having a nice different project than a not so inspired SC34


These are some great news, I'm glad you're feeling much better BroWaifu ! Take care, be safe (and don't forget about WT: Platinum Edition ;) ) Joke aside, godspeed !


The post that got posted initially was actually the draft. Patreon bugged out on me again. I just updated the post though, no it looks the way it was supposed to.


Yeah I know. The most difficult part right now is taking breaks. Sometimes it's hard to stop when my mind is consumed by writing or drawing. -_-


Thanks Ace. And thank you for the email. I'll reply soon :)

Icy Panda

Glad to hear you back in better health. Whatever else happens in the future I hope it's for the better for you personally with how much you've given us over the years.


Glad that you're starting to feel better. I'm pretty sure that I don't have to say not to push yourself too hard trying to make up lost time for us. You've got a proven track record, and I feel that a lot of us are going to continue to stick with you.


What ever you do after 12 i'll be there to bug the heck outa you as normal. For real im glad your doing better you had me so worried.

Trevor Bond

Welcome back to some semblance of normalcy! I hope things continue to improve! Feel better man, and don't push too hard.


Cheers to your health!

Best Waifu

you do you man. your work is great, hell even got me to watch all related materials. take care of yourself. your time and health are 2 things of extreme value. with neither you have nothing.


I go back to WT for relaxation a lot, and I'm glad to hear it works for you too. But because I'm greedy I wonder if it couldn't use a couple of CGs on those black screens... Don't stress about that though. Your health is issue #1.


I'm very glad you feel better, step by step, youa re doing a wonderful work man. Keep up with it!

David D

WT is still at the top of my list of favorite games, and it always will be.


Okay sir, you gave us a long-ass post, so I give you a long-ass comment 😜 First of all, I'm happy to know you're getting better in several ways. Welcome back on track, Akaboo ^^ I hope you'll manage to return to your 100% health state. I dunno how, with some magic maybe, but I hope you'll do it 💪 Regarding the Witch Trainer, I've lost counts of how many times I played it. Some of them was just for fun and pleasure, and some others for educational purposes (I mean like really, I played it to learn some stuff from you about h-game dev and especially about writing dialogues). Can't express how I'm greatful to you, man... Did I tell you that you're a fuckin Tarantino of h-games area? Yes? Well, that's just a reminder ;) About SC34, recently I realized that it's been almost 5 years since the first build of SC34, if I'm not mistaken. That's freacking crazy and scary, dude Oo Not surprising that you'd like to take a break. Speaking of which... I know you said "maybe", but you really just said the words "Magic Shop" and "finish"???!!!1 Breath, Danlorn, breath 😨 I don't want to do any pressure on you, but hell, that's a damn noice thing to hear!^^ Anyway, whatever you decide to do on your break, good luck with that. And of course, keep taking the damn care about yourself, my dear comrade! Do it! Again, good to see you're getting better, Aka, and thanks for the big update on your situation. See ya! ✌


Well, you know, this time you made me happy) You are recovering, and the main thing is that the work brings you satisfaction! May this continue forever!


"revisiting WT made me also think some things".... Vicious tease there. This is the H-game equivalent of Valve saying "Oh shit, we were looking at that old HL2 game, and damn it was good, kinda makes us think...."


In all seriousness man-- do NOT fucking overdo it. I'm saying this 100% selfishly. Akabur working at 1/2 or 2/3 speed will be a bummer, but it's still a lot more content than an Akabur who is unable to work. You have a long track record of putting out good work and NONE of us are here because we expect clockwork releases on time on the 1st of the month.... we all know how you work and can be flexible. We trust you to deliver-- eventually. Take your time, take care of yourself, don't write checks your neck can't cache.


As someone who works in the logistics industry, I will tell you what i tell every one who calls in looking for their thousand dollar cabinet order or bathroom vanity or entertainment center. "It's not here yet, probably delayed due to COVID." I love the weather effects in WT. I legit love to load up the times I saved when it was raining outside, light the fireplace, and read some manga while Genie reads up on how to further corrupt some hot witches. So much comfort.


It's great to hear that you're recovering, about taking a break from SC, it's totally understandable not to worry about it, doing new things helps you get new ideas and yours are the best, but take it easy and keep taking care of yourself.


take your time, don't feel the need to rush your games are great, and especially with how crazy covid has been health should be your first priority glad your feeling better.


Thank you, Icy. I appreciate all your support over the years :)


Thank you, karsonis, I appreciate you're saying that. Don't worry, even though my work is still my priority, I am not an idiot and realize by now that if I push too hard I won't be able to get anything done at all, so I need to play this real smart. ^^


Thank you, Trevor. I appreciate you always take the time to drop a comment :)


To be honest I am too scared to touch WT again (to make any changes to it I mean), but at the same time it could be really interesting :)


Well, let's just hope one day I'll create something that'll be good enough to replace it. We can dream right? :)


First off all it's always nice to see comments from you, old friend. Second of all thank you for all the flattery, keep it coming, I LOVE that shit XD As for Magic Shop it's my only game that was never officially finished so it could be fun to revisit. It's a simple game so it should be a low stress work for me. But don't get too excited, I haven't made up my mind yet :)


I know. And to be honest it's not like I have much say it now, I'll just listen to my body and try not to abuse it anymore and hopefully I will be able to continue to work for years to come :)


I'm glad to see that you and I feel the same way about the weather stuff. Honestly, if I ever work on a similar game I would like to pay just as much attention to the weather stuff, because it just makes things so much cozier. By the way, that rain and especially the moving clouds was super hard to implement (since I am a shit programmer) but I still spent HOURS trying to make it work. I am always happy to hear when people say that they got a kick out of it ^_^


Your welcome thanks for taking the time to reply


WT2 confirmed! XD Happy to see you´re better!