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Well guys, the ANDROID version of "PT:GOLD EDITION" is ready.

I have to admit it feels pretty awesome to able to visit Agrabah and the girls at any time on the go.

Thank Xaljio for this build, he had to jump through some hoops to make my awkward codes android compatible.

This build may contain some bugs. If you find any - you know what to do. (Hint: akaburfake2@yahoo.com)

Also Filip is providing the hosting again. Thanks, man.

ANDROID: http://core-design.info/PrincessTrainer-83-release.apk

MIRROR: http://digitalfantasies.de/files/public-docs/Akabur/PrincessTrainer-83-release.apk

(Mirror was kindly provided by: https://www.patreon.com/maw3dart)

MIRROR # 2: https://goo.gl/y6hwXC




Now I can play this gem everywhere, you are an enemy to my productivity, but i thank you for that ^^




Will there be a Linux version as well, or did I just miss it?


I think we broke another website.


i'm getting an error everytime i click on the link


Me too.


I am wondering and I do not wish to sound ungrateful because I really enjoyed the Gold Edition and am looking forward to playing it on my android, But why are we using this kind of download method, wouldn't mega be a million times faster? I spent a while downloading only to fail at 94%. Again sorry if my question comes off as rude.


I downloaded and unzipped the folder on my phone. I get an empty folder and a manifest document. What do I do next? I should probably ask Xaljio about this. Never mind I figured it out. For those with the same problem you change the ".zip" extension with ".apk".

Voodoo Monkey

@.@ I think the link is broken, it keeps giving me a failed server issue


I have added a limit on the server. If you get the error it means that there are too many people downloading right now.

Voodoo Monkey

Ah alright, sounds good Filip. Thanks for hosting this for everyone!


Yay, now I can take my waifus everywhere :D


It's soooooo good on the go


How do I save on the mobile version? I wish to make check points but idk how T-T


Thanks so much Love This Game :)


We all just doing our best here. MEGA takes my shit down all the time. I'm worried they'll shut down my account.


The game crashes on the latest mission, when he should go to the video (Samsung Galaxy S3)


Is the server still up for the download?


Is the download server still available?


game crashes at the final quest(when jafar makes the announcement)


You're awesome, and I love playing this on android! I just wanted to confirm that the Ending does cause a crash on most android devices, due to high resource consumption. I can see my ram get complete drained to 2M free before it dies. I know you're busy, and just getting this on android was a major gift, however if you wanted to know something that would fix the issue... the only thing I can think if would be changing the final scene for the android version to stills, or swf/gif/video. Something that might be a little less resource intensive since renpy is trying to load all of the images for that scene in one go. Sorry for the long post, and if you want to discuss this, or give me permission to modify the apk and send it to you once I get it working, feel free to message me: darkdragn.cj@gmail.com. I would never modify it without your permission.


Yes, this IS a problem. And another argument for me against working with full screen animations in this sort of games. This needs to be fixed... If you think you could do it, I would be very grateful (to safe the least).


is ther a new link because niether are working?


Im going to attempt to root my tablet just so i could use a ram expander and finish the game. If i brake my motherboard by doing that, thats on u :)


After finishing the favorite customer quest, and choosing the business options the Develop business and accept tasks can't be selected only done can be selected is this a bug? or am i missing something?


404 not found :((


I appreciate this


Oh nice


I'm trying to use the Princess Trainer Gold Edition" in a Android 6.0 and it's doesn't work. Am i doing something wrong? Maybe it is not compatible?