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Well it's Monday and you know what that means... By the by, how is everyone doing? Well if you have the strength to read this post it couldn't be THAT bad, I guess...

Work. This week I suddenly realized that I have no idea how the back of Ashelin's jacket looks like. After considering it for a bit I wen't with a somewhat obvious design, but now I'm thinking that since this is her "working girl" outfit maybe it should have something a bit more exciting written there, like "First (B)(J) is free" or something.

Oh wow. After I wrote "First (B)(J) is free" in the paragraph above this warning popped up. I wonder if this means I can't even mention things like that anymore in written form. It's so heartwarming to see Big Bro Patreon caring so much about us and trying to shield us from harmful content. I don't know about you but I feel safer already.

All in all. This week was a bust. Just one of those weeks I guess... I had some plans work-wise but a big portion of them just didn't work out. I did manage to get some work done, but I wish I did more... Stupid real world with it's pandemic and other nonsense...

I think I'll just warp it up here. Life goes on... Next Monday Post will be way more informative. Maybe. Thank you for your support during these weird-ass times. Take a good care of yourself, bros. And I'll see you all next week.





It's so reassuring to know that Patreon will always be there to find new ways to help protect my youthful and easily influenced mind from content that that I may find myself voluntarily subscribed to. I just don't know what I would do if an outside 3rd party wasn't there to tell me what content is not appropriate for me to consume. Keep up the great work Patreon!


It does that on images too. Surprised you haven't seen a warning yet, or maybe that proves how family-friendly your posts are ^^ Once it flagged a completely NN image with that same message, so I changed it and guess what? It let me post a more risqué image instead xD

Sid Santos

Thanks patron, two letters of the alphabet could of scared some middle aged conservative individual who is interested in a artists projects.


Ahhh Patreon. Next you will have your staff wearing read armbands and walking in goose step to keep us all safe im sure...


The sad part is ... if you had replaced those two letters by something like "headshot" it would be perfectly fine. Some culture(s) on this mudball got their priorities messed up BIG time.

Trevor Bond

I'm not gonna lie, I think Patreon's gone a little nuts in the last little while, like they're going slowly insane over the course of the pandemic.

long a nguyen

You cant just throw around the the words " Free Blowjob" around willy nilly! That goes against everything our capitalist utopia stands for!


I dont understand patreon, they know the majority of their money comes from nsfw creators. Yet they do this bleep, I ust hope this isnt going to be another tumblr fiasco.


Wow, one of my names is BJakin! Maybe I should change it so I don't get flagged. Also, what anime is the gif from? Looks like that skirt could be packing something else. 🤣


I got some stronger painkillers and can sit again, I relate to your earlier suffering so much now (even though it was my back and not my ass)


Good thing you can give them the middle finger now that you have joined the Star.


Well the pain in my ass are was caused by the back muscles being over-stressed so I'm guessing yours and my experiences are not that far off. *Sigh* The joys of adult life... I want my indestructible teenage body back.


Oh man, it's so goddamn true, but also extremely annoying :(


While all men of culture are frustrated with patreon's silly censorship, I feel myself angry because I don't receive notifications about Akabur's posts. So today is another time I came here by the pure call of my heart, and will keep coming again... p.s. Awesome drawing, as always, Sensei (^_^)

Icy Panda

Wow that B.J. censorship is ridiculous lol


Now that's interesting, because I got two notifications for his last post and three for this one. Maybe they send out the right number and are just not too picky about the recepients.


wait ? Is your patreon actually NOT tagged as adult ? if it's tagged as adult, you can say whatever you want in public (minus, racism etc. obviously). you only can't post nudity publicly (only on patrons post lock). I suspect your patreon is NOT tagged as adult.. and i say, you should tag it, that could avoid you lots of troubles like this and allow you to freely speak your mind . :D (mine is adult, so i can say that anytime without worrying XD)


Well said. We are to dumb for think for ourselves, obviously.


I know. So nice to know that patreon will punish me swiftly the moment I step out of line. Very motivating stuff.


My bad. So happy Big Bro Patreon saved me from a fatal mistake like that. Whew. That was a lose one.


Yeah... Let's try to stay positive and hope for a better future... -_-


Don't know the Anime's name, sorry. Just a cool gif I found :)


Yes, of course... SubscribeStar... Where I have like 16 paying subscribers... Stop saying nonsense, please. Patreon is amazing, great, bold and beautiful.


I know, right?! Oh well... We need to adapt to survive... -_-


I am on Patreon pretty much since the day it was created. At first there was no "adult" section, but the moment it was created my page was added to the list instantaneously.


Patreon being patreon ... Patreon is a bit like Lola (the human one), You never know what to expect from them XD