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Hi guys. How is everyone doing? Well I hope? Let me present you with another unboxing video! Enjoy! 

Now what? After I released ep11 I took a week off and did pretty much nothing... Seriously I didn't even play that many games or watch anime. I guess I just spent my time browsing through random vids on youtube in between starring at the wall for prolonged periods of time. It wasn't a waste of time though: I needed this break to recharge my batteries. 

Also I finished No More Heroes 1. Damn, that was a trip 0_0 I think I'll take a short break before I move on to part 2. 

Ep11 was successfully released so I am back to square one on my development cycle. Currently on the planning stage. Mostly writing down stuff and doing quick sketches every now and then. 

And that's about it I think. Maybe I'll be able to share something a bit more exciting next week, we'll see how it goes. For now though I need to finish off Ganon before "the Age of Calamity" drops-- Erm, I meant to say I need to get back to work ^_^

Later bros. Thank you for the love. 



Welcome to my unboxing channel. It is I - Aka Senpai the professional unboxer.


Icy Panda

I hope you got to see the non sped up version of the final boss' story! The 2nd one of course gets crazier, so look forward to the next Garden of Madness!


I did of course. Watched it on youtube. And after that watched a vid called "Deadly Individualism: No More Heroes". Fascinating stuff. Looking forward to playing NMH2 soon :)


Akabru, "Pro Unboxer" ... xD You deserve your break man, Episode 11 was great fun ;)

Trevor Bond

Hey, a week off to recharge is entirely fair! Episode 11 Was a hoot, and the rest is well deserved!

Sid Santos

My week was acquiring a addiction to HololiveEN, why are they in my time zone....... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck with the Gan... the work, the work!


You earned the time, buddy.


You definitely deserve taking some time off for yourself. The last thing the world needs is for AKABUR to be burned out.


Beautiful ❤️