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A word from my sponsor. This Monday Post is brought to you by my supporters. My supporters are wonderful and great, they fund my projects and feed me. I rely on my supporters for all my financial needs. My supporters - are my bros that will never let me down. Start being my supporter today, use code "AKABUR RULES" for a 10% discount*.  (*There is no discount, this is joke).

Beyond Good And Stupid. I've been quietly following the development of this game for several years now. Considering the current climate (both in the west and Europe) I did not expect BGaE2 to be any good. But I did enjoy the cinematics trailers (Yes I know there will be a movie now. Don't care. It's gonna suck.) And now I hear that Michel Ancel got fired. I wish I could say I am surprised, but it's been happening for quite a number of years now, with BioWare, NaughtyDog, you name it -- talented oldschool creators who build the success of the brand get slowly replaced by the modern day weirdos who have no idea what they're doing. Well, whatever, I had no plans to buy that game anyway.

Baldur's Gate 3. The game showed up on my radar by a complete accident: I got their "Romance and Companionship" video in my recommendations feed. After watching the said vid (and half a dozen others) I sort of became a fan. I may be wrong about this but I think they have actual game developers working on this one. I think there could be even some writers involved. But the most shocking part for me personally is that from the looks of things they also employ actual artists and an art director. The game looks vibrant, the characters don't look like clay golems, in this day and age it's quite amazing really. 

The games I play. I continue to play ToCS2. About 70 hours in. Finishing act 2, about to take back Thors academy. Finally! If all goes well the operation will commence tonight before I go to bed. Really looking forward to it :) Other than that I have nothing to report. I also continue to slowly make my way through Breath of The Wild, absolutely love every second of it of course.

Intersperses Reviewers. Got recommended this show. Watching it now. Loving it. Honestly Japan is our planet's last hope.

Zettai Ryoiki. Speaking of japan, are you familiar with the term "zettai ryoiki"? I only discovered it recently by pure accident. But I am so glad I did. To save you some time here is the wikipedia description: "Absolute Territory refers to the area of bare skin in the gap between overknee socks and a miniskirt (or shorts)". There you go. I continue to spread knowledge. Give ma the noble prize already.

My new T-Shirt. When Shenmue III was announced (feels like it was a hundred years ago) I got a bit emotional and made a pledge on their Kickstarter. For the life of me I could never tell you how much did I pledge back then. But few weeks ago I finally received my backer reward. Two things about this truly astonish me. Number one: I got that t-shirt only now (It's been years). And number two: they actually ship stuff to the communist Russia. 0_0

The work. *Sigh* Don't want to talk about it. I am making good progress, but since this post is not titled "Ep11 Release" you know what I will say: "I am working guys, thank you for your patience". So yeah. Thank you for your patience. -_-

And that is it. As always I'll leave you with a cool gif and see you all next week :)




I kinda confuse to see Sobolev as gif....


How did Shenmue III turn out? Haven't heard anything about it in a long time.


I really liked beyond good and evil 1, but BGE2 could never gain my interest


Gameplay - outdated and repeatable; Story - filler arc; From what I understand creator (Yu Suzuki) wasn't really interested in modern gaming, trends, etc.

Trevor Bond

Aside from the usual 'glad to see you're still kicking', I must also say hey, thanks.... I live under a rock and hadn't heard of Baldur's Gate 3 yet! I'll poke it with a stick and see if I like it lol! BG&E2 though.... nah. I'm with you, it's not worth it. Anyways! Keep up the good fight and work, and stay healthy!


Межвидовые рецензенты - топ. И кто-нибудь скажите - причем тут Николай Соболев ?) А то я понять не могу что он тут делает


The explanation of the joke at first man..., this is the world where we live now xD Keep safe!


Watching Monster Girl Reviewers are ya? Next episode, Genie posts reviews of the smash he has with the girls on the web. They all complain about his negative points, they hold another tournament, the top 3 are decided via Patreon Poll and the results are added to the following episode.


hey man take your time on getting ep 11 out. while we do want it you are a human being and deserve to take care of yourself first and foremost


With all these games and anime your playing/watching, I'm surprised you haven't fallen in for the hype that is Genshin Impact. Lol. Interspecies Reviewer is amazing, as long as you watch it uncensored and extended.


""they actually ship stuff to the communist Russia"" .. coming from communist China.. hahaha... hm hm.. no offense hehe, just small bad joke :/, yeah yeah, you can blame me and no need to steal my cookies... here ! *throw cookie all around*. (please check my other comment on your old post , i would like to know if i can jump in or not :P, just to avoid doing something that could end similar or anything..) . оставаться прикрытым (this is google translate, i m not responsible or anything bad :D)


I know right? You'd think there would be some kind of comie2comie network allowing for fast deliveries or something, but it's not the case :(


I don't know who that is. I just googled for a random "See you later" gif.


Pretty much same here. I could never understand the weird "Super epic" direction Michel Ancel chose for the second game. But firing him won't improve things. Well, who cares, I have a ton of anime games to keep me comapny.


How did the poking ago. According to my sources the game has almost softcore erotic scenes for the companion romance events. I have got to say I am really interested in that game at this point.


I have 7+ AMAZING weabo games in my backlog. Genshin Impact doesn't interest me in the slightest. But that could change because (believe it or not) I used to say the same thing about Breath of The Wild. As for Interspecies Reviewers, when I watch that show I understand how pure and vanila I actually am. The show is absolutely amazing though.


EPic Update, Epic shirt epic everything


Cool post, and the gif at the end just pleases)) No matter how your work progresses, the main thing is that you never forget to talk to people here) That's great!


Thank you for introducing me to Interspecies Reviewers, sensei! You are a true man of culture. As the Mandalorians say, “This is the way.”


Akabur-senpai, tell us 11 will be soon! I need to hear these words.


You should make some merch. Like a t_shirt with in back akabur (with maybe a char or soemthing) and in front ... "SOON". so when people buy it, everytime they wake up a morning and look in the mirror and ask themself "when is next udpate come out?" , they got the answer just in front of them. XD


Alright, you asked for it... Here it comes... Episode 11 is... COMING SOON.