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Hello, bros! How is life? It's Monday again and you know what THAT means. I can't believe we are more than half-way through the September already though. What the heck? 0_0
Oh well, I hope everybody is doing well. Thank you for showing up for another Monday Post. 

BoTW. I am slowly making my way through the game. Two mechanical beasts down. Two to go. Yes I know me discussing my anime games is exactly the quality content I pledged for. Well, you should be happy to know that there is more where that came from. But before that I want to discuss something else: BoTW based family friendly materials!

I'm so proud of this community. Did you know there were so many educational  Breath of The Wild videos out there? Well, I'm sure you did. But I didn't and it was such a pleasant discovery. And with the new Warriors game on the horizon I'm sure there will be more. Oh, what a time to be alive.

The New Harry Potter game looks about as modern as you'd expect. Along with The Avengers, WD:LEGION, AC:Valhalla and all the other recent, creatively bankrupt nonsense with a color pallet of an oatmeal cookie. God, I'm so happy I decided to buy the Switch when I did.

Trails of Cold Steel 2. I am on Act2. (About 45 hours in). To be honest the narrative doesn't feel as stellar as it was in the first game. The whole military airship run by a bunch of students feels INCREDIBLY forced. That being said I still enjoy the game immensely. And how can I not with them micro skirts present <3.

The work. Well the Ep11 development is going well. As I mentioned a million times already I decided to give into my creative urges with this one. With episodes 7 through 10 I've been concentrating heavily on the development times. It resulted in a more timely releases but also in a lot of compromises and abandoned ideas. Episode 11 on the other hand will feature way less compromising. It takes more effort, but gives me more satisfaction in my work. I am very excited to share the result with you guys and I haven't felt that strongly about an episode for a while now. (DISCLAMER: the picture above is an old WIP from my DISCORD server, the typos have already been reported).

New backgrounds. I slowly continue to order new backgrounds from my best background guy. His work is not cheap but considering the level of quality he continuously delivers it worth every coin. Thanks to your pledges it is possible for me to hire literal industry professionals like him. Thank you for your support guys. 

That's all. I think I'll just wrap things up here. I'll go make myself a cup of cheap coffee and get back to work. Thank you for being a part of my life. Hugs and kisses. Ep11 will provide you some quality stress-relief moments. Be ready.




Much love brother, keep up the great work, Have a great day :)


Nice to see you alive and well man, keep going in that way. That background looks awesome.


Background music for chapter 11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4cD35Xn5E


Sable Serviette made some great BoTW stuff but hasn't made any noise since november last year.


Just go hard and skip the mechanical beasts for that extra layer of difficulty.


The more I read your monday posts, the more I can't wait for E11 :D


The hype is real, it's looking fantastic


"Ep11 will provide you some quality stress-relief moments. Be ready." Ohhh don't you worry, i'm ready :D Background looks really good, that April scene looks pretty promising!


My advise for Coffee: Drink one good Cup instead of some "meh" Cups. I even grind my Coffee each morning. "Coffee is its own Language"


It’s looking fascinating


Ah yes, only the most 'educational' and 'family friendly' videos are to be found 'there'.

Trevor Bond

Glad you're getting some satisfaction from your work! Keep up the family friendly fun and have yourself a great time! And hey, I dunno about most but I like hearing what games people are playing. I also laughed quite a lot about your comment with everything having the colour palette of an oatmeal cookie! VERY true! lol


Do not drink cheap coffee, it is much better to stock up on good and high-quality coffee for more productive work)))


Hey AKABUR? Glad you're enjoying making your content :). But do you have an idea on when this episode will be released?


Right back at ya, Nikaria! You too, keep up the good work, man :)


It always sucks when artists suddenly just vanish like that. I hope he is alright. We will need him for the new Hyrule Warriors game.


LOL, I would probably do the complete opposite and will be way overpowered for the final boss.


Agreed. I need to be more responsible when it comes to my coffee drinking routine. -_-


Heh... I'm glad you agree with me. But it is also a bit sad that things need to be that way these days. Recently I stumbled on a Baldur's Gate III relationships and romance - the game looks surprisingly good.


I do. But I have enough experience to never publicly announce my thoughts on stuff like that. It's ready when it's ready :)