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So... It's freaking August already, huh? It came right after July and yet it somehow caught me completely unawares. Oh well... How is everyone doing? Fantastic? Great? Having the worst day ever? Well, that's just wonderful. Welcome to another Monday Post. Get ready for the positive, family friendly vibes to just wash over you.

The tragedy. In case you haven't heard yet I made I huge mistake and reordered that new Fairy Tail game. The devs made us all dirty though... They put a fucking black void under every skirt in the game. The worst part is it's Fairy Tail, which means there are short skirts everywhere, and the camera often travels into the holy land of the up-skirt during many animations, and every time it does you stare into the black abyss. 

No! I don't care about mods, I am an adult and have no time for that crap. I bought the game to play it not to tinker with the source code. The worst part is they completely misrepresented the game in the trailers. But hey, nobody forced my hand, I broke the sacred rule and paid the ultimate price. (The rule being of course: YOU NEVER FUCKING PRE-ORDER!)

To other news. I finished Trouble Days. Took me about 5 hours. Just like the NinNin Days the story here is somewhat flat, but the art is freaking fantastic and all in all it was a fun little adventure. I know PC version has 18+ scenes but honestly it worked just fine without them for me. Oh and next game in the series (KukkoroDays) drops in a few days. I'm really looking forward to playing that one as well.

The Poll. Right, so... according to the last week's poll whenever you feel like having fun you should always use somebody's mom. The people have spoken. 

The work. Episode 11 will definitely take me a while, but I made my peace with it. After all nobody ever looked at a poorly made game and said: "Man this is shitty, but it sure came out on time!" (That being said, thank you for your patience. Love you <3)

Oh and this week I even recorded a short inking vid for you. It's been a while since I streamed or recorded any vids to setting things up again was a bit of a pain. I hope it was worth it :)








Commander! We did it! We did head to New York after killing the Tennō and destroyed the Statue of Liberty. Finally Soviet Russia will glance again an the capitalistic System is gone for good. These CnC RA3 comments where really fun, I played one or two missions every time, when I read one of your Posts. I love your Games, and horny Devs like you make my life a lot happier.


Fairy Tail looks like Coomer game :)


Is that some Lara x Ashelin 😍


I am also quite pissed at KT forcing this censorship on us. The Fact that it was advertised without censorship, then it being added later is the kind of shit that makes me want to boycott a company. Shame to, as I love the Atelier games so much. It's made even worse because you can literal put all the girls in bikinis for the entire game basically. and almost all of the side stories focus around embarrassing boob moments for the girls. Rating 12 my ass.


Exactly. A ton of fan-service is there. The bikinis are there. Why the heck did that have to do that weird shadow shit? It may seem like a small detail to most people, but to me it felt like such a betrayal. Like they forgot about the core fans. I'm so upset about this that I just can't enjoy the game at the moment. Thankfully my backlog is huge and Switch has no shortage of games with fan service.


I'm always surprised about the sex it's usually more censurable than violence, and in this case it's not even sex... Anyway, your video it's so relaxing (as usual) so thank you very much for it. I'm glad to see you well!


"This video is not available in your country." Akabur censorship much? :-)


Good post, good video, good gif, good poll result.

Trevor Bond

Glad to hear things are MOSTLY going well (ouch on the preorder....). I have to say that video was one of the most mellow things I have ever had the pleasure to watch! Thanks for that, a good wind-down from work!


Your video once again remind me why it's so worth it to wait patiently. Masterpieces require attention to details and hard, repetetive work. Glad I can help out in your endevour, Akabur!


This should be a crime, be strong Akabur


&gt;I'm always surprised about the sex it's usually more censurable than violence Yeah, it bothers me pretty much as well. Like "Hey, you can decapitate old ladies in our game, check this out! But hey, don't you dare to expect to see naked boobs in our game, you filthy pervert!"


Akabur: Actually, I don't play visual novels as much as you guys think Also Akabur: Played thousands of visual novels and keeps doing so :D


I think that you shouldn't rush to work on episode 11, quality is above all ... Thanks for the video, it's good that you did it ... it looks like magic)


What's the gif from?


May you have an awesome week, Take your time and feel the love

Sid Santos

Fairy Tail without fan service is like fairy bread without the 10's and 1000's... just buttered bread :(


In case you didn't know, you are one crazy mofo with that inking dude =P As for "canvas rotation.. damn, that's a "cheat" ^^ *joking of course, I love watching you ink without all the crazy gifs on the stream ;)


Why 'canvas rotation' is cheating? I always thought it's one of the advantages of 'natural' drawing (&gt;_&gt;)


Heh... I knew that at the very least you would appreciate it :)


Heh, thanks man. I'm glad my posts gave you the motivation to revisit that game :)


It's been only two weeks but I already managed to buy the game and delete it after playing for like half an hour. -_-


Heh. Thanks, dude. Yeah, I think I accidentally created a an AMSR video. I happy you enjoined it though ^^


Thank you for your support and patience. I won't let you down, I promise!!


Well, if anything this story did reinforce my stance on never pre-ordering games. So it was an educational experience -_- I still wish I could refund the game though T_T


I didn't "Played thousands of visual novels" lol. Most of them are supposed to be played on PC and by the end of my work day I just want to get away from the cursed thing as far as possible. :)


Thanks. With Ep11 I am taking my time, so you may say I am listening to your advice. I don't know how I will approach the next episode, but Ep11 will be nice and polished :)