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EDIT: Oops, this was meant to be a public post of course. I forgot to uncheck the box. Sorry about that :)

Hello Bros!
Welcome to Monday Post 111. How is everyone doing? Monday Post 111!  let's just jump right into it! ^^

Writer Wanted! I am looking for a writer. The idea is as follows: I want to try and have another person write little events that would not affect the main story of SC34. I want to put those stories into the sim room and maybe update it in-between the episode releases to make the wait a bit more bearable for you.

Here is the thing though, I want to do this to increase the amount of content produced, not to slow me down while I working on the episodes. Meaning that I need somebody who could not only write but will also be willing to assemble his writing into an event. It's NOT hard to do, but takes time. 

Coder Wanted? Come to think of it it is probably not very likely that there will be a guy who would be willing to both write and assemble their writing into scenes. So maybe I also need a person who will be working on the scenes... I could send that person all the necessary files and explain how everything is done. It's not a difficult task. But it's a tedious work to be honest. I imagine any actual programmer would get bored in a matter of minutes.

Moneys? At this point I just want to test the waters so I can't hire anyone to do this. Meaning that if you want to give it a try you should be ready to do it just for the heck of it. If it works out and you story goes into the game your name and contact info will be displayed there in bold letters of course.

What am I looking for? Like I said, I just want to try if this could work or not. So I will be looking for a very short story or a series of stories. Also no matter what the story is about there will be no new costumes or backgrounds or any dedicated art for it. So you will have to work only with what is already in the game. For example if you decide to write several stories about the girls being policewomen and solving crimes along side the protagonist - that won't work since there is no police uniforms in the game.

The story must be fun, or interesting, or charming or at least anything. My literary standards are not that high and this will be just side-story stuff so you can be free to do whatever.  But you need to have the knowledge of the game to write in a similar manner if possible.

Again. I won't be able to spare any time to work on this stuff. I can send you all the game files and the codes to write the event. I can explain you how to put things together - no problem. But the rest must be up to you. I can't do it for you. 

It goes without saying that you should discuss things with me before starting to work on anything. akaburfake2@yahoo.com

There is no rush. Contact me today or next month. Or whenever. I imagine there will be a lot of problems with this. Especially at first but I still want to give it a try. 

This it for now. I better get back to work. Oh, and don't worry, next episode will be out on time: Coming Soon*




Stay safe out there, BroWaifu <3


If I wouldn't be extremely busy for the next 3 weeks myself I'd offer my help. ^^


All the best with the Quest my friend


Someone ping the guys at Silver Studios....


Hmmm, I want to try x)


Would you recommend someone with coding experience write or any schmoe or joe off the street can try (no offense to me)? Because I already have an idea in my head.


That is a lovely Kai gif, you have excellent taste in pretty boys!


A sexy Soviet Union is best Soviet Union comrade Akabur, blyatman!


we need this in France we can't go at work =(


I'd lend my services comrade, but I'm not sure my writing is up to snuff.


You don't need coding skills to code the scenes in. What you need is a lot of time since that stuff is tedious. But maybe it would also be possible to have another person to code in your text in for example. I am still trying to figure out the logistics of all that -_-

Sid Santos

Ok, I will write a series of stories involving gas leaks and cocktail parties. Damn it I just did a self insert story. Sorry I can't write, just produce bad ideas :(

Trevor Bond

My life is too hectic to guarantee results, sadly, and I'm kind of lazy lol. I'll scope around my friends to see if anyone's interested though!

Jonathan W Bain

Step 1: Put out the Call. Step 2: Review your options with care to narrow down the process. Step 3: Educational games are made! In all seriousness, The only issues would be making sure the people who are chosen are able to communicate their points with care that the fun they add isn't too far off that it feels out of place. Best of luck everyone!

Jon P

Love the idea! Thanks for giving it a shot Akabur, however it turns out! I’m not a great writer, but I’m capable of editing (already translated English is preferred more than Russian but I’m flexible and I’ve done translation before). Only offering since Lyk is busy and I’m in the US and everything’s basically closed down so I have plenty of free time right now. I’ve done a little work for Xaljo, so that’s my Patreon experience/reference. I could probably handle the coding too. Not experienced with it but I’m patient, can follow instructions, and capable of focusing for hours at a time.


Hi! It's a good idea! I wrote email you.


Did you just tell me that you will be fairly free for another 6 months at your farmhouse? 0_0


I didn't get the joke. I even try to google "Silver Studios"... T_T


I know. I have an excellent taste at FREAKING EVERYTHING! ^^


The ironic thing is that often people who have the most to offer hesitate the most.


Don't worry, I've got about a dozen replies so far... Now let's hope at least one person will be able to produce something I could later use ^_^


Yeah. That's the main problem: the writing needs to be on point.


Hi. Could you please email me just in case. I usually save people contacts through email for convinice.