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Took a couple of days off... Meaning that during those days I only worked a little bit :) Watched a few movies, even played some PSP games... (Damn analog stick is acting out again). It still feels odd to be done with the "Princess Trainer", but I'm getting used to that feeling little by little. I already have something cool things planned out for the "magic shop" combinations but first I need to finish this pic... Working on which reminded me why it's been a while since I drew one - it takes forever to finish OTL And, we also reached the $600 goal, so I will be putting together a little catalog of drawings from which you could choose the one you like and I'll send them to you by post :) Now I need to go get some sleep. Thank you for being awesome, guys. ..... ... . "TURTLE POWER!!!" ...nah, I couldn't resist.




I know for me, I would rather you just provide a digital version of the drawing and save the postage for cat food or whatever :-) Or maybe you could send a bulk package to someone who could send individual drawings cheaper...


Sending my drawings to be re-send later to other places sounds like and operation that needs to be organized and monitored and such... To much work... I will only be sending drawings that would fit into tiny russian mail envelopes so it's not a big deal. And I won't have to interact with wretched post-workers for that, I'll just drop the whole bunch of them into the mail box. Every envelope is around 3$ I think... That's alright. I need a way to thank you guys, you know :) As for the cats, don't worry, people feed them all the time here. The winter is over, so these days they have plenty of food and would rather have you pet them then you bring them something to eat :)


He-he. Thank you for your support, enjoy the game now... It will be a while until next release so you should take your time with it :)