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Hi, guys.

Since I had to work on Lola's outfit yesterday and it got me into the whole wardrobe thing again I decided to spend some time on something that I wanted to do for a while now.

I called it "tits on a platter" for obvious reasons, and the video above should explain it fairly well... It sort of like a new costume, only it's more like a pose that Jasmine will be maintaining at all times.

As for the progress on the game development, let's see...

I'm done with Iris' non-story sex scenes. And that's a big fucking deal for me because scenes like that are always a challenging task... Writing a good story is not always easy but writing a lengthy sex scene and making sure it doesn't feel like a horny teenager wrote it usually takes a lot of effort: need to make sure it's naughty but also funny and tells a story of some sort as well...

But, like I said, I'm done with it now. So, yay to that.

Right now I am working on that quest about pleasing Fat Lily for the second time to get her permission to have Lola live with you. Writing is done with that one as well. Will be putting it into the game next.

After that only two major quests left. One is about wrapping up the IrisVSJamine conflict and another one is a mandatory 4-some orgy with Iris, Jasmine, Lola and the player...

I decided to postpone those two though. I will be working on user interface and all sorts of chibi animations next... This is a graphical part so unlike with writing and coding I will have plenty things to show in no time, so most likely will post another vid soon.

After I am done with the graphical part it will be time to work on a million other small things like chit-chats, random visits to the tavern ect.

Well, that's the plan for you.

Hope you enjoy the video.

In case it doesn't work, here is the direct link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/k2RNOb9x6fQDtqdc4Bp


"TOAP" - Dailymotion動画

Dailymotionで "TOAP" から送信された動画 "rubaka" を視聴する。



love it keep the good work up cant wait for it to be done


Great video, great update, you work on the order you think is better, Glad seeing how good things are going.^^


That's great, I'm looking forward to see more and more, and to play the game, the more I see the more I want it, keep up the good work Akabur :)


Sorry if I sound demanding... but is there still any chance having girls handcuffed/tied up? anyway I love the idea of "Tits on a platter" :) hope you can do it with every girls ingame, not only Jasmine.


4-some orgy sounds too good to be true


Yeah, it's in the plans. But new costumes is literally the easiest thing to add, so I'm leaving it for later. I plan to play around with arms tied together, lactating tits and all sort of other things, but the time has not come yet.


Yes... It does sound good, but I didn't give it any sot yet, so to be honest have no idea how it will be put into the game.


Thank you, Dorago. That is the reaction I'm going for.


Yes, so far so good. Let's hope it will go on like that for a while...


Now that's what I call "Haute cuisine"

Ainārs (Hoodz)

How do you come up with this stuff, genius ^^


That's brilliant, hey is there a royal goblet scene at all now? I want to see her or Iris with their tits dipped in wine.


I think this is extra funny to me because I assume all the NPCs are going to ignore the fact that Jasmine is in that pose and go about their business as if she wasn't offering her tits on a platter; that amuses me. Cool stuff either way.


is there a special dialog when you asking her to do that ? cause I would love to see how she react to it.


"Bring me your finest pair of tits!"


Awesome update, can't wait for the game, it's gonna be epic :) Btw is that fear and loathing in las vegas playing?


funny and cool. I like it. "Hey ! Guess what's the dessert ?"


Both funny and hot!


I guess I'll be expecting the mountains of texts you'll rain on me soon then and I'll be looking forward to the chibis. ^^


Looks good. Can't wait to see what you have in store for Jasmine and the rest of the girls. I find it strange that the over protective Fat Lily would let Lola live with one of her clients with out hypnosis or black mail being involved.


That made me laugh and hungry. Would the other girls get similar poses?


Just waiting to have Jasmine in that pose when you walk her through the marketplace on a leash.


I am glad you have hit another milestone Akabur. I can't wait to see your work on all the chibi stuff and I would like to make a suggestion if I may. Would it be possible to have see the animations in an "Extras" menu or something? Maybe after the main story is done? Anyway, keep up the fantastic work and good luck my friend!


Looks bloody hilarious and sexy! Amazing work... Also, it seems, we may get the game before New Year, given the progress... Can't imagine a bigger present for us all.

Hank Rillek

Pretty awesome! Looking forward to the game!


great work friend


can u please add scenes of jasmine and jaffar after marriage , :)


Yes, chef Akabur. I would like to order a combo platter; )


Some kind of "beta" is needed to calm down our "inner fires". If you know what I mean... ;) Keep up the good work, Mr. Akabur.


Akabur i was wondering if you,or anyone else here could tell me the order of your magnificent games.(storywise)

Lame Lade

"Mandatory 4-some orgy"


Magic shop comes first. Then either Witchtrainer or Princess Trainer. They kind a go parallell with eachother.


i have a question about magic shop v1.2 i tried to unlock the locked potions but i fail i don't know how to unlock the potions i will be thankful if you helped me, akabur fan :)


What locked potion? The game is not finished. You're probably referring to a non-existing content.


I'm afraid to release the game without it... I'm afraid for my life.


Like a scene of Jafar going at it with Jasmine in his Palace? That's a bit boring... -_-


Yes, definitely. I plan to spend some time on developing the "extra" section, that will (I hope it will) contain a lot of all sorts of content, including some never seen before "making off" photos and commentaries and ruff ^^


Heh... Probably. Maybe not exactly the same but something in a similar manner...


Yes, me too. That is why I am adding an extra quest to ease the whole thing in, a bit more naturally... Hopefully it'll make the whole event a bit more believable...


Well, I already did... Best of lucks, mate. Hope you'll make it through...


Are you serious? You picked them up just from that background noise? Yes, IT IS "fear and loathing in las vegas"! Been listening a lot to those guys lately ^_^


Yes... I think now I will have to supply 3-4 short little scenes to make her "wearing" this "costume" more believable...


Yes, I can't possibly try and predict all the choices you will be making wardrobes-wise. So no matter you put on the girls, every one will be reacting to it as if it's completely normal thing...


Me to, man. But I can't promise anything... There is quite a few more important things still not finished...


Mua-ha-ha! Exactly! ...wait, what? Let me google it... Oh, I see ^_^ Heh. *Akabur's vocabulary been expanded!*


thank u for replying akabur, jafar and jasmine wedding was my favorite part of the game ,maybe their honey moon or similar scenes are they a possibility?????


Just finished Princess Trainer and loved it; it's very well thought out compared to the many other h-games I've played. Keep up the good work! Just a quick question: the end of the game hints at a sequel. Will there be a sequel? Or is the gold edition of Princess Trainer going to include sequel-ish stuff at the end (so there won't be a sequel)?


He's not aiming for a sequal but instead the ultimate release of the original with no loose ends whatsoever BUT only maestro knows how it will end :-P


It might be a weird question, but would it be possible to add like hair dyes. Like making Jasmine's hair blonde or platinum blonde, or making her breasts bigger or smaller?