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Hello, my dudes. Welcome to another Monday post. How have you been? Doing well I hope. Make sure to take a good care of yourselves so that no worldly concerns distract you when Episode 10 drops. (Which will be soon*). And thank you for taking care of me with your donations. Love you all ^_^

It's March already. March of year 2020. Goddamn... If I am not mistaken the patrons-only release of the previous episode was 3 weeks ago, so I am still very much in the green zone when it comes to the development cycle.

The GENTLEMEN. Went to see the movie. I gotta it's really REALLY good. ^_^

Tokyo School Life. Finished Karin route first. Shed some happy manly tears. Also finished the Aoi route - enjoyed it.

Rune Factory 4 is finally out. Of course I had it pre-ordered because I needed that swimsuit DLC. I don't spend much time gaming these days, so I imagine this one will keep me entertained for months ^^

Harley Quinn TV-Series. Watched the first episode. It was surprisingly entertaining. (Despite being a bizarre mix of like 90% of good writing and 10% of SJW stuff).

And that's it. As you can see I have nothing to report. But I am still alive and working. Next episode promises to be interesting. Let's hope no RL stuff will be interrupting my working schedule.

Hugs and kisses. See you next Monday.




Man!! The GIF is buffering >_<


Thanks man, Glad March is starting great


Sounds good, keep up the good work! Can't wait to play episode 10, you gave 9 a good cliffhanger with me thinking about all things than can happen in 10


Only just pledged but have played princess and witch trainer I thought I'd see if you did anything else and have now binged though Star Channel 34 in like 2 days so it's very addictive lol missed your games it's to play games where the dev actually has a personality


Dude! Last episode was bananas! You've exceeded yourself. Brilliant writing, loads of laughs and smut oooh the SMUT. You are the maestro of the eroge craft.

Trevor Bond

Has it been a week already?! Geez! Where is the time going!? But seriously, glad you're still rolling strong! Like an armadillo going down a sharpcincline!


You ever watch the Ninja Batman anime comrade? The Japanese Joker sounds pretty bad ass.


Lol the gif just made me laugh so hard... Akabur your sense of humor has no limits...


It's okay. Not wonderful, but gets the job done imo :3


Yay. A new pledge. Thanks man #^_^# And thank you for your kind feedback. :)


Thanks! I to invoke the same reaction in you with the next one as well! ^^


Yeah... Time waits for no man. -_- Thank you for your undying support, man.


Ha-ha-ha. Seems to me like me and you have the same sense of humor then :)


I did indeed. RedUnit10 is a really old name that I picked for a really old reason, a reason I have moved on from a long time ago, so I decided it was high time to rebrand. LordCorwin is still a name I hold close, as it is the first character in a book that I thought was really badass. The book was call "The Great Book of Amber" and Lord Corwin was the main protagonist with time traveling powers.