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So, I'm still recovering from a bad case of food poisoning that I experienced a couple of days ago. Had to call an ambulance for myself. That was an interesting conversation: "I need an ambulance for myself. Just come pick me up. Yes, I'll just wait here".

Took them almost two hours to get to my apartment though... But it was probably for the best because I spent that time in my bathroom anyways, hugging the bowl. By the time they got here my stomach was completely void of anything I have eaten EVER... The ambulance woman stuck an IV in me right away. Smersh was present as well. Fun night...

But today is the 3rd day since the incident. I feel way better. Not 100% yet, but the fever is gone and I can back to work. Yay!

But it does worry me a little that it was my second food poisoning in two months... Hm...

Also I have a VERY vivid imagination. VERY! And it helps in my line of work a lot, but also often renders my real life miserable when I keep imagining all these very unlikely but gruesome events happening... For example while I was lying on my couch with an IV in my arm, bearing the nausea, occasional fever shudders and the uncomfortable silence between me, Smersh and the Ambulance lady, I was thinking what if this is not a food poisoning? What if it is some disease that I wasn't aware of? What if this will escalate into something terrible... And you know what I thought next? Heh... I thought, "Dammit, Smersh will have to release the unfinished version of "PT:GOLD" for me..." Yeah, dying would suck, but leaving an unfinished game behind would be so much worse! ^_^

Heh... Thank you for your support guys.

I'm keep working on the Iris' sex scenes. Will keep you posted.




Glad to hear you are doing better, and no worry, our imagination make us sick paranoids, so not worry, at least we are happy. ^^


It's sad to hear what happened to you but good to hear you feel better, take care of yourself my friend and take your time with the game, your health come first :)


Please be careful with what you eat! It's not just the game, we all want you to get into that Van Arts School! Can't do that if you're puking!


Had such a case two years ago. Woke up in the morning, shaking and then three hours of pure fun from all ends. Had to go to the hospital, got an infusion and all that stuff.After that iIt's pretty much a three day thing, so chances are good that you're back to normal in no time. Though two hours for an ambulance is hard, 15 Minutes is considered long around here. As for the disease, probably not. The only thing being hard enough to cause such symptoms in such a short time is Noro, and that's pretty much the same thing as food poisoning/salmonella if it comes to symphtoms and timeframe.


"What if it is some disease that I wasn't aware of?" That's just anxiety kicking in :D . 99% of the time something simple is just that, simple. Yes life is boring, that is why we need PT:GOLD asap to make our lives fun again lol. Take care!

Oren Barzilai

Get well soon! Here's to your full recovery!


get well soon man and wow you surely love us and don't want to disappoint us to think something like that instead of your own health !!!! you deserve all of our support :)


Man, you gotta be more careful of what you eat D:


2 hours is crazy. I called the ambulance one time for a friend who got stabbed. 911 Hello, friend got stabbed could you send an ambulance? What? Hold on.. my friend says he doesn't want an ambulance.. he doesn't want to pay for one.. yeah.. I know crazy right.. do I want the ambulance anyway...? well.. I don't know.. oh nevermind it's here already.


You should go to cooking class as soon as possible. Jokes asides glad to hear you're ok dude. But I'm kinda serious about cooking things if you living alone, you had to stop ordering pizza from outside and learn how to cook by yourself. JESSE, WE NEED TO COOK!


Mate you need to get tested for Heb 1+2.


Man, what do you want living in Russia? About games. You are one of the best game makers, so dont you dare die on us, and go to work =D


Take care of your health, man, really. All we love you (in not homosexual sense) and your work. So, just keep calm and eat more grechka (I mean buckwheat) ;)


“bad case of food poisoning” Oh, that’s bad stuff man. “it was my second food poisoning in two months... Hm
” Any connection? Like, eating at the same place or food type. "Dammit, Smersh will have to release the unfinished version of "PT:GOLD" Now THAT’S a frightening thought to have. Translation: Please don’t die. You’ll become a ghost and hunt the game! Anyone who plays it will be cursed to become an art student, move to Russia, and make adult games.

Nemesis Valentine

Oh for fuck sake man! Take care of yourself, I have yet need to bury anyone close to me and I will be damned if I have to go to Russia to bury your ass! I have said this before but your health is priority one! We can wait for your work until the day before the end of time if it comes down to it. Can you please try to promise us that when you are done with BT:Gold you go for a LOOOOOONG vacation, one of those really luxury ones where you only have to lay down close to a pool with sexy women around you feeding you and just taking care of you. PROMISE US! I want you to live a long and happy life with no problems or worries, where you get to do what YOU want to do. To many great people these few years have passed away and I be damned if you are going to be one of them. Don't make me go down to hell (we all going to end up there) and get your ass out of there. Please take care of your self, and stop eating that crappy food (talking about your food video). Peace out!


Just wanted to add my voice to the general mood of get well soon and good wishes. As Nemesis Valentine said, your health is priority one. Take care of yourself, we can wait for the game.


That actually soudns awesome to me (I still don't want Akabur to die though)


Nice if you feel better. However... Two hours for an ambulance ? You had time enough to die ten times. Well... If you consider a day to come in Western Europe, welcome tovaritch ! We have a well sanitary system ! Joking apart, You should survey yourself a little (and the shops where you buy your food.) About the fact another could finish the game... Of course... Your characters could survive after you. But when we play your games, it's the Akabur style we buy, the way you draw. The Old Man, Iris, "your" Jasmine, Lola, Azalea.... We like them because of who they are but also because of the way you make them live. So please try to stay alive a little more. And, be warned ! If you die, I'll stop to be your patreon !

Moldred the Malcontent

it amazes me how much u live up to my Russian grandpa's advice "Hope for the best and expect the worst"


At least, was the ambulance lady hot?


Glad you're feeling better :) Food poisoning sucks!


I was wondering, which of the storylines are finished already and which ones do you have to finish? Also, I'm glad you're feeling better.


Strange, as for food to have a bad effect, there is always some consideration to be seen. (Fresh, conservation, cook (or not), last time a worry happened here = raw meat, who should be as fresh as possible, kept clear, still, two days of bad digestion later. Human = very diverse, beautiful & complicated being, when they are several milliard on the very same planet then ? As to imagination, there is something to. In fact, it is quite possible to create several (..) refeferenced illness, knowing that the body can (..) produce over 80 activators (adrenaline, endorphine, etc). Surprise there if the body do not produce them all time around ? On most case, these are seldom used, requiring several conditions (one being accord between mind & body). There is also the origin of most "uncommon" to "miracle" happening sometime (guy who can lift up a car, as to save a life), then is totally unable to redo whatever condition. From where, consideration are endless I guess, knowing the physical = lie. (under nano, the "matere" is either solid or gaz upon presence of an (human) observant) :x To be seen, in any case, being human, with an expanded mind = even more conditions (one being related to philosophy & some time over mystic I guess, serendipity, adaptation & coherence (sic).


Story-lines? Hm... Well, all of the major ones are finished already. Even Azalea has quite a few event dedicated squarely to her now. And thanks, I feel much better these days.


She sort of was actually. But it didn't catch my eye since many women here look quite attractive. Plus, you know, I was fighting the constant urge to vomit...


Thanks buddy. Let's hope you'll remain my patron for quite some time.


Thank you, my friend. In times like this words of support DO make me feel better. And it's been 4 days since the incident so I am about 95% back to normal :)


Thanks buddy. That's very touching, but I think you know me well enough to realize that I can't promise you thinks like that. I know you're right though...


Thanks man. And yes, some grechka would be real good for my stomach now I think...


Yes... With great power comes great responsibility... That what I should have said to the ambulance lady: "The game is not ready yet! Don't let me die, woman!"


I know, I know... My kitchen is so small though... But I probably should give it some thought...


He-he... This whole thing I am doing is like the only thing that matters for me. It was always like this, so yeah.


I know, I know. And thank you. Now get back to the waiting please OTL...


Yeah, it's been four days now, and I still feel light aftereffects... I think we both had a similar experience...


For the last time Akabur! You need to COOK the chicken before you put it in the Borscht!


Could be that... Or the raw bear meat I had earlier...


In Russia the food eats you!


It took TWO HOURS for the ambulance to get to you?


It took TWO HOURS for the ambulance to get to you?


Well, almost two hour. More like 1 hour and 40 minutes or so. Yeah, I know...

Tyler Cormier

glad to hear you are feeling better