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The damn silence taking over again.

I'm here, I'm alive and I'm working. Business as usual.

About half-way through Azalea's story line.

This is how it will work. After completing quest 13 (The Favorite Customer) you will gain ability to run errands for Azalea. Every time you accept an errand you will have a choice to do it yourself or order one of the girls do it (if they already moved in with you that is). Completing those tasks will generate "Development Point" that you can later spend on upgrading Azalea's store. I decided not to go too deep into this, so there will be no customizations or anything like that. You will be just leveling up the store for the better from level 01 to level 07.

Like I said when you accept a task you have a choice of doing it yourself or let Iris or Lola do it. Doing any task yourself will always result in success and a medium amount of development points. But it will keep you busy till the evening. Letting one of the girls do it will allow you to spend the day on something else (same way like when you send Jasmine to work). But by the end of the day the task may end in a great success when you get double the points or in a failure where not only you don't get any points but also loose some... This will depend on the task because Lola will be better at one things and terrible at other and same goes for Iris. So basically completing the task yourself is the safest but slowest route and will also steal away your time. Letting the girls do it may lead to loosing some points unless you already know what task which girl is good at.

Now every time you level up the store you get an even with Azalea.

There will be 5 events. During each event you will be given some choices and depending on the choices you make Azalea's personality (and destiny) will change one way or another after event 5.

After that you will have new version of Azalea in the world and 3 new events with her (3 for each of the 2 of her possible personalities). Those 3 events will be looping events that you can initiate as many times as you want.

That's about it.

I finished the 3rd event yesterday. So 3 of the 5 events are in the game already. But Azalea still missing her emotions. The remaining 2 events are already written but it will take me another 5 days or so to put them into the game.

After that I will need to write anther 6 events (3 for each possible ending). Then put them into the game... Still have plenty of work ahead of me...

As soon as I am done with Azalea I plan to work on Iris' looping sex scenes that you will be accessing from her room.

That's concludes my "developer's blog" for now.

But there is something else I want to talk about...

It's been a while since I recorded any videos. So let's fix it by creating a short "Q&A" vid. Leave your questions on this thread or (if you want to ask anonymously) here: http://ask.fm/AKABUR

I'll then print them out and answer those questions in my next video.

Well that's it for now. Thank you for all you suppo--

Nah... Thank you for all your love, people.




Will you be making an expansion for hermione trainer? In the scrolls you buy in the game there's also a slytherin girl doing favors for you, so i'm asking if you're gonna add her later


Amazing update, Akabur is love, keep it up, If I come with any funny question I will ask


Yay some interesting news, thank you :D Well about questions, I don't really have, yet I'm still a bit curious if something might happen for Rose. Also I have been thinking, we saw a picture of young fat Lily, yet I still feel traumatized about having sex with her to take Lola out, so I was wondering if it was possible to have a mini side quest that would allow you to have a temporary youth potion you could use on her on your date so it is more pleasant for the eyes, well only a suggestion :)


“You will be just leveling up the store for the better from level 01 to level 07.” Will there be a visual representation of this leveling up, or will it be like how you increase Jasmine’s obedience level?


I must admit I have hope for that too, A Witch Trainer Gold Edition! but of course, let's go first with Princess Gold Edition. and who knows? maybe Akabur planned an appearing of Hermione in PT Gold... anyway thanks for the news!


How many costumes will each girl have (just roughly, not necessary an exact number)?


Princess Trainer Gold is shaping up to be a strong GOTY 2015 contender. At least, for me. And it's quite a feat, since competition is Metal Gear Solid V, Fallout 4 and Witcher 3. Question: what do you plan to do next? Is Witch Trainer gonna get some update in the future? I seriously liked how things went really slow with her. If not, what do you plan to do next after PTG?


One thing I have always wondered; does Akabur actualy mean anything, or is it just a cool name you made up?


I have never understood what was implied in the present edition where she comes back from dancing "covered in honey and white wine".


One more question: given your nickname, what do you think about Elf Quest game for grown-ups?


So we have a better view about the richness of the new content. Thanks for that Akabur. That also give me some clues about other side of the game, specially for Iris and Lola. Things seems to go in my wishes. Go for it Akabur ! As we say in France, I hope you'll make a "chef d'oeuvre" and you are in the good way for that. I saw some comments about WT. You may want to to new things and I understand that. You may not want to work in a complicated structure you worked hard already, and i can get it too. But Witch Trainer is not an achieved piece and you know that. WT captured the heart of many of us. Please consider it. That game deserve to be finished properly and if you promise to work on it, I'll support you the time it'll need. But it's the future. For now, you do so well for Princess Trainer, so continue, stay us in touch and be sure of all our support.


If I send you flowers and chocolate to win your heart can I get early access? :D seriously tho, just curious, will Hermione make a cameo or costume appearance?


Flowers and chocolate is not enough, you should at least send him a sexy secretary cosplaying into Lola for him to think about it :D


First, everything looks like it's shaping up nicely. Second, are you still planning on going to VanArts and if so when? Just curious because it seemed like something you were looking forward to for quite some time.


Thanks for the info Akabur, How many Segments are still left to polish and include to the game after that? cant wait to get my hands on PT:GE I'm not even joking I have dreams about playing it while I sleep some times. which is kind of weird considering its cartoon smut ;) but its good smut.


So I'm wondering in something close to the same question. I know you said there "will be no customizations or anything like that. I assume you mean about the shop itself, mainly it's visual appearance. I was wondering if it would unlock anymore outfits or anything as it's leveled.


Your question got cut on my printout for some reason, so I sort of skipped it in the Q&A vid I just recorded. I'll reply here then: as soon as "PT:GE" released I plan to contact VanArts and start working towards that direction.


Talking about "having a new baby" while I am still "giving birth to the previous one" is a bit too much for me to handle. But I'm not saying it will never happen. School of magic full of schoolgirls is a reach theme to explore.


Heh... No, I don't think so. Things like that will open all sort of "magic potions, solutions and cheats" for the future. Agrabah in "PT" has very little magic left.