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Hi there, guys. How is everyone doing? Me? Oh, well, I caught a nasty cold and just want to crawl into a ball under a warm blanket and play some games on my Switch. But a man's got to do what a man's got to do, so here is your Monday Post! I'll keep it short though, I hope you don't minds.

It's out! Download links can be found on my twitter and on my page on itch.io. Windows, MAC, Linux and Android versions - All there. Fixed plenty of typos during this week, thank you for all the reports (Thank you Sasamus!).

FE: Three Houses.  Finished my first playthrough. Took me 90 hours. That being said I kind of don't feel like touching the game again... ever. I was so hyped for the upcoming Sauna DLC, but now I just don't care anymore. I didn't expect the whole romance thing in the game to be so basic (almost non-existent)... This was my first FE game. Was romance always this crappy in FE? -_-  No, seriously, 90 house of pointless  tea-parties and all you get is one generic scene at the end, that feels shallow as heck.

In Persona 4 for example there was no marriage, but all the friendship and love mechanics were done so well that I actually felt it. In Three Houses though it was just "meh" at best... *Sigh*... Oh well...

That's it. Another Episode is out. Won't be possible without all of you. Love you guys. And will see you in next Monday post and in the comment section.

The GIF? Right, of course. Here you go.




"Pubic Release" - another typo or on purpose? :-)

Trevor Bond

The only typos I found were already dinged in the comments previously so I didn't mention them. Thanks though, it is a fun episode and I enjoyed having a little bit of choice! Here's hoping you feel better and sorry to hear FE didn't quite do it for you. Never played the games so eh. Rest up and stay warm!


That sounds like the Maestro uploaded the wrong version... O_O


Get Better soon


EYYY Great work boi! also rest well, and thank you as always!


What the hell is that dangly thing in the gif?


Hello! Thank You for another update. So, I have a question. Year or two ago I was asking about Zoe Taylor from Bully, is it possible to add her in SC? You answered affirmatively about posibility. So, if it's not a secret, can You tell me again, is it still possible, or I can leave my hopes? And thank You again for all Your work! Good luck!


I got mentioned in one of AKABUR'S famous Monday posts! That's it, I've peaked, my life can only go downhill from here.


Hm, i recommend mira nova from star command for next girl.


Haha that gif is awesome! :'D

David Whiteside

Is there a way to get the updates but not lose the money and the popularity points cause I have a lot of money and points that I don't want to have to


Damn, now I guess I should say keep safe and healthy!


Yeah, that's basically it for romance stuff in a Fire Emblem game. Awakening was the best at it though.

David Whiteside

I just finished the new chapter and I was expecting more sex mostly sex we can see plus hermine wasn't visible and so was jafar and the guards and any background people that you might of had




Akabur bro please if you finish this title you will continue for more ? Bro I very into your work

Mitsy Marcella

Went 100% Ashelin and was NOT disappointed, you've taken such an obscure character and made them so delightful; I love it. :3 I also checked out the Normal Ending for funzies, not bad either. Lara and April's outfits were terrific. The only downside for me was not seeing what Hermione looked like as a Tavern wench. But overall, great episode! 'Till No. 9 comes out! :D


Sure. Normally your save-file is stored outside of the game file. So you can delete the game and replace it with the latest version but all your saves will still be there :)


I could tell you, but I don't want to ruin your innocence. :)


Oh, yeah I remember that request. Yes, it is possible... I hope to add a few more famous girls and after that maybe a few less famous just for the heck of it. So yeah, there is hope. But I honestly don't know when that could happen... Life is unpredictable...


Ha-ha-ha. Shut up XD Dude, you helped me a lot during the typo eradication phase. I'm juts trying to say Thank you.


Sure. Normally your save-file is stored outside of the game file. So you can delete the game and replace it with the latest version but all your saves will still be there :)


Thanks Nikraria. It's just a cold though. I am felling better already :)


super awesome mega episode my dude :P awesome work on this episode mate keep up the good work :P hoping to see some hermione content maybe next time one can dream :P cheers i like where this is heading :P


There goes my leisure time. Get well, buddy.


Akabur, if you have an ounce of (in-)decency in your soul you'll draw a Tavern Whore Hermione costume and give it a cameo in this thing. I think I speak for like 96.5% of us when I say the next episode can wait the few days if it means getting that retrofitted into this one and added to her costume list.


I don't really dig the whole "alternative adventure" thing even though there were some really good jokes in there. It got a bit tedious after a while and there wasn't enough Lola screen time. But hey at least there was a CG with a BJ in it, so this episode is still a win in my book


you know, I can't tell if the viewers constantly picking Ashelin over Jasmine is a running gag, or if its actually the case. Either way, I'm one of the bastards! Ashelin's great! Honestly one of the best episodes yet cause we actually got see a couple gang-bangs!


So for some reason I don't have my save folder anymore any way to get back to the new chapter


Amazing content. A bit of trolling on not including the little witch with her having "only dirty lines"


Good amount of humor and last of all: gorgeous girls! Best episode ever?! Maybe.


The only concerning thing for me is April speech after milking. Simply cannot skip it without timing on the exit button. Else was perfect. Tested android version.


Everybody with a hint of taste would make that choice. ^^


Love the new update. New setting was a nice change.

Jonathan W Bain

Passive aggressive gif says to me "Go get that update, boyos!" And get it we will


Hi Akabur! Thank you for the last update, I really enjoyed it. The sim-room is an interesting concept and I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with next. Seeing as you've given me a lot of enjoyment with your games I'd love to contribute to your project in some small way. I do a lot of programming and have among other things written a python module that implemented rpg-style combat (as you simulated in this episode) for the previous episode of star channel. I also recently picked up digital drawing (thanks to you!) and made some outfits for April: https://imgur.com/a/VF93N5l I'm not saying I'm as good as you, but if I could ever contribute anything to my favorite creator I'd be overjoyed.


Looks interesting, did you make all of that from scratch or are they just edited versions of clothes already in the game? I rarely get to see them since I usually just experience the games through the code.


man! I walk away from the patreon, because I'm out of work, I get the notification of the new episode, and I already get this news shower? LOGAN IS BACK! FUCK! thanks to him that I met you and other talented artists, I haven't been following the news much, but I wish you the best of your mental, physical and monetary health, Akabur, and now Logan is back! Thanks for another amazing episode! Akabur Rules! Welcome back Logan! PS: how is the third final done? my gallery is incomplete, I'm too rusty with these games hahaha


So finally a turn away from being a cuck game huh? To bad it all uses a VR cop out.


Thanks, Slam. I am honestly happy to see that you are still around and still play my games :)


Thank you :) I am glad that you enjoyed it despite the gripes.


Sure. Just hit "New Game" and you can choose from which episode to start from.


Not trolling, just trying to avoid insanely long development cycles -_-


Yeah, I know. That's just how it's coded. Sorry, I did the best I could. -_-


Thanks, man. I felt the same way while working on it. It was nice to have a little spin-off fun.


Yes, Logan is back. Yay! As for "third final" I'm not sure what you mean...


Hi i'm your big fan and maybe complete all your games. I have one question: Can you make continuation of Princess Trainer ?


Hello, I've played princess trainer and wonder her fate. I played using 2.3 version.. is that a finish game?


Hello, just found princess trainer and tried it. I've tried 2.3 version, is that already full and complete release? Because I've done all the jasmine course and few event's that appear.. and wonder why i cant bang her? At least know her fate?


my review on star channel 34 (episode 8) sorry for my poor English. + new drawing. 3 endings. good sense of humor. there are many options that affect the plot. the idea of a SIM room. (I hope this will develop in the next episode) - there are no events and side quests. (they are sorely missed) duration of the episode. (with each episode, the duration is shortened. Why?) few suits. result episod8 7-10 (bonus) WHERE ARE THE SCENES LOLA


I just played through ep'sode 8. Gotta say, it was great. Ignore that one guy with his hate. I think it was worth the wait.


I cant find it on itch.io. 😅😩