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Sup, Bros! Did you hear the news? Mr. PewDiePie got married to a human being! Disgraceful! So disappointed... Real men marry JPEG files! Welcome to Monday Post #82 - your main source of weekly family-friendly content. I spent this week in the comfort of my home, Dragon Quest Demo is out and I bought my first Amiibo figurine. So many things to discuss! Let's get into it! 

I'm back. My vacation is over! Here is to another year of non-stop grinding! ^_^ I am not particularly good at relaxing (to be honest, with every passing year it get's harder to just chill), but being away from my workstation for a while really helped me take my mind off of things. Again, thank you for not ripping me a new one for taking this break. I mean I would've taken it anyways, but you being super chill about it gave me an additional peace of mind <3

New Patrons. Usually once every 3 to 5 days I get a 'New Patron' notification. Seeing that notification always makes me feel warm and fussy inside :) I really appreciate it, guys. Here is to all the newcomers! Cheers!

Nintendo Fanboy. Since these days I barely play on anything but my bellowed Switch I figured I got to get me one of those Amiibo thingies ^_^ Even though I never played any of the Metroid games I decided I need the Samus Zero Suit one. And thanks to PlayAsia I have it now. Yay. So happy ^_^ Don't really plan on getting anymore to be honest. Just needed this one to put on my desk :)

The work. It's been 9 weeks since Episode 07 was released for the patrons. So we are officially past 2 months mark with this one. But I am not worried. Do you know why? Two reasons. 

Reason #1: my vacation ate up 2 weeks, so if we take that into account we are still on schedule.  

Reason #2: Episode 08 will worth it. I don't know, it maybe my post-vacation enthusiasm speaking but I have bug hopes for episode 08 :) 

Dragon Quest XI Demo is out! I know that game was on PS4 for ages but I completely ignored it for some reason. Well, maybe it was for the better since now I can enjoy it on Switch. ^_^ So anyway, I downloaded the demo the moment it was out and absolutely loved every second of it. I know pre-orders are for loosers, but I really want to pre-order this one now :) 

Astral Chain.  Only few more days left!  So looking forward to that one! :) Also I am still playing Fire Emblem Three Houses. So many great games to choose, from. What a time to be alive :) 

Fellow Captains. Two people sent me friend requests in Azur Lane. Added right away. We Shikikans must stick together.

The work part 2. I spent this week working on the remaining art assets. Managed to get done a lot to be honest. Only one major thing is left. If all goes well should be done with it by Wednesday and after that I will finally be able to move on to the most exciting part: assembling and testing the scenes :)

The Teaser. Spoiling things is bad but teasing things is good, right? New outfit and a new location to visit ^_^ Coming Soon*

And that's it. Honestly I am surprisingly hyped for episode 08. Again, it maybe just because I finally had some rest and feel a bit more energetic than usual now, but I literally can't wait to share the episode with you guys and see what you think. Coming Soon*

The GIF. Can't finish the post without a GIF of course. Thank you for your support guys, as usual. See you in the comment section :)



Trevor Bond

Pretty sure Samus is one of the more popular Amibos.... and, as usual, they find some high tech heels for her lol. Welcome back, and it's good to hear you're hyped! Looking forward to the next chapter! Forward, hoooo!


I'm starting to wonder if Samus won't end into SC34 at some point... That would be certainly a sight to behold :D


Let’s hope we would get a Samus skin for L.O.L.A. For being an Virtual Intelligence, she hasn’t been updated in a long time, even Geni haven’t tried to hack her again,,,


*Making Eye contact with Lara*


It would be fun, but part of me keeps thinking of her solo in Regretroid by Starbomb.


"I have bug hopes for episode 08" ... I hope it's big hopes you have, not what you wrote ;)

Sid Santos

I'm just gonna think that all my patreon money went to that Zero Suit Samus.


welcome back Akky! (this is how i remember you cause i keep forgetting akabur for some reason)


Promising, now you are all power up, Glad you're enjoying yourself.


Samus in zero suit - I see you're a man of culture, as well. Check Baoyonetta amibos, man.

Indy Bruining

Maybe zero suit samus could make an appearance in one of your games? Huge fan of her in that suit!


DQ11 is worth it bro, i got 160hrs on my PS4 and will buy it for the switch.


" I have bug hopes for episode 08 " quite the perfect typo here !


Time to add some puff puff in your game.


Welcome back, glad you had a good vacation. *cracks whip* now back to work!... erm.. overkill?


Man, akabur really overdone the prank that he got married.


Good to know you can still rest once in a while. Don't die on us, man!


I'm really glad you feel rest and better, please, keep safe another week man!


Samus new girl in SC34 confirmed


Yeah, I bet she is. Must be why I couldn't find it in the local shops and had to order it online. Thank you for the support man. Next Chapter is coming soon :)


Actually that it pretty much the case. You pledge paid for a part of it at least. Thank you^^


Yeah, it was actually a difficult choice between the Bayonetta Amiibos and this one. But I promised myself that I will only get one. So this is it for me, at least for now.


Maybe. If Nintendo were to release a new Metroid game that would sure motivate me :)


Oh, man, I am so hyped for that game now. Will get it as soon as it's out. But also I have Fire Emblem Three Houses and Astral Chain. Stupid Switch doesn't care that I only have so much time that I can spend on gaming T_T