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Hi, guys. It's your friendly neighborhood artist - AKABUR Senpai. =^_^= 

Don't have much to report again. Another super empty post. Sorry about that. I imagine my Monday Posts has gotten a bit less entertaining lately, but I hope you will stick around nonetheless :)

The work. It's been 4 weeks since Ep.6's public release. (5 weeks since the patrons-only release). I am working on Episode 07. I honestly was hoping to actually release it quite soon, but I got sick. Nothing too serious but it did put me out of commission for quite a few days. And since I remain to be a one-man-production, when I get sick the entire production stops. I am feeling better now and slowly picking up the pace, but all I can say about Episode 07 is that it's coming soon*

Thank you for you support and trust in me, guys. Without you I am almost literally nothing, but with you by my side I may actually be able to achieve some interesting things eventually. ^^

Also there will is no gifs this time. Sorry ^^

Love you all more than I can put into words. See you next Monday :)




Something has changed here .. especially the cat


Maybe some Hermione stuff this time ?


Glad you are better now, is the problem being a one men army, get better and not push yourself, also your dog avatar looks happier, and you thought we will not realize ^^

Jonathan W Bain

Hey, we signed up for the pure AKABUR experience. and when the lone creator/dev/coder/artist/writer/bug fixer is out, welp, nothing to do but hope for a full recovery. That and you don't spread it. WASH YOUR HANDS, DAMNIT!


I like your new profile pic.

Mitsy Marcella

I can only speak for myself but you could take a dozen upon a dozen weeks and I'd still stick around; your quality is worth the wait! Take it easy while you recover. :3


hey Akabur can i make a request i dont know if the subject has come up again but can we have more of the girls ass? i feel like there is a lack on that department. any case i love your work and i look forward for your games


Please just take your time and focus on quality. Your creations are great and you shouldn't feel the need to release less than your vision.


take your time.... ep5 and 6 were great story and visualwise... i really look forward to the next episodes :-)




We all know that bear is secretly giving everyone the middle finger, we just can't see it.


Air and Space museum?!? XDDD There is an anime about a girl who loves and is a connoisseur of ramen. It's called Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san. Could be considered sexy. Get well, Akabur.

Trevor Bond

As someone who was recently bedridden for near a week, I can say honestly: sleep and stay hydrated until you feel 100%!


I've followed you for many years, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your work. You're an amazing human being, and i think what you are doing with SC34 is actually really cool.


Hey Akabur, i'm going to start my own visual novel and i've played all of your games and you have inspired me to get into making visual novels as well, I don't quite have the expertise so i'll probably be just producing trash but it won't be for the money, I'll release everything for free and make it the way I want it to make it just like ya taught me! Much love and know that there's a lot of us that respect you not just cause you draw nutbust inducing art but because of you as a person! Sorry if it sounds like i'm dickriding

Hego Damask

Stand firm Sir! It is quite understandable and your quality of work stands second to none. I bless the day I discovered your art. I salute you.


Why no GIF?


Thanks for all your hard work! I am glad you are feeling better, and make sure to get plenty of rest after being sick!


Hey Ace. I drew that avatar 10+ years ago. It is supposed to be a bear but people almost never see it as such until I personally tell them that. So, yeah it's not a dog ^^ And I changed it's emotion from "angry" to "family friendly", yes. Thank you for noticing. And thank you for being around. You are my personal hero, dude... -_-


Thank you, Jonathan. I appreciate it. And don't worry I always wash my hands and use condom.


For some reason it's really surprising to me that so many of you guys actually noticed the change. And I'm glad you like it :)


Thanks. Honestly. I will probably never take you on that offer, but knowing I have an option puts my mind at ease a bit ^^


Oh, yes, the subject did come up quite a few times^^ I can't promise much, but I do recognize that ass-deficiency is real and present. I will try to address that with some of the CGs every now and then. Promise.


Honestly every time I hear things like that the feeling of gratitude just washes over me like a freaking wave ^_^ Thank you. I really appreciate, man.


Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. THANKS! You guys honestly are the best for not rushing me. And Ep07 is coming soon* of course :)


Everyone but my followers and supporters you mean, right? Because for you I only have manly handshakes, brotherly hugs and lots of drawings of tits ^^ P.S. Also RedUnit10 you've been around for years man. Thank you for that T_T


I think I heard about that anime but thank you for providing the title. And thank you for the good wishes, man. ^^


Thank you Trevor. I can promise you the hydrated thing, as for the sleep thing... we'll see how it goes -_- P.S. I hope you yourself are doing well now.


Daffy... Thanks man. I know I am not perfect in many regards, but the unconditional sort of love and support you guys show me is honestly overwhelming and one of the main things that kept me going over the years. And to reference the recent meme: "YOU are breath taking, Daffy! YOU'RE ALL BREATHTAKING!".


Great to hear. Back in the day I myself got inspired by other people's work, so it's nice to see this sort of vicious cycle of inspiration going on :) Also I am happy you follow Uncle Akabur's teachings.^^ Don't worry, nothing wrong with pouring your real feels over people sometimes. Hell, I do it ALL the time with my mushy replys here. Probably sound like a little bitch half of the time, but I don't care. That's how I feel about my bros -_- P.S. One word of advice: don't get too ambitious with your projects. Especially at the beginning...


Yeah... Things are changing. There will be no gifs for a while, sorry. I will give you my reasoning at a later date...


the new avatar is throwing me for a loop... I like it though! A Happy bear is a good bear. #rawr xd


*Gasp* Akabur senpai!!Why is your latest Monday post locked??


I forgot to set it to Public. Thank you for letting me know! ^^