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Welcome friends. Welcome to the safe space. The only place on this entire platform where you can relax and feel at home. Only love, happiness and positive vibes here. Namaste, hugs, rainbows. <3

The work. It's been 2 weeks since Ep.6's public release. (3 weeks since the patrons-only release). I am working on episode 07 non-stop. I don't eat, sleep or have consensual sex, I only work and occasionally stop to jerk off over thicc dick-girl videos that I love so much. ^_^ 

Anyways, jokes aside I am working on the next episode and it's only been 3 weeks, so I am very optimistic about the episode's release date. It will most likely take me a bit longer than the previous one did, but I can honestly say that it won't be 4 months. Hell, I can even go as far as to say it won't be 3 months. Maybe even less then 2 months actually!!! How crazy would that be? Next episode is coming soon* 

Speaking of which... Here is a preview of one of the locations you will be visiting in Episode 07. Care to guess WITCH one of the girls will be getting a lot of screen-time this time around? (See what I did there? ^_^)

Fanart. That's right, a fanart of Ashelin that is not only looking fantastic but also has a nude version floating around the Internet somewhere (or it least that is what I has been told). I am sharing the file in the attachment section to this post, but there are no nudes there of course since my patreon campaign has always been about family friendliness and respect, it's a well known fact. (The pic is by patreon.com/BadSpider)

BHB. Broken Heart Bordello Chapter 6 Public Version is out! I had no hand in creating this one since I am way too busy obsessing over SC34 release days, but I know for a fact that Smersh worked his ass over this one. I didn't play this chapter myself yet, but what I did is had a few conversations with Smersh in the past were he would, in completely defeated tone of voice announce to me stuff like: "This chapter will be the end of me, man." and "Why did I decide to put multiple story arcs into this one? Syka Blat! I am an idiot." But it's all finally over now. Congratulations, dude! You did it! Now go get some rest, honestly you deserve it -_- 

SMERSH's Face Reveal! Oh, and since we are on the topic of Smersh - he just sent me this screenshot of the best game ever created by humans: Def Jam Fight For NY. It's running very well on a PS2 emulator apparently. Me and him used to play that game a lot back in the day. Such a great game. You could date freaking Carmen Electra in it. Ah... <3 The good old days. I am supper jelly. Have fun, dude. 

Speaking of awesome games. I spent about an hour yesterday grinding for 50 Flawless Nanopons (or whatever they're called) to buy a swimsuit for Homura (Yes that's her name, dammit!) and now I am so happy, I think I might actually cry T_T Thank you Nintendo. thank you for delivering me from the tyranny of Sony. Never thought something like that would ever happen, but life works in mysterious ways. Yes... Alrighty, time to grind for more Flawless Nanopons now, or whatever they're called :)

The review. Oh, and did you watch my Tokyo School Life review yet? Go do it. I obviously did put a lot of work into it. Wow, this post is just packed to the brim with content isn't it? In all seriousness though if you are learning Japanese or just playing with the idea, make sure to check out that game. It honestly is one of a kind.

The gif. And, of course, I can't just leave you to fend for yourself for another 7 days without something to inspire you. Here is another wholesome gif. Thank you for your support guys. I joke around but that is only to cover up my actual feels of course. #^_^# Love you. And see you next week :)



Tokyo School Life (Switch) In-depth Review

Hi, guys. This is me - well known game journalist Akabur, bringing you high quality game reviews.



Thanks man. I almost cried ^^


Suka blyat^^.


Hi, could you add some foot fetish staff in your works? Thank you!


Fantastic piece, yes BHB rules and is probably the only time where you both will be in episode 6. Keep the good job

Nikolaj K.

nicely done spider :D It's a good image, so i was thinking it might be featured here


Link to the TSL review you asked us to check out?


Bless you Akabur, I've been waiting to see more of that excellent educational facility!


I have a couple of questions. 1 how many episodes will there be in star channel 34? 2 will there be scenes with Lola? 3 do you like split second and a hat in time? 4 ever wanted to stop making games? 5 what made you become an artist?


What game is in the screenshot with the black and green swimsuit? It looks intriguing.

Jon P

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As far as I know Akabur tends to stay mainstream-ish and not dive down into the rabbit hole of fetishes... make the greatest number of fans happy &amp; all that.


Haven't seen Hermione in ages, looking forwards to it!


wait what? BHB is out and i don't know about it? also def jam FFNY was a great game surprised anyone still remembers or speaks of it... good time :)


Is this you subtly telling us you're going to be come a full-time game reviewer? An interesting choice.

Trevor Bond

The little picture at the top of the anime looking gals? That's the embedded video.

Trevor Bond

Okay, the mini-review was pretty fun, and informative. Nicely done in less than three minutes! Glad to hear work is proceeding apace! Looking forward to it. Also thanks for the BHB information, I'll give it a look-see. I hope you have a great week and things go smoothly for you!


*WiTcH TrAiNeR mEmOrIeS iNtEnSiFiEs*


Saw the new movie interpretation of princess trainer? I'm pretty sure thats nsfw.


I'm so happy that my favorite girl is finally getting the spotlight! I'm also glad that you went cold on her for a while, because now you have this whole format developed with the genie traveling too, the fullscreen artworks and overall great quality! I must say I was a bit disappointed with her "learning to strip" story, felt rushed or something. Also, a question: Are you going to keep this idea of adding sluttier versions of the base clothes? I really enjoyed this idea the last few times I played, it would also play nicely with Hermione, since you could borrow inspiration from your witch trainer!


Of course. Education is very important. I'm happy to spread the knowledge. Yes ^_^


You mean the game I rave about in every Monday Post lately? It's Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Check it out, It's really good :)


Of course I remember FFNY. Also SSX3 and URBZ. I played those game s lot. Good old days... -_-


Heh... I'm sure in a parallel universe somewhere I already am. ^^


Thanks, dude. I hope you had a great week also. Thank you for always leaving a comment. Always nice to see familiar face!


Yeah, you're actually not the first person to mention this. And I agree, it is interesting. Instead of adding a completely new costume, making a sluttier version of the original one. I plan to give this a lot of thought, and hopefully something will come of it in the future. And not only for Hermione but maybe for the other girls as well. Maybe :)