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Sup, bros! In this post you will not only find your usual silly jokes and family friendly pictures, but I also will be discussing some actual work-related stuff regarding the next Episode of SC34. Yay to that. Also my previous post went live 12 hours earlier than it was supposed to because I confused a.m. with p.m. Don't worry though, I will double-check this post's settings, to make sure it goes live on Monday at exactly 15:00 as usual.

April's Fool. By the providence of gods this post will go live on April the 1st. I toyed with an idea of acknowledging that by titling it "Star Channel Episode 05 release delayed till September 2020" or something. But decided against it. Personally I hate all those April 1st jokes, they are never funny and on several occasions I actually took the things people share on this day seriously and it lead to only more disappointment. To heck with April's Fool Day I say.

The work. So, it's been 17 weeks since Episode 04 but who is counting? Let me just jump right into the good news instead. First of all, several days ago I sent Lyk the second half of the Ep.05 script. And he already finished proofreading it. Oh, by the way, when Lyk makes a posts saying "I just got a 1.000.000 lines of text from Akabur" and some of you jump to wrong conclusions, let me explain something: I always send Lyk the actual game script. Not just the story but the in-game code containing the story. Which means that a lot of those "lines of text" is not the story itself but the game code. Also let us all, yet again, mentally thank Lyk for being a damn hero, since he always experiencing my games by going through the code alone - no pics, no music, just lines of code. Thank you for you sacrifice, Lyk.

The Work 02. I am working on (adding, not composing) the music and occasional sound effects. That is usually the final stage of work^^ I also want to let you know that I am changing the way "Holo-Archive" works. Now all the events and quests will be organized by episodes. That should make accessing the already seen events a bit less confusing. It also allowed me to get rid of two extra buttons in every room because now Holo-Archive will only be accessible from Genie's room. And there will be only one button.

The Work 03. I also commissioned an updated version of the main menu background. The old one was created by me. The new one looks very similar but is way more detailed. This is not something that was absolutely necessary or anything, just a little quality of life change^^

The Work 04. One more important thing to note: please don't assume that Episode 05 will be ready for release next week or anything like that. I still have a sizable chunk of work ahead of me. But it's mostly polishing and bug-testing (and the sound of course) so I am not stressed out anymore, since all the creative stuff has been done already.

The Work 05. Oh, and also there is a "Costumes: Story/Custom" button in the Hollo-Archive now, which gives you full control over the characters outfits during the replays (even if it doesn't make sense story-wise). This settings will affect Episode 05 and all the future episodes.

The Work 06. Also since we have CGs in the game now a proper gallery for the unlocked ones is necessary.

The Work 07. Also every episode will now start with this fancy tablet.The Work 07. We shall talk in length about the fact that this Episode took me much longer to develop than I hoped, but let's do it after the release... -_-

No Photos. Also since I did share some actual work related news this time, how about we skip on the scans and PSDs and stuff. Just this once :)

Borderlands 3 trailer looks dope as heck. 0_0

The Gif. And I know that some of you are here only for the gifs, so here is your weekly fix.




I've noticed there's a lot of artists that pay homage to your work Akabur, especially at patreon, how do you feel about that?


Yesssss, awesome monday post!!! Can't wait to have the update!! ^^


Fantastic, lot of work pieces, yay


Your Monday posts make the day bearable


i think e5 will be the best episode


Maybe you can share some pics (for example the background with the moon and stars) as a wallpaper? Only if it doesnt make too much extra work or delays Episode 5. I liked the wallpapers from the last post a lot. And for jokes or pranks if they are good ones they are very appreciated. Let your fantasy run wild and announce a new charakter like Selma or Princess Peach or your next game parody (dwarf trainer and you play as Snowwhite :).


You know What? I don't even care about fucking princess trainer 2!! :*(


Press F to pay respects.


Sometimes, it's the subtle changes that can make the big differences.


What a lot of people miss is that you dont see the face of the person who wrote something and a big part of communication works about face and gestures. So ironie or satire is sometimes harder to understand.

Trevor Bond

Thank you for your brave sacrifices, Lyk! And keep up the good work, Akabur! The simplified control set and crisper look will be appreciated! Though I'm glad you kept the same background, that scarred earth looks amazing.


If my memory serves me correct (which it seldom does) i believe we have 2 CGs in game till now. and the CG gallery has 5 slots. Does this mean that episode 5 has 3 CGs? Find out next time on the next episode of...Star channel 34!


Happy fool day!


Please let it release tomorrow....Pkease. LOL


I think only an idiot wouldn't like it when people "pay homage". That being said I think it's important to use common sense to differentiate between people paying homage and people blandly ripping off my work hoping to make a quick buck. Thankfully my new stuff is not nearly as popular as my older work, so joke is on them! Ha! Ha-ha-huh....


Ace, thank you for cheering me on. I really appreciate it, man...


I'll think about that, and mostly likely will share at least something of that nature after Ep.05 release.


I wholeheartedly agree. And that is why I use smiles so often. Love and hugs ^^


Lyk is a damn, hero. And so are you Trevor, thank you for your continuous support, man.


"If my memory serves me correct (which it seldom does)" - Lol, I know the feeling, bro. As for your observation: ^_^


you should copyright strike the guy on the bike and take all his revenue


N1, weekly dosage of GIFs has been sated.