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Well if all goes well this will be the last (major) CG illustration for the "Princess Trainer". I hope to finish inking it tomorrow and do flat colors. Day after tomorrow I will finish it and put it into the game, then do some light coding and put the story and text and character conversions in and that should be it. Next step would be endless testing... Although I suppose it's a bit more complex then simply testing because a few minor part are still missing, some texts, some character interaction phrases... "Quest Started" graphic is none existent still... Some other little things... But we are definitely getting there... The amount of work I did put into the game already is insane, and more then anything I just want to release it like RIGHT NOW! But I also dread releasing a raw, not well enough tested product and ruining all that work... So please, be patient with me guys... Although since you are supporting me here on Patreon that's a given I suppose. Thank you guys.




I love your work! I really really cant wait for it to be released! My expectations are really high on this one and I think you will manage to amaze me with it!


Heh... Dunno... High expectations is seldom a good thing, my friend. Could you do ma a favor and expect crap and then be amazed that it's not nearly as bad as you expected? Jokes aside though, good things take time (sadly) but thanks to your support I'm not freaking out about releasing the game ASAP nearly as much as I used to... Doesn't mean I will take forever to release it though. I'm very anxious to just get it out ASAP. Thank you for making this game happen, my friend.


Graevling's pieces are amazing, true. But I love your Style and passion you put into your Projects, and thats why you are in front of Graevling for me. Gives your Pieces a little magical touch if you can say it like that :) Thats one of the reasons I pledge for you here on Patreon. I want you to know that there are people out there, that admire your work and will support you as good as they can. Greetz!


I see your point... I'm glad you feel that way, and it's totally justified to :) I mean my personal belief is that no matter how little skill or talent you have you can always (ALWAYS!) make up for that with hard work. And vice versa: no mater how much of a pro you are, if you don't give a damn about the thing you do it's still gonna show... In any case, thank you for supporting me here, it's so FREAKING encouraging. I have big plans for this site! Thank you for your support.