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Sup, bros! What a wonderful Monday, wouldn't you say? I've been spreading family friendliness and positivity for 53 Mondays straight now! Every week I share positive vibes with you. I mean that's exactly the high quality content you pledged for, right? I also release some silly little games, like once a century, but who cares about that, right? The reason you are all here is THIS: Monday posts. Well, here is another one for you. Monday Post 053. Namaste <3

The work.  It's been 9 weeks since Episode 04's release. And I have great news for you: Ep.05 is not ready for release yet! Why is it great new you ask? Well because (obviously) the longer I work on it the heavier on new content the final result will be, right? Right? Heh, well maybe ^^ All I can say - I'm working. And you guys are the best :) My aspiration is still to make a release every two months... But I am obviously yet to find a way to do so... Gotta perfect the formula some more I guess... All that being said there were no major disruptions in my usual work-flow, I am here and I am working so it's business as usual.

Quest/Event Log Is Back! Most of you probably didn't even notice this change but I cut the Quest/Event Logs in Ep.04. And I also cut the Quest/Event counter for every character. Well some of you (very few) didn't like that very much, and after careful consideration I decided to agree with all three of you. I hope you will appreciate it. ^_^

Remember, Remember... My Life In A Ghetto. Today I've been clearing my hard drive and stumbled on a folder full of old photos. Quite a few of them were of that one time my apartment almost blew up. I was still working of Witch Trainer back then. Feels like it was ages ago. Well it was I guess... Going through this pictures made me think and... Well, I just want to remind you guy, that it would've taken me years to move out from that damn ghetto I used to live at. So... Thank you for your support. You may have quite literally saved my life.
(In case you're new and don't know what I am talking about, here is the 5 old vid: https://youtu.be/Hxs7_fwL7zs 

The Pics. Sharing another batch of progress shots with you. Most of them are from the old updates for Broken Heart Bordello. Also most of them are a bit on a NSFW side, so I will only be able to share a few here (as an attachment to this post) and the rest will go into this week's Patrons-Only post.

That's it. And that's all I have to say this time. As usual, thank you for your support guys. Thank you for allowing me to continue retain full creative freedom over my projects for so many years now. I will never be able to thank you enough. -_- 

The Gif. And here is another family friendly gif of you. Let's make the invisible toothbrush gifs another popular trend. Best of luck surviving another week bros. 




Awesome, I was scared the new chapter was ready, as would mean less content, fantastic news!


Oh man, can't waaait!! :D This gif &lt;3


geez man glad your alive


I remember the explosion was around the time I decided to do NSFW. I thought, "This life is exciting, man!" XD Glad you didn't die and we get to play your games!


Man, I was there for that video being posted, crazy times. I remember when you recorded yourself walking around your flooded and sopping wet apartment, the times you'd feed those stray cats, the days you simply recorded yourself walking around on the streets talking about the scenery, all of it feels like such a distant memory now. Oh man, I even remember when I was like the only guys commenting on your stuff on HU when you were with them.

Trevor Bond

Yikes, glad we could help out! Keep on keepin' on and get the work out when it's done!


Akabur - I am your fan :) Your games are really amazin

Abraham McNeil

I'm a little late to the message party this time but I wish you a whole week of relaxation, Boss! Just one Monday is not enough.


Yay to returned Q/E counter! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Hego Damask

You are a beautiful human being....that is all

Jonathan W Bain

Man, those riddles in BHB were awesome. Took me over an hour of though to figure out CHP5's answer.

David Wilson

Logan has disappeared again, not sure why. But is he still working on his game because I'm tired of not hearing from him. "The Dark Lords Trip"


"Again"? Well, he never got in touch with me after I made that post about his disappearance originally so for me he's just has been missing for many months now :(


Yeah. It's been a while since then and it's all good this days, but yeah ^^


Oh, heck yeah! I'm happy about that too. And I hope to play your awesome game some more as soon I have some time to relax properly :)


Yeah... Good times... Funny thing is that because of several years have passed already I am starting to almost feel nostalgic about some aspects of my life there. Human braid is so weird sometimes. But in truth I should have moved from there way sooner then I did. Dude... You've been around for a LONG time... Thank you.


Thank you. I'll try but no promises. I need to release next episode first :)


I relayed your comment to Smersh. He was very happy to hear that ^^

David Wilson

With all of your games that have been made by you, I am particularly fond of of the trainer series. All from "Princess" and "Witch trainer," to "Star Channel 34." They are great amazing games. But upon looking into other trainer games on Patreon, I've come across one of your "Witch Trainer" game on their site. The "Silver Studio Games" version of it appears to be an expanded version of the game with additional characters to train. The new concept looks amazing and the graphics are not bad either. I am of course loyal to the original version of the game, however, I believe that they deserve some praise for taking your game and making it into something even more amazing.

David Wilson

<a href="https://www.patreon.com/SilverStudioGames">https://www.patreon.com/SilverStudioGames</a>


когда, я только познакомился с твои творением (тренер принцес), я ахуевал насколько же пиздатые шутки понятные только русскому человеку, и думал что это переводчики так пиздато адаптируют пендоские приколы , и я очень приятно удивлен ,что такой крутой разратотчик русско говорящий.


p.s. спасибо тебе большое ты сделал моё лето мега счастливым и очень потным :)