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Hi, bros. Mr.Family-Friendliness here! No, that doesn't sound right... Let's see... I am cheerful, optimistic and all-around friendly guy... What should I call myself? Hm... Well of course! It's not Mr.Family-Friendliness, it's... Comrade Positivity!!! Namaste Suka Blyat'! <3

What Kind Of Post? A Proof Of Life Post! It's been a while since we had one of these right? I really don't have many things to share this week, so... 

New Patrons. People keep pledging me their support for some reason. I have no idea why... Gotta be for this amazing Monday Posts I keep dishing out like a boss. Honestly, I do manage to release these posts with surprising regularity (unlike my game updates, am I right?). Anyway, won't name any names, but welcome all the new patrons. And that one guy who pledged $50, you know who you are, you madman. Thank you! (If your pledge doesn't go through by the end of the month I will find you!)

The Work. It's been 7 weeks since Episode 04's release. Almost two months! And my ideal time-frame development window is actually two months. Does this mean Episode 05 is almost ready for release? Does it? Does it? Well, of course not! -_- I continue to work on Episode 05 and release date is still "coming soon", and let's just leave it at that... (You guys are the best, thank you for your patience).

The Scan. I'm sharing more pics from my old camera. I am starting to lose track of things, so I apologize if you seen some of these already. As usual NSFW ones go into the this week's Patrons-Only post.

That's it. A short proof of life post, as promised. Thank you for your patronage. Here is your gif. Best of luck surviving another week. Me (and this gif-thot are cheering for you!).




Fantastic Monday posts, incredibly artistic career, great humor sense and the fact you made Jasmine a Internet icon, hard to guess why you keep getting followers ^^


Good thing to see you are still alive :) Keep up the good work, I look forward to play episode 5 :)


I got to say, her more recent ahegao faces are just trying too hard. Before she was cute and fit that D.Va cosplay pretty well, but now she just plays way too hard into the roles. Feels like what happened to Mary Kate and Ashley, who went from cute, to hot, to dear lord someone stop giving them cocaine.


You survived another week, and that is always good news! Happy to check your post another week! Thanks for the gif man! Keep safe and take care!


Keep up the good work akabur, :P dont worry your fans are loyal im sure they wont throw camel poop at you over missing your self set goal XD


had an idea for a SC34 outfit, Hermione in a school uniform from Doki Doki Literature Club?

Trevor Bond

It just isn't monday until I read your family friendly post! lol! Keep up the great work!

Durzo Shadowborn

That gif-thot looks very familiar.......but the question really is: is Iris in SC34?


Признайся уже себе, что ты ленивая попа и перестань удивляться сорванным срокам. :D


Yeah, good thing you are still alive too, Dorago. Honestly, we need to learn to appreciate the little things. I am alive, you are alive, next episode of SC34 is coming soon. All is good ^^


Congratulations! Give this man a round of applause! Now give ME a round of applause! Now everyone give EACH OTHER a round of applause. We all survived another week. That's an achievement on itself. Here is for many more weeks to come. Cheers! ^_^


I know my fans are loyal. Some of you, idiots are hardcore to a fault when it comes to supporting me ^_^. And that gives me a huge responsibility and feeling of guilt. I quite literally lose sleep over my projects sometimes... Yeah, it's tough... But, hey, all the patreon money making it easier to cope with, so thank you for your support, Jackcoon. Now if you excuse me I will go get back to work while I'm sipping on a cocktail of guilt and light depression, seasoned with a hint of self-loathing. Heh :) On a serious note though, I am supper lucky to have positive dudes like you supporting me. Thank you, jackcoon.


It's official then - Akabur is the king of Mondays! Thank you for making this possible with your support, Trevor. Next Monday post is just around the corner. Hang in there!


She is already there! (Many updates in the future that is).


I haven't missed a single deadline in my entire career. Check you facts, Russian boy. Next episode will be released on schedule: coming soon*


Just become supporter on patreon. When and how can i enjoy last update SC34? Sory if mu question is dumm =/


No, that's a fair enough question. My patreon page can be a bit confusing. I juts sent you the download links directly :)