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Welcome to the most family friendly campaign on the site. Love and Respect! (Did this family-friendly-content joke get old yet? I hope not, I've been only milking it for like half a year). Namaste my dears <3

Appreciation. Before I proceed with this post can we show some appreciation to the stock photo family MOMS? I've been googling random stuff trying to come up with something clever for today's post cover pic, and then it suddenly hit me: the moms on all those stock family photos are really hot. I know it's pretty much a meaningless observation, but GOD DAMN! If I had to I could easily fap to the moms of the family stock photos. I'm just saying...

The streak. I continue my undefeated Monday Post streak. 37 posts without fail so far. Thank you for coming along for a ride. Let us together wait for my inevitable failure to upload one of these things on time. ^^ 

Star Wars: The Old Republic. I've been playing that MMORPG for a few months now. I don't play much to be honest. Maybe like once a week for a couple of hours at best, and I only play for the single-player content, but I just want to say that I really enjoy my experience with the game so far. Romanceable companions designed back in the good old days and with multiple skin options? Yes please ^^

Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Not a fan of the series to be honest. I've beaten AS:Rogue, and played a lot of Syndicate... And that's pretty much it. Can't say I enjoyed any of AC games much. But this one has RPG elements and romance options. So I bought the cheapest version as soon as it was released. And I've been playing it ever since... I'm NOT trying to recommended it or anything, just keeping you up to date with what I do with my life when I am not slaving away over next SC34 update. For what it's worth AC:O is just another UBI game... But (and for me it's a huge BUT), it has dialog trees and romance options. ^^

The work. Just as an FYI: I am well aware that it is the middle of October already. Worry not though, Episode 04 will be released on schedule. You know me. Unlike those other game developers (shameless scum!) I never change any release dates. So release date for Episode 04 remains the same: coming soon*

More about the work. I honestly can't give you any details yet. I'm working on all sort of things at once, rewriting some things, drawing, coding... It's coming together nicely and I hope to share more concrete info soon. But not yet. As always, thank you for your patience. 

45_ending.psd This week's PSD file is PT:GE ending illustration. It's been years since the game was released so I don't think I am spoiling much by sharing this openly. It is completely SFW so I have no need to put it behind the lock. It contains very few layers though... I'm not sure what happened to the original version, but this one has most of the layers merged. But since this is still my source file it's in high resolution.

The Scan. This week's scan is a drawing I did for  Disclaimer's The Manor project. This wasn't a commission or anything. I used to really like The Manor so when Disclaimer asked me to create a fan-art pic for it I gleefully agreed. And I say "used to really like", because eventually The Manor got to dark for my sensitive, family-friendly soul to bare and I stoped following it completely. But in the earlier day, I freaking adored it.

That's it? I think so. Thank you for your support and patience. And instead of usual "I <3 YOU" gif I decided to share this:

 Thank you for your support. ^^

EDIT: I just had to do the self-censorship thing and hide a part of the scan. My page was already suspended twice, it's just not worth it :( 




I’ve got to safe I do like your proof of life posts. Keep them coming, and your excellent work of course.


SWTOR really is an awesome game I love it but I love your games even more. ~


Great recomendation and the like, thanks for another great monday injection of good vibe ^^


What's uh, what's the last gif from?


GIF - 10/10


Keep up the good work! And no, I haven't gotten sick of your very sarcastic "namaste my friends" routine. I look forward to it in fact!

Durzo Shadowborn

Namaste oh wonderful family friendly content provider! I was wondering where you got the Gif from? This girl looks familiar, and reminds me of the famous family friendly movie maker Ariana Marie.


Your Monday post are getting the new measure for precision... it will not be swiss clocks or german trains anymore... you will hear around soon. You arrived in time like Akaburs Monday posts. Cant wait for SC E4. Now when u posted abou SW, is there any chance Leah/Padme will find the way to SC? Never thought about that before but I cpuld not decide anymore if Hermione or Leah would be my fav. I know we have the slave outfit already in but still, Leia is Leia. So keep up the good work. Over and out. ^^


A hot mom is usualy called a MILF :D I liked Swtor, but it's been a while since I played it, but yeah, the story side was really nice ^^ Makes me wonder, does that last gif mean there is going to have a ahegao scene in the new episode ? ^^ It's allways nice to have news from you my friend :)


Nina Dobrev my friends


Are witnesses of a new idea for a character in the making? Milf / Hotwive / NTR Given Dahlia sort of fills the ''experienced'' woman rolel, though she's not a mother or particularly milfy. But her personality hasn't quite settled yet! (had a talk with my GF about how she seemed to harbor 3 personalities that switch a bit inconsistantly). We don't know a lot about her. So who knows! Maybe one day! And no, I don't consider Lily a viable candidate ;D I'm having a lot of fun with the lighthearted ''family friendly'' content tbh. Appreciate the effort you put into it.


I'm sure you take the sith part of the game 😎


Glad to know that one of my inspirations to start creating +18 games also loves star wars and SW:ToR :)


It was for that webcomic I hate! :D


Akabur you are a gift to this world &lt;3


Great game! Rate and my free! Write me comments your opinion is important!


Стоили ли романтические опции в Одиссее потраченных времени и денег? Я давно разочаровался в юбисофт, а по рекламным материалам выглядит как очередной высер очередной корпорации зла, которая (как и все крупные компании) поддерживает SJW. Покупая их продукцию, ты тоже их косвенно поддерживаешь.


Лучше обрати внимание на SoulCalibur VI. Там хоть и нет выборов в диалогах (все-таки файтинг), зато много секси девочек. Есть редактор персонажей, в котором можно создать бойца с нуля, кастомизируя и лицо, и прическу, и тело (во всех нужных местах). И целую кучу одежки на них можно надевать, как ты любишь (но можно и раздевать, конечно). И гостевой персонаж - Геральт из Ривии. А издатель сказал, что не особо верит в финансовый успех, так что никак разработчиков не ограничивает.


Hey Akabur, now that Disney is making a live action Alladin, are you going to make a Princess Trainer game with real people instead of drawings?? LOL!


Thank you for fueling my resolve to keep on going! Next Monday Post is inbound!


Yeah. Like I said, I have problems finding enough time to play it, but when I do I always have a good time. I plan to continue playing SWOTR whenever I have time. ^^


That's Nina Dobrev from The Vampire Dairies, that's all I know.


Ha-ha. Thanks, Matt. Next Monday Post coming soon (no asterisk).


That's Nina Dobrev from The Vampire Dairies, that's all I know, man ^^


Actually I have great interest in Padme. And not even because of the movie but because of the Shabby Blue that I discovered several years ago and that impacted me greatly. To answer your question in one word: maybe.


They are actually about to release a new story update for SWTOR. Even some romance-able companions will be making a return. Maybe you should look into that. I am a noobie so I don't really care about that since it will take me a long time to beat the story content that is already in the game. But I'm glad they are still working on this game.


Heh... Well, actually it would be interesting to have sort ''experienced'' woman character on the SC34 roster. I must give this a good thought. Thank you for you support my friend. As for 3 personalities, I dunno, it could be true, I've been writing Princess Trainer in a crazy rush.


Not at all actually. I usually role-play as a good guy actually.


Hate? What is that? I don't even know that word. Did you mean love and respect? ^^


Now why would I lie to you, comrade? I'm telling you Odyssey is a decent game.


Yeah, Soul Calibur VI looks pretty good from what I've seen.