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Hello, my dear friends. Welcome to the Monday post - the most family friendly series of posts on Patreon. Namaste, my loves. <3

About new patrons: I've been getting a lot of new patrons lately. Not too many but certainly more then a couple of month ago for example. I just want to say welcome and I hope you guys are here to stay.

About Discord: I don't know what to tell you. It's just kind of out there now. I barely ever visit it and when I do I always get lost among the menus and categories and such. I hope you guys are having fun with it though. Also if you need to contact me please don't do it through Discord because I may never even see you message. Contact me instead through Patreon PM or email (akaburfake2@yahoo.com).

About Episode 03: So, believe it or not, I am done with the writing. Right now I am putting the scenes together. At this stage I sometimes have to do light re-writes and maybe a few touch ups on the art assets, but we are definitely one step closer to the release. My plan hasn't changed and I am still all about figuring out a way to make these episode updates more frequent.

About Episode 03 aspect ratio: I was reluctant to share this before, because it wasn't set in stone yet. But now it is, so I can share this piece of news with you: Episode 03 will have proper wide screen aspect ratio. Episode's 01 and 02 native resolution was 1280x800. Starting with Episode 03, entire game will be displayed in 1280x720. This change warrants additional work on my part because some of the buttons and a few scenes need to be rearranged a bit to make sure that everything is displayed properly, but I think it will worth the extra work in the long run. 

This week's patrons-only post: Well, here is the preview. Some girl in a pink dress. Giving a speech or something... The PSD version is about 100MB in size and has all the original layers in it. Have fun ^^

This is it? Yeah, I think so. I will probably have something more interesting to share next week but for now this all. No mushy stuff, no news from my personal life. Business as usual here, toiling away in hopes of the soon release of death-- *Khem!* I mean, in hopes of soon release of episode 03. ^_^

Thank you for your support guys. You are the best. I'll see you all next Monday ^_^




Hugs and Kisses, Rated G of course.


Awesome post as usual, hard to believe you are done with writing


Just here to say thank you. I love Monday posts and you really stick to this...


Keep up the hard work looking forward to the next update. Can't wait to play episode 3.


Sweet release of death? what are you talking about akabur you have to live for atleast another 100 years and provide us your work :D. i have a question, while making your games, and u have to place ur sprites(in the script), do u write the whole name of your spirte each and every single time? that seems like hell cus i think one chracter has like 20 spirtes atleast (with different poses and expressions) imagine having 5 characters each with different spirites, do u memorize them? or is there an easier way?


In 5 years time Akabur will be releasing the 3D experience of Princess and Witch trainer ;) Wouldn't mind the vitrual reality experience of his games hehe.


The family friendly post idea is kinda funny because I've seen others with a decent amount of support still post some very NSFW material and they get by just fine. Makes me wonder if Patreon puts much effort into tracking that kind of stuff down or just happens to spot it from time to time.


I have to say that these Weekly posts have made Monday my favorite day of the work week. I also have to say that I’m very impressed with the rate you work at given the attention to detail that you pay to your creations. I am super excited to hear that the writing is done and I look forward to your next post! Make sure you don’t forget that you are hands down the best at what you do


It feels like Patreon is just picking random creators to harrass tbh


And so, we are one step closer to the fun, and the fun gets bigger, what could we ask more ? Good job my friend, keep up the good work, and take care :)


yeah, 16:9 hurraaaaa ^^


Me neither. 0_0 Like I said, Episode 03 will be shorter then previous one, but still being done with the writing is a huge step towards the release. I'm super hyped!


Thanks. It's nice to get reassurance like that. I plan to continue to do this. To be honest by now it would feel weird to not make a post on Monday ^^


Heh... Why do you think it takes several months to develop an hour of content? A lot of work goes into this crap. And yes, I am thinking about positioning of the characters and facial expressions for every phrase. I also try to make sure that phrases are as short as possible to make sure sprites change as often as possible. Also every sprite is actually it's own screen so there are several lines of code before every thing a character says. Let me give you an example: hide screen jasu # JASMINE with d3 # JASMINE $ jas_face = "16_jas_doll/35.png" # Face # JASMINE show screen jasu # JASMINE with d3 # JASMINE jas "Wait, what?" hide screen lolm # LOLA with d3 # LOLA $ lol_face = "19_lol_doll/72.png" # Face # LOLA show screen lolm # LOLA with d3 # LOLA lol "Initiating quarantine protocols." So, yeah ^^


Well, if VR get's a common enough thing that could actually happen ^^ I mean it won't be an official app or anything, but maybe a free game or something. PTVR coming soon*


Good. Because that was my thinking: Monday would be the perfect day for this, since sometimes Mondays could be a bit depressing, starting a new work week or a study week, but if I make posts on Monday maybe that day will suck a bit less for someone ^^ Well, in any case, thank you for the kind words and support. Episode 03 coming soon*


Thank you, Dorago. You are my freaking personal hero, man.


how do you get access to the discord server ?

Inceton games (NTR)

The girl in the pink dress is... interesting :)


ым, а где ссылка на дискорд?


Beats me... I don't even know how to invite people :( Now get off my lawn, kids!