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Hi, guys.

About today. A truly blessed day of joy and happiness! The king of all days! Freaking Monday! I don't know if you knew this, but Monday was invented for the sole purpose of being a day when I share my Monday posts. It's a well know fact. Without my Monday posts there would be no Monday. Without my Monday posts today would be just another day. You are welcome, people.^^

About the teaser. The drawing you see above is a SC34 Episode 03 teaser. It contains clues about the upcoming update. Some are obvious, other not so much. To be honest, I'm not even sure what possessed me to draw this one... Could be those Overwatch teasers Blizzard has been sharing on their twitter lately. I thought they we pretty fun until the freaking hamster appeared.

About Overwatch. Pew... Pew... A freaking hamster... I dunno... They must be aiming for children and women with this one... I was hoping for a sexy girl...

About my health. I am 100% back to normal, both mentally and physically. Thank you for all the get well wishes, you guys are the best ^_^

About Patreon suspensions. As you probably know few days ago there was another wave of suspensions here on Patreon. Both Smersh and DAHR got hit by it this time. From the looks of it the noose has bit tightened a tinsy bit more again. Now all the public posts must look 100% kids friendly. Meaning that even a hint of anything slightly erotic could get us into trouble. Patrons-only posts are still a fair game, but I don't like to make those... I may have to, every now and then though, when I feel like I absolutely have to share something smutty...

About Episode 03 release date. I am still committed to make it smaller, with less text, more art and release it sooner then previous ones. Several days ago I finished working on all the major art assets and right now working on the writing. It will still be a while before all that comes together into a playable thing, but progress is being made. 

About new patrons. I would like to officially welcome all the new faces that joined us after the Mating Season release. Patreon will be charging your cards any moment now. Some of you will become processed Patrons and will sit by my side in Valhalla. The rest of you will return to not being my patrons... Our time together was short but I will miss you. It is time to separate boys from men. You hope you're ready ^^

P.S. Seriously though, thank you for all your support, guys... T_T

About discord. I finally caved and created a discord account. I hope you're happy. So now what? I did connect it with my patreon but I have no idea what I am even supposed to do now. Can somebody explain discord to me please? I am to old for this shit...

 And that is it for now. I will see you all next Monday. Thank you for your support, men.




Awesome, good luck with discord, i not use it but seem popular, and yes i am also not amused by a giant genius space hamster that was a underworld gladiator champion. Wtf, keep it good


Is that a microphone that am i seeing? T So turns out april gonna back soon which is great


The Great Monday Bringer strikes again...on a Monday...TO HELL WITH THAT HAMSTER!!!! While im no discord genius, i am a user and excitedly await for when we can all join together in a live-ish setting. It will be great fun and most likely great chaos haha.


Most discord is about people speculation and posting things they think others might like. Some is used for NSFW. But a few good uses are in the controlled channels. Create channels that only a few people can bounce ideas of the game or other games off of each other. It is faster than having email and round robin of exchange of ideas. Also it is good for instant bug reports and suggestions for corrects or expansion of dialogue.


Чем тебе хомяк не угодил? xD А вообще, скорее всего девушек в качестве нового героя мы ещё долго не увидим. Скорее всего следующий гер окажется каким-нибудь котом или ещё кем. Увы и ах. Может фури-фанов задабривают, а может и вправду на детей ориентируются... Кто знает?


Discord is basically an IM forum.

Trevor Bond

I'm sure all this will make perfect sense in hindsight....


GEWD LAWD Aka has now a Discord :O I can't wait to join it (as well as join the Valhalla, sounds like a cool place with Valkyries and beer, aka my view of the Paradise. I just hope they have ice). I wish I had time to dawdle and explain you the Discord stuff, unfortunately, I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll make it quick (premature textaculation, it's a very rare disease I have, it's not contagious). Get better (if that's possible), good luck and godspeed for the rest of your writing. Until next monday -which are the ONLY reason I love mondays. \o


Dont worry Akabur!!! I dont get Discord at all either and Im in my 20's !!!...OTL


Oooh give me your discord so I can bring you into my server <3


I sent you a message here with some info about that. Glad you feel better!


Mhh Mirror Universe ?


I see a mic so April I guess ?


I love how Patreon has to make these people work.


And for this month, one 5000$ doodle.


Nice to hear that you are well ^^ So, got any plans for future girls in Star channel? (please say Mulan... She's way too underused in good smut)


Already got the major art assets completed? I know there's still much work to be done before release. But you've definitely been working hard! Thanks Man :D

Naughty James

LOL yea Akabur that makes 2 of us, I tell everyone that my first computer was a commodore and my first console was a Atari 2600 and yea to show how old I am , I miss the shark lagoon adult stuff, but yea either reach out to Purity Sin or me, and one of us will help you get it going, then you have to get Purity Sin to lola voice each time she get on your discord, lol


re: Discord-- its kind of like the old IRC stuff. You can make your own "server" (for free) and invite people to hang out in it. I have one server I made for one group of friends, and another server for a different group of friends. So as an artist/creator you could make one for all your fans to hang out together and interact with you, and make another private one for just your close friends.


Will the Akabur Discord server finally be reality? o.o


Aaw, I love all those texts in SC-34, I loved the humour, but if that means more art, I can't say no to that. :D


Looks like someone got off their leash earlier, assuming that's a collar lol


Glad you're good health dude. Keep the good art and the good work. At what mail can I join you, proffessionnaly ? Cheers


Воу! Даешь сервер рубаки!


Please tell me that cigarette.... reminds me memories from MS.... in the left side of the dungeon.... If I´´m correct you would make me so happy :D


That's what I thought. But it's good to have the conformation... Well, I just finished setting it up. I hope that's something you guys needed... -_-


Heh... Well, I did set it up, I think, but I don't see myself spending much time there, keeping up with these Monday takes all the time I can spare T_T


Got it. And it was super helpful to me when I was setting up the patreon bot yesterday. Thank you my friend.


Well, I did set it up, so I imagine you got the automatic invite by now.


I have a plan to add girl that won't necessarily play any major story role but will be just there to play around with and to pop up on scenes every now and then. Mulan fits that category for me. So my answer is a definite maybe :)


Making updates more frequent is one of my priorities. Let's hope I manage to figure out a way to do that. Episode 03 coming soon* Thank you for your support, man!


A friend of mine had some sort of Russian computer that used audio cassettes instead of game cartridges. You would need to boot it up and listen for the cassette player to make sounds for about an hour before you could play some 2-bit game. Now that were the times ^_^


I see... I am still trying to figure it out, but it's getting clearer :)


Don't worry, the text and the story is the meat of the game, so it's not going anywhere. It will be a bit less of text, but wonder if anybody even notice... Well, hopefully you will see for yourself soon* Also thank you for playing my games, man!


I'm not saying anything because this is a teaser. But that is a cigarette yes. ^^