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It's Monday, everyone! Again! We've been getting Mondays pretty much every week lately! What a truly blessed time to be alive! 

First things first. I think I should just admit that The Mating Season is officially on hold now. Yes, I know this sucks and I know how you must feel...

But I assure you, I stress out about this whole situation more then anyone. And it's been way too much talk about the game on my part already. Every Monday it's "Mating Season this" and "Mating Season that". I am getting sick of it and I'm sure you too. Also I think that all this talk builds up an unhealthy anticipation for such a small game. The anticipation that ultimately will probably only taint your experience from the thing... 

So, here is how we are going to resolve this: I will do my best to sort this out as soon as possible, and if things don't work out the way I wish they would - I will just make slight adjustments to the game and release it as is.  I tried, it didn't work out, time to move on. After all SC34 Episode 03 is coming soon* 

This past couple of weeks I've been mostly concentrating on the art assets so here is another little teaser for you.

And I think that's about it for now. Thank you for your patience, support and understanding. OTL...




"SC34 Episode 03 is coming soon*" DON'T EVEN TRY TO LIE TO ME ! :D To much pressure with this sentence :D


Thanks for your sincerity, we know you are doing your best, keep it goid

Nasi Bungkus

Wait for Episode 03


My dear Akabur: No worries :) We will wait :D And secondly.... I LOVE THIS TEASER! She is my favourite girl in the game so far, so... hmmm you made me suffer twice now, cause my expectations rose even higher for both games :P No worries thou, bet they will be as awesome as your ussual stuff :D Have a nice week mate :D


"*it will be finished when it is finished." That is what the asterisk means to me and i am more then happy to wait i have other games to satisfy me while i wait


Well, I'll be waiting for the next monday's update, then :D Keep it up (Ashelin <3 )


At least you are talking truth about what you are doing and what it is going on in your life and your games. Some creators aren't even talk about this topics that you mentioned. I'm glad that you are fine and going forward, looking forward what it is ahead of you. Keep up the good work Mr. Akabur.


I feel like my non-existent girlfriend just broke up with me..... whatever some real bullshit must've went down. whatever, At least ep 3 is gonna have a little more art than usual and will come out in a few months, still looking foward to that^^.. BUT I dont think you should make tweaks and put out a "bleh fuck Im outta time" version of MSTG... finish it how you intended and itll come out whenever. Keep your motivation up. Gambatte Akasan.

Trevor Bond

Better to have attempted and failed than never tried at all, right? I'm sure if there's a solution you'll manage it!


Dude, never give a fuck about what we think alright. Do the shits, the way you want to do. I know for fact that I love the game when you love it. Dude, just because you have a big fanbase now doesn't mean you have to DO shit. Don't turn back to look at the followers,just move further with whatever you like. We will keep supporting in the back.


One thing I don't understand. In previous posts you've mentioned that you finished your part, and send the game to Dahr to make the title, if I remember corectly: ,,At this point the game is only missing a title screen. Dahr volunteered to provide one for me, so currently I am waiting on him. Usually he works really fast, so assume this delay is caused by some bullshit going on in his real life''. So something is up with Dahr or other of your colaborators. I'm not beeing mean, and I dont critisize your decisions, just wanted to know the reason of the game beeing delayed. Best of luck !


Feels good to see ashelin again


I really don't even care about mating season, as long as you're busy working away on Princess Trainer 2 I'm happy...


Woooo monday!


Well, that's a lot of warm and fuzzies from loyalists and, if I'm honest, I'm not yanking my support anytime soon, but... ...you do kind of have a responsibility as a dev that, if you're going to charge everyone, you should produce something in a reasonable matter. Sure, you've got local issues as well as, what appear to be, creative ones, but, at some point, there might be a time where you would consider a "pause month" in pledges. Again, I'm a minimum contributor, so I don't get hit hard. And, obviously, people on Patreon are very devoted to you, so there's no real uproar. I'm simply talking as a business person in relation to his customers. Okay, back to fawning loyalty. And, despite the "tough love", I am enthusiastic about all your work.


Hey Bro, you are PTL?




Woo monday! I love monday! It means a post from Akabur. Don't get stressed out about the game. I dont know what did go wrong, but if it have to be serious when it annoys you so much. I just wanted to say, that you dont have to haste and just do what you can do to make it as good as possible. We all want a happy and motivated Akabur and not a grumpy pants game designer. ^^


OTL: Korean emoticon expressing desperation /disappointment, that you feel like getting on your hands on the floor and knees down to start crying. O for the head, T for arms to the ground and L for kneel down


Wow man, I think you will do the best thing, if you try, it's ok, at least is my point of view. Also, I miss so much that streams you did. Just take care and cheerup man.


Its because I trust you that i know you are working harder than any of us realize. So take the time you need to release the product you believe in. You are not EA... You shouldnt be forcing yourself. :-)


Hey man, i would have a delayed but polished game, over a rushed and incomplete game any day of the week. do what you gotta do.


I'm not worried about Mating Season, I'm just looking forward to SC34 Episode 3.

percy Jackson

*falls to knees* WHY AKABUR WHY?!? its cool though you are compared to most have both good story telling and very good visuals. I think that is why most people stick it out for you the most. And for us guys who have been here the longest have come to expect surprise releases that take around a month to officially come out after said "coming soon*". so dont worry about us and if the thing that you want in there is going to be good that its too much to live without, then take more time. you've got all that you need.


I prefer to wait for SC34, the Mating Season is short for my liking


any news about princess trainer 2?


Your games are worth waiting for :D


Akabur, do not worry about our patience, your games are worth it, they are complete and we do not have to wait for "version 2. I do not know what" except gold version right? xD HAHA, you are the best and we will wait, do not let that consume you, as I said, your games are worth the wait. Whatever comes from you, thank you in advance! Thanks for the explanations and the great work!


You should make it the way you want instead of cutting things out. There is no hurry.


hey akabur is it just me or does that skin for fortnite look like lola's outfit a bit?


Yeah. And it feels good to be back to adding new content with her :)


Urm... Sure... I am totally working on Princess Trainer 2. Approximate release date is May 2077. Please send me more money. Thank you.


Yeah, you should release it the moment you and only you think it is ready for it. You work on these very hard and we appreciate that, at least everybody should. Thumbs up!


Thanks, man. I promise you to take into consideration everything you said. There is one thing that's been bothering me for a while though. I often see this weird hidden resentment in your posts. I appreciate you making an effort to hide it, but it's still there, dude. And I honestly don't understand why you choose to punish yourself like this 0_0 You are obviously frustrated with something about me personally or my work, but you keep supporting me. It's like some kind of weird masochistic thing or something. You know that you can cancel your pledge and will literally lose nothing, right? All my posts are public, all my games are free. I urge you to consider canceling your pledge and stop punishing both yourself and me.


"You are not EA"... At first I was like: "Oh, that's so nice of him to say...". But then I realized how low the bar has been set by EA, and basically you need to try really hard to be worse then EA. Heh... :) Well in any case, thank you for your words. I really appreciate your vote of confidence. And on my part I promise you to work my freaking ass off as always!


Hey mate, don't stress yourself out too much. Give yourself a break if you need to


Can't wait for episode 03 ! You're doing an amazing work !


<a href="https://www.askideas.com/media/49/Whatever-Didnt-Want-To-Play-Anyway-Funny-Bored-Meme-Picture.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.askideas.com/media/49/Whatever-Didnt-Want-To-Play-Anyway-Funny-Bored-Meme-Picture.jpg</a> XDXDXD....

percy Jackson

3 days without a response, is this normal? The last couple of times he responded within a day. Help me out chat.


When I play SC34 on my 4k TV, the mouse gets super tiny, pretty much invisible. In the next version, could you please fix the scaling or just put an option to make the mouse cursor 10x bigger ingame? Thank you!


Thanks, man. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart. Knowing that I have cool guys like you supporting my work is the only motivation I need really. I won't let you down.


Thanks. And don't worry, nothing is getting cut. One final idea will probably be represented in a bit simpler way, that's all. ^^


Yeah, I think which one your are referring too. Yes, it does a bit look like her outfit :)


Thanks man, I need to hear stuff like that every now and again. ^^


Heh... *Sigh* Taking a break, huh? OK, I promise you think about it. But only after I release SC34 Episode 03. :)


I make a post every week and reply to every single comment! What else do you want from me, you monster? OTL....


That's strange. The mouse curse the game uses should be the same your laptop is using...


Yeah... That's the problem with the teasers... I can't reveal to much because that would be a spoiler, but revealing too little and making it a teaser leaves to much room for imagination... I should probably just shut up and let the game speak for itself when it's released. (Ashelin will be getting a lot of screen time in Ep.03 though...)


I'm glad you think so. I promise to keep on share whatever info I can... Even if it's just super tiny teasers or Monday posts with little to now content in them^^


It's not THAT bad, James. But I appreciate your support. ^_^


Stop exaggerating things, guys. One small part of "Mating Season" will probably be made in a slightly simple way then it could have been if Dahr wasn't that busy, that's all. ^_^


Did I confess my love to you yet, Harsha Yer? Well, I do now. Thank you for your words of support, man. And you are right of course...


Yes. I secretly created PT2 and shared it exclusively with your mom in exchange for sexual favors. ^^


Considering how hard you're working simultaneously on two games, I think I can easily let this slide. Keep it up~!


The problem is actually some conflict between Windows scaling and the way you make fullscreen work in your games. Windows scales everything by 300% to work on my TV, when I try to play SC34 in fullscreen, it's like the game goes 300% the size of my screen, I can only see the center of the game covering my whole screen and it's unplayable. The only way I found to play fullscreen is to reduce the scaling to 100% and put the game on fullscreen, everything works fine, except that the mouse is really hard to see (because at 100% scaling it's very small and the ingame mouse does seem to be even smaller). So, unless you think this would be easy to fix (so i could go fullscreen with any scaling), an option to make the cursor bigger would be just fine!


I see... I had a somewhat similar problem with one of the old school Japanese Visual Novel games. It wouldn't go fullscreen. I mean it would, but it would still be the same size, in the middle of the screen with the rest of the screen just being black. The problem was in my video card settings. I had to uncheck some box and it fixed everything. I think it's a common problem. Try googling for it. I can't do anything on my part though since I don't know much about programming, I am just using the Ren'Py engine.