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To hell with Hi-Rez! No, seriously.

Few days ago I finally deleted both Paladins and Smite from my PS4. 

And I got to say, I feel so much better now ^_^ And best of all, now I have more time to play Overwatch. So it's a win-win for everyone!

Unfortunately for me though living in Russia these days means you can't play Overwatch without resorting to black magic. 

Ah... Things used to be so easy back in the day (last week). But these days, in order to successfully login to any online game on my PS4 I need to boot up my PC first and then make sure that both NordVPN and Connectify are running. 

Both of those programs cost money by the way. And Overwatch costs money too. And PS+ subscription costs money. But thankfully I have you guys so I can afford such luxuries.

In case you have no clue what am I blathering about, Russian government had been blocking entire chunks of the internet here to prevent people from accessing the Telegram app. It's a huge fucking mess right now. A lot of online services are down. But the best part is, the Telegram app wasn't affected by this in a slightest. So this been going on for about a week now and nobody really knows when (if ever) things will be getting back to normal. 

But what a time to be alive though! So much excitement! And to think that I almost left Russia couple years ago. Really dodged a bullet there! So glad I am still here! What will they think of next I wonder? Cutting the electricity for the entire nation maybe? Can't wait!

Speaking of which, the building Smersh is renting an apartment at been without electricity for 2 days now... He came by several times to charge his phone and laptop. So honestly, I shouldn't complain about my INTERNET connection problems! Shame on me! At least my building has electricity! And water! Oh, the luxuries of the rich men.

OK, enough with the depressing shit, let's discuss something way more interesting: upcoming release The Mating Season. I have big news for you, guys! Are you ready for it?! OK! Here it goes: the game is coming soon*!!!

Didn't expect this, did you? :)

On a serious note, this week was actually super productive for me, a lot of things came together just right (well apart form my INTERNET connection of course) and as a result I made a lot of progress with getting the game ready for the release. Even commissioned the game logo from Cynicle Pickle. Normally I would work on it myself, but commissioning it will help me cut the development time (slightly).

I also sent the first fully playable build to DAHR. He will be working on the menus and the title screen art so I sent him the game for inspiration and reference. 

Currently I am working on the music (not composing it myself, obviously), and doing some minor dialog fixes. As soon as that is out of the way I will start sending the texts to Lyk for proofreading and editing. Sending the texts to Lyk is always one of the final stages of development for me so I am really looking forward to that.

All and all, really looking forward to the next Monday post since it will get us all even closer to the release of The Mating Season! Yay!

Thank you for your support, guys. Honestly, I don't even want to imagine my life without you in it. Thank you for your patronage. And now if you excuse I will go and switch the lights in my room on and off several times. Simply because I can. We need to learn to appreciate the little things guys.

P.S. I googled for "my location". Says The White House. Seems legit.




Thanks, it really sucks having your access restricted, and would be interesting hearing more about your adventures, the games news are awesome and I am.curious about your thoughts on the retribution event ^^


It must be hard to live in Kore... I mean Russia ^^ Everyday, we get closer to the release, I'm so looking forward to play it, like everyone of your games :)


So i just found this: <a href="http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/RUBAKA/208770/Happy-Birthday-Guys-Sketch." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/RUBAKA/208770/Happy-Birthday-Guys-Sketch.</a> Is that one of your sketches in the game? Or is it just one of old sketch? Looks good tho

Bear Grilz

So smersh has been borrowing power from the white house? President Akabur is such a kind leader of the Free world!


This is an old sketch, but I actually finished that picture. Just google for it, you should be able to find it in full color :)


Oh sweet! So princess trainer 2 will be out soon you say??


I solemnly swear to take you all into an era of peace and free sex for everyone.


That joke makes me both made me sad a little and made me laugh. But as long as release is happening don't worry much about anything. Release is the only thing that matters :)


Thanks you Ace. I hope you doing well too. And sorry for not replying to your letter still. I will eventually I promise, so damn busy lately.


What's wrong with paladins on ps4? I don't really know, I only play paladins on pc


Hmm, if I had to have a Russian in the White house, I think you would be my first and only choice. Especially considering it present resident.


I know getting to Van Arts was your dream, but there are other Art Schools. Surely you can leave Russia through them, then transfer to Van Arts later?


Honestly you being Donald Trump would make a lot of sense. Especially considering how much Lola looks like Ivanka...


Since they fired Thomas Holt and that bold dude took over it was one disappointment after another for me. For the past several weeks they took out a lot of features that were in the game since the beginning, including skins, voice packs and now spray customizations.


My favorite post by far WELCOME TO THE OVERWATCH DARKSIDE.. widmakers and tracers ass Mercys beautiful aura and Winstins monkey dick.... Amazing combo.. also good luck to Russia on the internet thing but hey at least you got work done out of it!... you shouldve gotten overwatch on PC... one time buy and no subscription needed. oh well at least you get overwatch booty regardless.


also cant you just go back to japan or something?... Anyway.... at least you have black magic and electricity still on your side!


I'm wondering what changed Vlad's mind.....(⊙.☉)7 <a href="https://img01.lachschon.de/images/66291_putin_und_armeenerd.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://img01.lachschon.de/images/66291_putin_und_armeenerd.jpg</a> also wondering where could be the problem into smersh's building.... ʅฺ(・ω・。)ʃฺ?? <a href="http://www.humoar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/plumber-or-electrician.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.humoar.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/plumber-or-electrician.jpg</a>


The Iron Curtain is coming, yay! Jokes aside good luck with finishing and polishing of the game ;)


Oh man electricity problems one end and internet problems at another. These are dark (heh) days for our beloved president Akabur. But stand strong for the ladies of babewatch stand with him. (Honestly overwatch ladies make me actually shiver in excitement. So hot, much drool.) Long live the Emperor....er Presidente Akabur


star channel 34 news?


Seems good Mr President


It's actually fascinating the connections that are made from something as out-of-the-box like adult gaming. The picture you paint of what it's like in Russia is clearly not something most Americans are aware of. There's just this general monolithic concept of evil Russian interference around the world. So, it seems like fapping is really the universal source for peaceful relations. Perhaps you will yet win your Nobel Prize, Akabur!


It must be difficult to live in Russia, very cold :p


DAR Constitution Hall, did I read that right? LOL seems legit


I dunno how I survive this week, but new gow save me from butthurt while I trying to do ANYTHIG on my laptop

Phil Mjölnir

Name of the girl? :&gt;

Young & Naughty

Omg, what the hell happening with RU internet this days. It's so stupid, that you can't play OW just because your goverment can't stand Telegram and don't know how to block it without hurting other other sites/games/etc :\


That's the reverse of what I think of people who live in Brazil and other warm places: it must be tough to live there, so hot. ^^


It always pains me to read these kind of posts. I know I should consider myself lucky because I live in a 'free' country, where we eat smelly cheeses and awful things like blood sausages and other unspeakable foods you people would consider heresy -but they're good, trust me ! Still, I don't think I'm THAT free, because of lots of reasons I won't disclose here because that's not the point. And then, I read your message. And everytime, I feel awfully bad for you (russians in general). I mean, this is utter bullshit, how can't you live decently in what is called an 'advanced' country ? You pay bills, you pay your taxes, you do whatever your government asks you, still, you get shit in return. I don't get it. Really, and it pisses me off very bad. I don't even know if you can do something about it -I wish you can- because censorship like this and not being able to live decently is infuriating. I wish you (all of you) the best, I wish you'll (all) eventually live a decent life, without having to worry about vital things such as electricity, water, heat and food. I hate this world, I hope we could someday all leave in peace T.T Sorry for the rant, sorry for the bad mood. I wish you the breast, may it come quick :3 Take care, BroWaifu \o/

Trevor Bond

I live in semi-rural Canada and the weather can knock out our power or just the internet and phones for several days at a time sometimes, so I know the frustration. Still having your government do that must be infuriating! Especially when they didn't even manage what they were trying to do in the first place! Still, apparently you got a heck of a promotion, Mr. President! lol


Damn shame, man. Sucks you have to do so much to play a damn game. Still, glad you're still working hard!


Ah, Mr. President Akabur. A pleasure to hear from you sir. I too use Nord, it’s awesome. I use Ivacy for PS though, a bit more user friendly. And the fact that I have a lifetime subscription on it helps, since that was cheap at the time.


So... Akabur for president ended up being a real thing 😂


I don't think you've said this yet Akabur, but who's your favorite OW girl so far? Inquiring minds want to know ;).


Хмм, VPN.. за тобой уже выехали.. =Р


I'll be sure to bail you out of Russia when I when the lottery, you can move to Texas where the internet flows like diet cola on a hot summer's day.


Man, I love these updates


That's the thing with posts like this. I hate to come off like I am whining, but at the same time shitty events like this greatly affect my life and my work and I feel like I owe you guys as my patrons to share info like that since it could have all kinds of effects on my work. This sucks mostly because all I want is to be left alone and just work in peace without have to worry about stuff. And thanks to Patreon and you guys I was able to do it for a while... But recently it just steadily getting worse and worse... It seems like reality just won't leave me be until I finally take decisive action like going abroad again or something... I am considering a ton of things at the moment, (while continuing to work of course). Anyway, thank you for words of support, Red. I appreciate more then you know. And I do realize that all of us have our own cross to bear. Whatever kind of crap you have to deal with in your own life, I wish you best of luck as well.


Yeah. When power or INTERNET goes down and I call the company and they say: "we are aware of the problem and working on resolving it", it doesn't feel that bad. But when I know that it's and intentional bullshit on a national scale... I don't know... It's feels weird... It's been more then a week and PSN is still down. As far as I know Twitch is also not working properly. And Yesterday they said that Google refused to cooperate in taking down VPN apps from the gooogle store (or something) so they will be blocking off some of the Google IP adresses as well... Anyway all this is way too insane to last. I can't imagine PSN being down for good in russia. But if that is the case... Man... I don't know... It's gonna change some things for me... But at this point it's kind of pointless to make assumptions. We'll see how it goes... Anyway, thank you for your support man. Mating Season is coming soon no matter what!


Thanks. And at least there is still a way to play the damn games, so that's a good thing. And I still think that all this is temporary thing. Sony is yet to react But I'm sure they will...


For reals? Can I ask why do you have a need for that? Before this crap started I really had no need for VPN. Also do you use it on you PS4 too? Or are you talking about your PC?


That would be Widownaker. Also Mercy. And I used to hate how Moira looks but her retribution skin fixed that (even though I don't own it still). The sad part is that I am still learning the ropes in OW, that means unless I want to let my team down big time I must resort to playing as Lucio or Torbyorn or Rainheart. Also D.VA is great of course, but I feel like everyone is in love with her and it makes it a bit harder to be in love with her as well for some reason. ^^


Imagine a scenario like that actually coming to a fruition. Me urgently leaving the country in a boat or something. (I have good imagination). And don't worry about winning the lottery. Me coming to visit you will feel like winning a lottery, right? Right? -_-


pretty sure that is just where it's new location is going 2 be


у меня вообще гугл сломался :(


Who's that lady in the picture? For fapping purposes.


Search Ahegao Mercy irl you would find her in two minutes :) Ps: Nebulaneko :p


Something tells me this isn't legit...


Hello, akabur, by the way, speaking of Russia, heard the voice of Aladdin from the Russian department of Disney? If so, how about you?

percy Jackson

In all honesty, would you consider making an overwatch porn game since your playing so much of it and considering there is a lot, and I mean a lot of fan created imagery. I know that SC 34 is still under development and it will be like that do me a while but I just want led to here your thoughts.


In this way SC34 will never been finished. Honestly I think it happen in any case but atlast chapter 3 should been finished.


Lol, blocking telegram is not possible.


The white house x] Cheer up, will you do "play of the patreon" we'll support you ! ♪


I am too sober to understand what are you trying to say here, comrade.

Jinxed Joker

overwatch skins for SC34 ! oh and dont forget to put in a cleric waifu from Elex (even though i think you are more of a Outlaw waifu fan but eh. also i am kidding, keep up the good work :) )


"Mr president we found the punk uploading all the tagged games. Unfortunately we believe said person is hiding in this very building" Seems legit.