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Hi, guys. 

In today's post I want to discuss two topics. Let's start with the first one: the game called "Orange Trainer".

It's been brought to my attention by "Tuki". His exact words were:

"I think maybe you dont like to promote other Games/Devlops on Patreon...

But damed, take a look at this Star Wars Trainer from "Exiscoming"."

Usually I am very hesitant about trying "new cool adult games" people recommend me from time to time. And there is a reason for that: most of the time the games are crap or just not my cap of tea. But I try to keep an open mind and still try to check out every game that gets sent to me.

So I tried "Orange Trainer", played for about 2 hours and can honestly say that I actually enjoyed it. I can hardly call myself a "Star Wars" fan, but I enjoyed the game nonetheless. I understand that it is still on early stages of development, and it could turn to shit with time, but as of right now, I think "Exiscoming" going in a very promising direction with this one. 

But don't take my word on it. Go to the guy's patreon page and try the game for yourself. From what I understand his games are free so you don't need to pledge to get the link. Oh, and after tell me what YOU thought of the game, I'm curious.

THE PAGE: https://www.patreon.com/exiscoming

Well, with that out of the way, let us move on to the second topic of today's discussion:  "Star Channel 34" development and nest update's release date.

In case you are wondering, yes I am aware that it's been more then half a year since the previous update. And let me assure you that the current long development circle bothering me more then it (probably) bothering you. OTL...

On the bright side of the things: the longer it takes me to finish the update the more content it will ultimately have. I did not take any vacations or anything. Was working non-stop barely thinking about anything else but my work, as usual, so it's all good. 

What bothers me is that my original idea was to make frequent updates for this game. I even tried to design the gameplay in such a way so that I could update the game regularly without making you re-play it from the beginning every time. And yet, somehow I managed to land myself into the same situation when I try to think small but and up with another mammoth of a game...

Here is the thing. They way I am most comfortable of working with is when I spend months on developing the project and after it is ready release it all at once. You can say that up until this moment my projects always were like a big screen movies, but with "SC34" I am aiming for more of a tv-show format approach. (I hope what I am trying to say here makes sense OTL...)

To sum things up. This update taking a long time and I am aware of it. But you should know that I have no intention of giving up on my original idea of more frequent releases. But for now it is what it is, I am still working on the second update and it is not ready for the release yet. I am not trying to apologize or anything, I know you guys are cool. I just want you to know that I really AM aiming for more frequent and small releases in the future... Not with this one though... (Yeah, that ship has sailed).

Anyway, thank you for all the support. No go check out that "Orange Trainer" game.




I really enjoy this game but i am kinda stuck on "the menacing phantom" stage 1 mission any tips on how to finish it?


Taking longer to update just means we will get more in the game. Why not do the updates like episodes? Like how telltale does their stuff? Give each update an episode name since you mentioned it being like a t-show and leave each one on a cliffhanger? Im sure that won't annoy people. :p


Well, something to try is always good, so let check it out. Take the time you need, as you say the longer it takes the better it will be, looking forward it, but no worry a lot about it


Take your time and we will wait :)


I actually played orange trainer maybe a month or so ago. I mostly agree with your take on the game; great idea, good quality, lots of potential, yet not without its bugs and far from complete. Definitely worth playing though. No worries about the sc34 update. I think most of your fans appreciate the fact that you'd rather take time to release a quality product rather than push out a buggy, low quality game. Keep up the good work buddy! Also akabur, I know it can be a touchy subject, but just curious, have you seen the witch trainer silver mod? It actually looks pretty decent compared to some of the other junk mods I've seen. I'm not even sure who did it though. Just curious of your opinion. Salute!


Heh... Actually that is exactly what I want to do. The things just got a bit out of hand with this one.


Yeah, that's exactly how I felt about "Orange Trainer". As for the "witch tariner " mods, it is only touchy subject because most of the mods are very poorly done and I feel like they drag my work through the mud. But this is the first time I hear about that "Silver Mod". I probably should look into it...


Damn, another game to try, I'm actualy in a crusade to try many games from many patreon people, and I might end to support them or not, well that's just another one on the list, thanks for that ^^ Well, I think you need to put a proper base on SC34 before being able to do quick more frequant update, and that take time, so don't worry, take your time to make this good and later you will be able to catch up with your original idea, I'm sure of it, in any case, you will allways have my support :)


That exiscoming page does a terrible job of "selling" the game. There's no details at all in the overview, doesn't even say what kind of game it is. There's no art to look at either. No links to anything. It's a very easy page to check out for a minute then move on to something else.


I know. And I wasn't even able to find the download link, (ended up asking Tuki to send me one) even though this game is free... But, like I said the game has promise and that's what matter I think.


Thank you, Dorago. You, with your support levels are a hero among us.


Recently I cleaned my disc of junk that I downloaded on it for half a year, and came across this game. I had a prejudiced attitude, because I do not know much English, and the art seemed to me at first glance not very good, but the game almost immediately could strongly entice me, and I played until the evening. The next day I was able to find a later version, and I was already playing it. It was necessary to pass already familiar part, but it did not give me boredom. The gameplay, which, by the way, seemed to me very similar to the one that was in your games, so tightened me that I played again until the evening. Despite my first attitude towards art, in the future I really liked it, and the music was simply fascinating. Even after passing to the very end of the current version, I could not stop and opened the archive of the game to check whether I really went through. To my surprise, I found a lot of unused art and non-working quests. In general, I really liked the game, I plan to support the developer and wait for the next version.


Could someone post a link to the game ? I can't seem to find it, it's a bit strange that it's not on the front overview of the patreon.


Old version <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-alpha-7904035">https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-alpha-7904035</a>


Thanks Akabur and i hope you had a little good time take a look at it. Its an early Version.... but damed i love StarWars


Hey Akabur, thanks for the shout out =)


Maybe it's because I mostly avoid the games with crappy 3D models or obviously stolen art, but I've liked a lot of the games I've tried on Patreon. Obviously that includes your games, plus allied stuff like BHB, Iris Quest, and Library Story. I also found "Orange Trainer" recently and played through quite a bit. I was prepared for it to be another badly-written knockoff of PT/WT with Star Wars stuff. But the writing/creative is pretty good, and it's... okay, it actually is a (currently unfinished) PT with Star Wars stuff, but that's not such a bad thing. And it seems weird to recommend games/pages that are making more money than you, but I also have really enjoyed "Four Elements Trainer" (MITY): yes, 'just' a PT style game with "Avatar: The Last Airbender" stuff, but good art and writing still makes it work "Summertime Saga" (DarkCookie): it feels a little like PT with events, quests, stats, etc; but the art style and minigames give it a really different slice-of-life/adventure feeling [warning: some incest in game, but at least check out the art!]


Akabur, take your time. Fans of your games know it takes time, and are willing to wait for the finished result - and we expect a good result, not a quick game. If we want a quick game, there are alternatives, but we are willing to wait for a good game from you.


Orange Trainer open DEMO V0.2 <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!YklWyZ7L!YuO7fvpDbdywpEWUkEKlrlluW_kI96lfhhBS4YFKnAM


Your games and art are always amazing so I do not mind waiting a bit longer for a well polished game. Keep up the good work.


What else can I add that hasn't already been said before ? Nothing I guess, hence, I'm gonna post anyway. I'm glad to read such a long post, I'm glad to see you're still working on the game (not that I suspected you dropped it off !) and I'm also glad to read such great news. Though I'm not very happy about the rest. You know how much I love and respect either your work and yourself, I'm pretty concerned about the "I didn't take any vacation" part. I know how vicious this circle can become. I know you won't listen to reason -and not even me either- but, take some time for yourself. Don't get into a burnout because you 'need to finish that update rite nao'. Take your time, I know you want to do the best update possible, but a little time for yourself could do you much more good that you think. Anyway, I'm checking that game out as I write this, thanks for the look :) As usual, take care of yourself, we believe in you, BorWaifu o/


Man these Trainer Games are spreading like wildfire. This is kind of fun for the little it has, and Ashoka is a total hottie.


Thank you for the tip about these other games, miraika. Now I'll have something to play till the next update of SC34. :p


Liked the game, some minor bugs but that can be fixed. Not a big fan of the art and some work can be done in the characters expresion and dialog, but suming things up, its a good game going in the right direction.

DJ Quinn

If you're at all familiar with Avatar the Last Airbender, you should give Four Elements Trainer by MITY a try. It's really good, particularly the Fire Nation section (the second of four planned "Books" and the one they're currently working on; given their progress, they'll probably be done with that section and move onto the Earth Kingdom section in a month or two). It's also got some good humor that has had me literally laugh out loud quite a few times.

percy Jackson

The way I see it, it may take longer and longer as time goes by so that each character has a chance to talk to one another and the spider web of dialogue will only continue to grow. Don't worry yourself over this fact because we all know that once you click realease it will be a great game.

percy Jackson

I think that game is good but only to the point of the dialouge. It just repeats actions and dialouge with a few new ones when the girl turns to sex crave. And the reason for keeping them under control is always go out and fight for my. Na


Thank you. And like I said, I know that you guys are cool. But I still wish to make more frequent updates in the future. And I say this to be more accountable :)


Yeah, I agree. But I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.


Yeah... that is exactly what is happening. But hope to figure out a way to keep this under control. I think I can do it. Well, we will see how long will the update #3 take me.


Don't stress about it man. A lot of games with regular updates put out so little content in each update, and often require you to start a new game since some of the new content won't be at the end of the previous build. It ends up not being worth it. Better to have slower releases with more content.


My thoughts on the Orange Trainer; Best Star Wars adult game I've ever played. I hope it can become as good as your games! So, got a question, "On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your enjoyment/fun of Orange Trainer?" Did you like the game?


Yeah Ive heard about OT a long time ago, finally tried it like last week or so.. haven't gotten to the hentai scenes yet but like you said It's very promising. I have a few porn games on deck for me to play and keep me preoccupied (none of them are as good as your games sadly) but it gets the job done... Anyway take your time. because whatever you cook up in you akabur lab will always be worth it. not to mention !Q is coming soon. so yeah... cant wait for the game and dont forget to rest ^^


Thanks for the reference. The game looks good as a developing beta. Play is similar to your SC34 game.


It's very obviously a Princess Trainer knockoff, from the little features to the gameplay to the overarching thematic structure. That said, it's very well made. It's not nearly as polished as your games, but considering it's alpha, this is understandable. I have my doubts about it ever becoming as good as PT, but still, the story keeps you interested and the character development is excellent.


I am getting tired of all you "Adult Game Develper" guys bothering me with "Cool", "Great" and "Awesome" comments. We all know why you are doing this, and I think you should spend more time working on your game and less time on spamming your one-word comments allover patreon. I just blocked you, I hope you don't mind.

Young & Naughty

Хотел уточнить, над SC34 ты работаешь один, или, как и над Witch Trainer, с небольшой командой? о:


I know. And I am trying to find a middle ground here. I certainly don't want to spam you guys with meaningless updates but at the same time I don't like when it takes me 6+ month to release another piece of content (even if it is a sizable piece). Anyway, thank you for your support and for not rushing me. I appreciate it :)


Hm... 6 maybe? But I usually am very critical of games, so 6 is a good number for me.


Heh, thanks, James. And I'm glad you share my opinion on "OT".


No problem. I'm glad you liked it. And yes, it definitely shares a lot of similarities with my work, but that is what I liked about it the most actually :)


I don't know if I would use a word "knockoff", but IT IS heavily influenced by my work, obviously. I don't think it's a bad thing though, because it still manages to retain it's own identity. Bottom line, I like it so far, but it will keep evolving I am sure, so we will see how I feel about it after few more updates :)


TBA - To Be Advised в следующий раз используй и успехов!!флеш-игры будут еще??спс


Think the way you damn well please, thanks for the update of SC34, I think its better to have the mammoth game. Also your recommendations have been solid, so thanks for that as well. Keep up the good work man!


Well i support your journey as usual. I think also that its hard to break out of the habit of working a long time on something then poof loads of content. Its gonna take some mental retraining to go "Ok heres this smaller chunk i want to work on and pump out" either way Im grateful. Cant wait til next release!!


Honestly, I'm kinda oddly satisfied that you are concious that it's half a year, but also honestly I Never want you to give small updates. For small updates you have to map out the entire stretch of the game, you have to give out little spoilers and sometimes it ruins the entire game (I felt that little with Crab witch trainer). One of the reasons why you still a better game developer is because whatever you given is grand And worthwhile,I would love if you do that in the work schedule as well ..................... Let's settle this in a Poll shall we?

Maik Decker

As I see it, not many of Your patreons seem to be bothered by release dates. Else the money You get would go down. ;) So as long as there's a steady income, You surely are doing it right. And everybody knows that the wait is worth it. It may take time, but when You deliver, the result is usually way better than expected.


Thanks for the update and recommendation! I tend to think your fanbase is unique because we already expect that you're going to put quality ahead of quantity, so waiting a good while between updates isn't as big an issue as it might be with other developers. It's all good, man. 6+ months is a bit of a while, but like you said, you're working on finding the middle ground and as a coder myself I totally understand how things can escalate past your initial scope. Good luck to you! Can't wait to see what you put out!


i think you're doing a great job


Cannot hardly wait for Star Channels update. I would also like to say what a HUGE fan I am of all of your games. I just wish more creators would port their games to ANDROID like you do, after all its a huge market and simply doesn't make any sense not to.


Agreed. And I think my mental training is almost complete XD. Thank you for your support, man.


Heh, just for the record, I am always freaking out about the release dates. And I think I am freaking out more then the most impatient of my fans.^_^ Thank you for your words. And I have no plans to bother you with constant meaningless updates. But I think I can find a balance between taking half a year to develop an update and updating every time I add two lines of dialog. Well, we will see how long episode 03 will take me. Also no polls. What do you think this is? A democracy? ^_^


Yeah. Like I said, most of you guys are very cool. But this is something I myself want to do, and I think it will be beneficial for everyone. ^_^


Oh, so you play my games on android. Cool. I was trying to design "Star Channel" with android in mind: big buttons, big text. Unfortunately I am not a very good programmer (not a programmer at all actually). I hope you will be able to use your save file from Episode 01 in Episode 02, without having to play from the beginning. Well, we will cross that bridge when we get there. First I need to release the update. Thank you for your support, man.


Great work so far! I have playing your games. Ihave a question about Star channel: Will we be seeing Iris from princess trainer or no, becauuse i loved her. Just curious. Anyway, keep up the good work.


Thank you for your kind words, my friend. As for your question, I tried to design the game in such a way so that I could add virtually ANY character, so Iris is a possibility of course.


Princess trainer was the first trainer type game I ever discovered and I been kinda hooked to them since. I tried all the Akabur ones obviously and lately I been finding a lot of other good ones. I saw a few new ones in these comments I will be trying (orange trainer and four elements trainer) and I want to mention Something Unlimited a Sunsetriders7 XXX Superhero Parody and Oni's Rogue-Like. I'd also welcome recommendation to any other good ones to pass the time while I wait for updates.

James M Heinonen

so since we are on the topic of other potentialy good games in the trainer style that i hope live up to be close to as good as AKABUR's 3 came to mind. obviously Orange Trainer but also, Four Element Trainer by MITY and Witch Hunter Trainer By Team Borsch. also AKABUR love your work vary polished or at least i have yet to find something to complain about lol. played all of them and was wondering Ive seen a game Momcest trainer was that one of your older games haven't seen much about it